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– Recognise in drawings, posters and models the different organs which make
up the respiratory, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems.
– Understand the specific functions of the respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
reproductive systems.
– Differentiate the male and female reproductive systems.
– Appreciate the importance of the breathing process for living things.
– Learn that the blood, blood vessels and the heart are the most important parts
of the circulatory system.
– Identify the skin as a crucial part of the excretory system.
– Adopt healthy habits to take care of our respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
reproductive systems.
– Identify the processes that lead to pregnancy and its development to childbirth.
– Value the importance of all the different stages in a person’s life: childhood,
puberty, maturity and old age.
– Practise hygienic habits for the maintenance of health and to help the proper
development of the body.
– The respiratory system.
– Organs of the respiratory system.
– Breathing.
– Blood: definition of blood and its functions.
– The circulatory system. Its parts: the blood, blood vessels (arteries and veins)
and the heart.
– The excretory system. Parts of the excretory system.
– The skin and sweat.
– Male and female reproductive systems.
– Pregnancy and childbirth.
– Finding the organs which form the respiratory, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems in posters and diagrams.
– Drawing the main organs connected with the functions of nutrition.
– Identification of the functions of the respiratory, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems by means of observation of one’s own body.
– Use of anatomical models to identify the main organs in the respiratory, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems.
– Use of instruments to measure parameters in various experimental tasks.
Measuring breathing rate and the pulse.
– Comparing the differing functions of the male and female reproductive system
and their different organs.
– Analysis of the negative and positive implications of various habits on our respiratory, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems.
– Interpretation of photos in the book showing the different stages in the gestation of a baby, from embryo to foetus.
– Awareness of the different systems and organs in the human body and of their
– Interest in using drawings and anatomical models to study the various parts of
the human body.
– Adopting good habits for the care of our respiratory, circulatory, excretory and
reproductive systems.
– Respect for safety rules in using tools and instruments.
– Rigour and precision in describing the procedures and results of experiments
carried out in class.
– Interest in getting to know about the different parts of the body.
– Knowledge of the body from the perspective of health care.
– Taking good care of our bodies.
– Interest in all preventive aspects of health: balanced diet, rest, exercise and
– Respect for and care of the materials used by all.
– Use of non-sexist language.
– Value the need for independent work as well as work in a group.
– Acceptance and tolerance with respect to school classmates of different races, social background or special educational needs.
– Check that the students recognise the main parts of the respiratory system,
using a schematic model or diagram.
– Note whether they are able to identify different blood vessels in a diagram or
on a model.
– Verify that they can identify the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder and the urethra in a diagram or on a model.
– See that they can explain the main functions of the respiratory, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems.
– Assess whether they understand and can explain correctly the processes
connected with breathing, blood circulation and excretion.
– Check that they know about the different functions of the male and female reproductive system and recognise the different organs.
– Evaluate whether they know how to interpret photographs showing the various
stages in gestation.