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Egyptian Study Guide
Part 1: Map Section (Label the following places on the Egypt map, color
the water light blue, color the Egyptian Kingdom light green, and the rest of the
land light brown)
Nile River
Sinai Peninsula
Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt
Libyan Desert
Mediterranean Sea
Dead Sea
Red Sea
Jordan River
Nubian Desert
Gulf of Suez
Asia Minor
Taurus Mountains
Euphrates River
Gulf of Aqaba
*future nation of Greece
*write the six cataracts in red ink
Part 2: Define the following words using “bullet format.” The numbers written after
each word refer to the page it can be found in the Message of Ancient Days text. You
will also find information in your History Alive! Text.
1. cataract (pg. 187)
2. delta (p.187)
3. papyrus (p. 189)
4. dynasty (190)
5. “High Nile” & “Low Nile”(186)
6. drought
7. nilometers (187)
8. Herodotus (188)
9. Upper Egypt (189)
10. Lower Egypt (189)
11. hieroglyphics (190)
12. embalm (192)
13. afterlife(192)
14. mummy (192,194,195)
15. Book of the Dead (193)
16. scribes (198)
17. artisans (198)
18. farmers (198)
19. pharaoh (199)
20. obelisk (201)
21. reign
22. access (211)
23. tribute (211)
24. Rosetta Stone
25. Hyksos
Part 3: Use bulleted phrases to take notes on the following questions.
(When answering these questions in your notebook, always rewrite the
question in the form of a statement and then write the answer in bulleted
format.) [Page numbers refer to Message of Ancient Days text.]
1. Tell the story of the time of low Niles when Egypt had 7 year of famine.
Include info on King Zoser.
(pg. 186)
2. Describe the geography of the Nile. (pg. 187)
3. Interpret and record your findings regarding the graph on page 187.
4. Explain and describe the Red, White and Double Crowns. (pg. 189-190)
5. What were the Old, Middle and New kingdoms? (pg. 190)
6. Describe the pyramid of king Zoser. (pg. 191, 194,195)
7. Describe who, why, what and how people were buried in Ancient Egypt.
(pg.192, 193,204,205)
8. Describe and explain the purpose of the following Egyptian gods.
Horus , Osirus , Anubus, Ra (Amon Ra), Hathor, (pg. 192-193)
(Ma’at, Hapy, Bast, Bes, Thoth, Taweret)
9. Describe Hatshepsut’s reign and achievements. (pg.199-201)
10. Describe the reign and achievements of Thutmose. (p.201)
11. List and describe the Egyptian Achievements. Include calendar,
medicine, arts… (Pg.202-203)
12. Read the story of Isis and Osiris and then summarize it. (206-209)
13. Describe the location and geography of the Nubian Kingdom of Kush.
( pg.210 to 211)
14. Why (what) did Egypt want from the Nubians? (pg.211)
15. How and when was the Nubian/Kushite ruler Kashta able to conquer
Egypt? (pg. 212)
16. How and when did Assyria overthrow the Kushites in Egypt and then
take control of Egypt? ( pg.213)
17. Describe the city of Meroe (and life there) after it became the newcapital
of Kush. (pg. 213)
18. Describe the Egyptian class system.
19. Describe the trade routes and the goods that were traded during the
New Kingdom. (pg.202) What goods did Egypt export (send out to sell)
and what goods did they import (bring into Egypt)?