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Version 1, Rev: 0
Harbour Lake Baptist Church
“52 Vital Doctrines of The Bible”
Doctrine # 28 - “Salvation From the Penalty of Sin”
1. Read Pages 1-11 from the Doctrine#28 Study Guide by next Wednesday.
2. Answer the following Questions about “Salvation” as you read:
a. The Meaning of Salvation
1) What are “3” good reasons that every child of God should “master” the divine revelation concerning
“salvation” that is revealed in the Scriptures? (page 1, top)
2) According to the largest meaning as used in Scripture, what does the word “salvation” represent?
(page 1, top)
3) According to Jonah 2:9, “salvation” is from “whom”?
b. Salvation as God’s Remedy for Sin
1) What are two “universal facts” about the biblical doctrine of sin that should be the “first” to be noticed?
(page 2, top-middle; Ephesians 1:7)
2) True or False.
Before Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for sin, the “saints” of the Old
Testament escaped punishment for their sins because of the mere act of leniency by God.
(page 2, middle-bottom; see also Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31, 35)
Version 1, Rev: 0
3) Because of the “sufficiency” of the substitutionary and perfect work of Christ upon the cross, the sinner
who trusts in Christ is not only “forgiven”, but he is even “what”? (page 3, bottom; Romans 3:24)
4) A sinner is “forgiven” and “justified” by God ONLY because of “what”? (page 4, top; 1Peter 2:24, 3:18)
c. Salvation Before and After the Cross
1) The divine method of dealing with sin “before” the cross is said to have been by “atonement”. What
does this word mean in its “biblical use”? (page 4, top-middle)
2) True or False. Before Christ died on the cross, it was the “blood” of goats and bulls that allowed God to
“take away” sins. (page 4, middle; see Hebrews 10:4)
3) In Romans 3:25, the word “remission” has the meaning of “passing over”. How is this related to the
“righteousness” of God and His method of “atonement” for sins through the death of Christ?
(page 4, middle)
4) In Acts 17:30, it is stated that, before the cross, God “winked at” sin. What does this mean?
(page 4, bottom)
5) After the blood of Christ was “shed” on the cross to atone for the sins of all mankind, what is all that is
asked of any person (regardless of his degree of guilt)? (page 5, top)
Version 1, Rev: 0
6) True or False. Because Christ upon the cross “SO” answered the divine judgment against every sinner
that God can remain “just” when at the same time (and apart from all penalties), He
justifies the sinner who does NO MORE THAN “believe” in Jesus.
(page 5, top; see also John 3:16-18)
7) What does it mean to “accept the work of Christ”? (page 5, middle)
d. The Three Tenses of Salvation
1) Why is the “past tense” of salvation used in passages of Scripture such as Luke 7:50, 1Corinthians 1:18,
2Corinthians 2:15, Ephesians 2:5, and Ephesians 2:8? (page 5, middle-bottom)
2) True or False. So “perfect” is the divine work of Christ on the cross that the one who truly “believes” in
Him is saved “forever”. (page 5, bottom; John 5:24; John 10:28-29; Romans 8:1)
3) When you see the “present tense” of salvation used in such verses as Romans 6:14, Romans 8:2, and
Philippians 2:12-13, what does this have to do in reference to “sin”? (page 6, top)
4) When you see the “future tense” of sin used in such verses as Romans 8:29, Romans 13:11, 1Peter 1:5,
and 1John 3:2, what does this have to do in reference to “sin”? (page 6, bottom)
5) True or False. The past state of “salvation” of a believer (i.e. “salvation from the penalty of sin”) will
only be realized if the believer remains faithful and obedient to God so that the “salvation
from the power of sin” and the “salvation from the presence of sin” can occur so that the
believer can eventually be truly “saved”. (page 7, top; see Philippians 1:6)
Version 1, Rev: 0
e. Salvation as the Finished Work of Christ
1) When Jesus said “It is finished!” before He died on the cross, what was He referring to? (page 7, middle)
2) True or False. When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He only died for the sins of the “elect” (i.e. “those
who God knew in advance would believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior before
they were even born”!). (page 7, middle; John 3:16; Hebrews 2:9; 1Timothy 2:6)
3) In a “provisionary sense” what are “3 things” that Christ’s death on the cross provided for “every” person?
(page 7, bottom; see also 1Timothy 2:6; 2Corinthians 5:19; 1John 2:2)
4) The fact that Christ died DOES NOT save all men, but it does provide sufficient ground for God “in
harmony with His holiness” is free to do “what”? (page 8, top; 1Timothy 1:15-16)
5) What is an indication that a person still does not “believe” in Jesus as he should? (page 8, middle)
f. Salvation as the Saving Work of God
1) The saving work of God is accomplished the moment one “believes” in Jesus Christ as their Lord and
Savior. What is a list of things this “saving work” includes? (page 8, middle)
2) According to 2Corinthians 5:21, what does our “faith” in the finished work of Christ “make” us?
Version 1, Rev: 0
3) According to Ephesians 2:19 and 3:15, what does our “belief” in Christ “make” us?
4) What has our salvation through belief in Jesus Christ already done for us according to Colossians 1:13?
5) Although God could NOT forgive and justify “apart” from the cross of Christ, since Christ has died, God
is able to do what? (page 10, top)
g. Salvation as Related to the Sin of the Saved
1) When exactly is the “forgiveness of sin” accomplished for the sinner? (page 10, top)
2) Once a person is forever “saved”, how is that “Christian’s” sin forgiven while he is still on earth waiting
for he future (and guaranteed!) salvation? (page 10, middle; 1John 1:9)
3) When a Christian sins, he does not lose his “salvation” by God, but he can lose his “what” with God?
(page 10, middle; 1John 1:6-7)
4) Even while Christians “struggle” on earth to try to live holy lives and “avoid” temptations to sin against
God, what is Christ doing in heaven for “believers” even when they sin? (1John 2:1-2; Romans 8:34)
5) Why does a “sinning” saint (i.e. “saved Christian”) not “lose” his salvation? (page 11, top; 1Jn 2:1-2)
Version 1, Rev: 0
6) Because the Savior is “advocating” for us in heaven, what “should” this cause a believer to do?
(page 11, top)
7) Explain what it means for an individual to really “believe” in Christ. (page 11, middle)
8) Who is the only one who can “save a soul” and how is the only way it is accomplished? (page 11, middle)
9) What is “believing” the opposite of? (page 11, bottom)
10) When is Scripture severely “violated” and the whole doctrine of grace “confused”? (page 11, bottom)
11) True or False. Salvation occurs when a sinner simply “believes” in the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Praying”,
“repenting”, “confessing sin”, “being baptized”, and “making restitution” are things that
occur AFTER SALVATION of a believer as possible “evidence” that the sinner has been
“born again”. (page 11, bottom; see also John 1:12, 3:16, 36, 5:24, 6:29, 20:31; Acts 16:31)