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Sol Review- 1st Semester
1. Why did colonists come to America?
Economic opportunity/ escape religious persecution
2. Jamestown was established in 1607 by the British.
3. The House of Burgesses was the first elected government in the New World and
today is known as the General Assembly. (1619)
4. Africans first arrived as indentured servants in 1619.
5. The economy of New England was based on shipbuilding, lumbering, and small
scale subsistence farming.
6. The economy of the Middle colonies was based on shipbuilding, small scale
farming, and TRADING.
7. The economy of the Southern colonies was based on large scale plantations that
grew cash crops in the eastern coastal lowlands, and small scale subsistence farms,
and hunting farther inland near the mountains.
8. New England society was based on religious standing, church membership, being
a good Puritan.
9. Middle colonial society offered religious tolerance of multiple religious groups,
including Quakers in Pennsylvania, and Catholics in Maryland. It was the most
diverse region and had the biggest cities and towns.
10. Southern society was run by those “landed elite” who owned big plantations.
11. The Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals that led to the rapid
growth of evangelical churches, and challenged the religious and governmental
12. Indentured servants were people from England/Ireland/Scotland who agreed to
work on plantations in return for passage from Europe (price of ticket).
13. John Locke was an Enlightenment philosopher whose ideas influenced America’s
belief in self-government. He believed in “natural rights” and that people and the
government have a social contract, and if a government does not protect the rights
of the people- it should be overthrown.
14. Thomas Paine was an English immigrant who wrote COMMON SENSE which
challenged rule by the King.
15. The Declaration of Independence, authored by THOMAS JEFFERSON (of VA),
reflected the ideas of Locke and Paine.
16. During the 1750s, the French and their allies (Huron Indians) fought the British
and the colonists over land and resources in the OHIO VALLEY.
17. The colonists met in New York at the ALBANY CONGRESS to come up with a
plan of defense. A political cartoon by Ben Franklin urged them to “Join or Die!”
18. After the French and Indian War, France lost all territory in North America. The
British then issued the PROCLAMATION of 1763 prohibiting the colonists from
settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. (They ignored it!)
19. The British enacted a series of taxes on the American people, WITHOUT THEIR
CONSENT, to pay for the expense of the war. Taxes paid on imported goods
were placed on sugar and tea. The first DIRECT tax was the STAMP ACT, on
legal documents.
20. Patrick Henry (VA) said, “No taxation without representation.”
21. The first attempt at colonial unity was the First CONTINENTAL CONGRESS
that began a BOYCOTT of British goods.
22. The BOSTON MASSACRE took place when British troops fired into a crowd of
anti-British protestors. It was used as propaganda by the SONS of LIBERTY.
23. The Sons of Liberty dumped tea into the harbor at the BOSTON TEA PARTY,
and resulted in the INTOLERABLE ACTS passed by parliament to punish
24. War began when “minutemen” in Lexington, Massachusetts fought a brief
skirmish with British troops on the way to capture patriot guns at Concord. (shot
heard round the world.)
26. The PATRIOTS were also called WHIGS. The people who supported the King
were called LOYALISTS or TORIES.
27. Some people remained neutral.
28. The battle of SARATOGA was the turning point of the war because the FRENCH
realized we could win, and decided to give us aid. BEN FRANKLIN was the
ambassador to FRANCE who handled the negotiations of alliance.
29. The last battle of the Revolution was fought at YORKTOWN, VA. Cornwallis
surrendered to Washington. The French fleet had sailed up the Chesapeake Bay
and cut of British supplies.
29. The first form of government was the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. It was
a WEAK central government with no president, 1 house of Congress, and no
ability to collect taxes.
30. SHAYS REBELLION, a revolt by farmers in PA. led to the need for a stronger
government. A Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia.
31. The leader who presided over the convention was George Washington.
32. Representation- Big State Plan versus Small State Plan—result= THE GREAT
COMPROMISE, 2 houses (bi-cameral) one based on population(House of
Representatives) and one where every state has 2 Senators (Senate).
33. THREE/FIFTHS COMPROMISE- every slave would count as 3/5ths of a person
for representation- but could not vote.
34. Father of the Constitution-- JAMES MADISON—Took notes and wrote the BILL
OF RIGHTS that ANTI-FEDERALISTS demanded be added to the Constitution.
35. People who supported the Constitution were FEDERALISTS. Those who favored
strong state governments were ANTI-FEDERALISTS.
36. Madison Got ideas for the Bill of Rights from the VIRGINIA DECLARATION
37. First president- George Washington, 2nd- John Adams- a Federalist.
38. When Thomas Jefferson was elected as the 3rd president in 1800- it was a
PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER from one political party to another,
proving that our democracy worked!
39. Jefferson- purchased the LOUISIANA PURCHASE from France in 1803 and sent
LEWIS AND CLARK, guided by SACAJAWEA, to explore and make maps. It
doubled the size of America.
40. JOHN MARSHALL, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and a strong Federalist,
ruled on cases that took power from the states and gave power to the federal
government. MARBURY v. MADISON established JUDICIAL REVIEW.
McCULLOCH v. MARYLAND said a state can NOT tax something owned by
the federal government- “because the power to tax, is the power to destroy!”
41. 4TH president- JAMES MADISON- the War of 1812- against Britain.
42. 5th president- JAMES MONROE-MISSOURI COMPROMISE-1820- (Missouri
enters as a free state and Maine as a free state- no more slavery above the 36˚ 30’.
43. Monroe buys FLORIDA from SPAIN- Florida Purchase Treaty.
44. MONROE DOCTRINE- warning to Europe to stay out of our hemisphere!
45. ELI WHITNEY invented the cotton gin. This led to an increase in slavery and
people moving west for more and more land to grow cotton. COTTON
46. ANDREW JACKSON was the hero of the COMMON MAN, and in the 1828
election, more people voted than ever before. Most states had done away with
property qualifications for voting.
47. Andrew Jackson used the SPOILS SYSTEM- giving his supporters jobs.
48. Andrew Jackson hated the NATIONAL BANK because he thought it was a tool
of the rich merchants in the east.
49. Andrew Jackson killed the Bank by withdrawing all of the federal money and
putting it in small state banks. This led to the PANIC of 1837.
50. Andrew Jackson forced all of the Indians east of the Mississippi to move west in
the INDIAN REMOVAL ACT. This led to the Cherokee’s Trail of Tears.
51. American migration into Texas led to an armed revolt against Mexico and a
famous battle at the ALAMO, in which Texans fought to the death.
52. The American victory in the MEXICAN WAR during the 1840s led to the
acquisition of an enormous territory (California/New Mexico/ Arizona, etc.)
53. The belief that it was America’s MANIFEST DESTINY to stretch from the
Atlantic to the Pacific provided political support for expansion.
54. THE COMPROMISE OF 1850- California entered as a free state/no slave trade in
D.C./Fugitive Slave Law/Popular sovereignty for Utah and New Mexico.
55. The GOLD RUSH in 1849 caused thousands of people to rush to California- and
it soon became a state.
56. The enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law, which required Northerners to help
capture escaped slaves and return them to their owners angered Northerners.
57. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, made people around the
world aware of the evils of slavery.
58. Many slaves escaped to freedom on the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD, led by
59. ABOLITIONISTS were people who wanted to end slavery. WILLIAM LLOYD
STAR) were leading abolitionists.
60. Need for a transcontinental railroad made STEPHEN DOUGLAS push the
KANSAS-NEBRASKA ACT through Congress. Two territories would be created
and decide whether to have slaves or not through POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY
(letting the people decide).
61. This act made the people in the North so angry because it repealed the Missouri
Compromise (36˚30’). The new REPUBLICAN PARTY was formed to fight the
spread of slavery into the territories.
62. The deadly events in Kansas between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces were
63. Lincoln and Douglas debated over the issue of slavery while running for the
Senate in Illinois. Douglas won the election- but Lincoln became famous (and
would be the Republican candidate in 1860 presidential election.)
64. Lincoln said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Southerners took this
to mean he wanted to end slavery- and they hated Lincoln.
65. In the case of DRED SCOTT, the Supreme Court voted against his bid for
freedom because he was NOT a citizen. The Court also ruled that Congress could
NOT limit the spread of slavery ANYWHERE!
66. In 1860, Lincoln won the election and Southern states began to SECEDE (leave
the Union).
67. The opening confrontation of the Civil War was at FORT SUMTER, S.C.
68. The EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION was issued after the Union victory at
ANTIETAM. It freed ONLY those slaves under Confederate control.
69. The TURNING POINT of the war was the battle of GETTYSBURG.
70. Lincoln made a speech at the commemoration of the cemetery at Gettysburg. He
said that after the war, the country would finally have a government “of the
people, by the people, and for the people.”
71. The war ended in 1865, when LEE (south) surrendered to GRANT (north) at
72. Lee urged other Southerners to stop fighting.
73. Fredrick Douglas, a former slave, urged Lincoln throughout the war to let African
Americans join the army and fight.
74. Lincoln was assassinated 5 days after the war ended by John Wilkes Booth in
Ford’s theater.
75. Andrew Johnson took over as president.
76. The 13th Amendment- ended slavery…the 14th Amendment- gave African
Americans civil rights and citizenship…the 15th Amendment gave African
Americans the right to vote (men).
77. Reconstruction, rebuilding the South, lasted 12 years. There were 3 different
78. Lincoln’s Plan- 10% Plan would reunite the states quickly.
79. Johnson’s Plan- pardoned former Confederates and put them back in power. (This
would not be good for the African Americans.)
80. Radical Republicans Plan=Military Reconstruction-South under military control
and forced to give African Americans their rights and a chance to participate in
the government.
81. FREEDMAN’S BUREAU started schools and hospitals to help the freed slaves.
82. SCALAWAGS- Southerners who helped in Reconstruction.
CARPETBAGGERS-people from the North who came to help Reconstruction.
(White Southerners hated both!)
83. Reconstruction ended with the COMPROMISE OF 1877. In a screwed up
election- politicians made a deal. If the South accepted Republican Rutherford B.
Hayes as president- Military Reconstruction would end.
84. After Reconstruction, things went very badly for the African Americans in the
South. They were denied the right to vote (grandfather clause/ literacy test/ poll
tax). They ended up working as sharecroppers and being intimidated by the KKK
and denied their civil rights. (JIM CROW)
85. Many people went west after the Civil War. Both white and black Southerners
went to escape the war-torn South.
86. The new railroads carried people west, and the inventions such as the steel plow
(JOHN DEERE) and the mechanical reaper (CYRUS McCORMICK) made
farming easier.
87. The Homestead Act gave away free land (160 acres) to anyone who would live on
it for 5 years.
88. In the west, COWBOYS drove herds of cattle for hundreds of miles to reach a
89. Prior to the Civil War, most immigrants came to America from northern and
western Europe (Germany, England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden). After the war,
most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe (Italy, Greece, Poland,
Russia, Hungary) as well as from Asia.
90. Immigrants entered America in the east through ELLIS ISLAND.
91. Immigrants began the process of assimilation into what was termed the “melting
pot”. They settled into ethnic neighborhoods, and their children were the first to
learn English in schools.
92. Mounting resentment in the West led Congress to limit immigration of Chinese in
the 1882 CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT. Later, all immigration would be limited
93. Cities grew after the Civil War, with immigrants and people leaving the country
to work in the new factories built during the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION.
94. Crime, overcrowding, poverty, and lack of sanitation were some of the problems
in the cities.
95. Industrial leaders: steel- Carnegie/ oil- Rockefeller/ banking- J.P. Morgan/
railroads- Vanderbilt.
96. Inventors: Bell- telephone/ Edison- lightbulb/ Wright Brothers/ airplane/ Henry
Bessemer/ cheap steel
97. Government kept “hands-off” of big business=laissez faire.
98. America had labor/ raw materials/ capital ($) that was used to industrialize.