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Reproductive System Review
1. List 2 functions of the gonads.
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
2. Male gonads are called __________________, while female gonads are called ______________
Male gametes are called _________________, while female gametes area called ____________
3. What happens in the seminiferous tubules? __________________________________________
4. On average, how old is a male going through puberty? __________ to __________ years old
On average, how old is a female going through puberty? _________ to _________ years old
5. What is the name of the sac that contains the testes? ______________________
Why must the testes be located there? _____________________________________________
6. What is the function of the:
a. epididymis –
b. ductus deferens –
c. seminal vesicles –
d. prostate gland –
e. bulbourethral glands –
f. penis –
g. urethra –
7. Name the 4 materials found in semen
a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________
c. _________________________________
d. _________________________________
Which one of these materials makes up 60% of semen? _____________________
8. How can an enlarged prostate gland affect a male’s health?
9. When is a male considered to be sterile? ___________________________________________
10. What happens during ejaculation? _________________________________________________
11. Name the 3 parts of a sperm. What function does each perform?
____________________ - ____________________________________________________
____________________ - ____________________________________________________
____________________ - ____________________________________________________
12. How many eggs are found in the ovaries of a newly born female? ______________________
How many eggs are found in the ovaries of a female at the beginning of puberty? ____________
How many eggs will she ovulate over her lifetime? __________________
What happens during menopause? _____________________________________________
13. What is an ovum? ______________________________________________
What happens during ovulation? _______________________________________________
What happens during fertilization? ______________________________________________
In what part of the female reproductive tract does fertilization occur? _____________________
14. What is a zygote? ______________________________________
How long does it take an egg to travel down the fallopian tube? ________________________
A fertilized egg will usually implant in the uterus around day _______ after ovulation.
15. List 4 functions of the uterus
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________
c. _________________________________________
d. _________________________________________
16. What is the cervix? _________________________________________________
What is a pap smear? __________________________________________________________
17. What are the functions of the inner and outer endometrium?
18. Name the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. On what days do they occur? What happens during
each phase?
a. _______________________________ - ___________ - _____________________________
b. _______________________________ - ___________ - _____________________________
c. _______________________________ - ___________ - _____________________________
d. _______________________________ - ___________ - _____________________________
19. What happens if an egg is fertilized?
What happens if an egg is not fertilized?
20. List 7 methods of birth control and tell how they prevent pregnancy.
a. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
b. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
c. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
d. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
e. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
f. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
g. __________________________ - ______________________________________________
Which of these are considered to be irreversible? ___________________________________
21. List 5 sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Name the organism that causes each. What are
some of the symptoms of each?
a. ____________________________ - ____________________________________________
b. ____________________________ - ____________________________________________
c. ____________________________ - ____________________________________________
d. ____________________________ - ____________________________________________
e. ____________________________ - ____________________________________________
22. Human development takes ________months (________ days) (_______ weeks)
This development time is broken down into _________________
23. Which trimester is human development most easily disturbed? __________________
24. Differentiate between identical and fraternal twins:
eggs - _________________________
sperm - _________________________
sex - _________________________
genetically - _________________________
25. Chromosomes number in gametes - _______ (_____________)
26. Chromosomes number in zygotes - _______ (_____________)
27. Mitotic division of the zygote - ___________________
Reaches the uterus in _________ days as a solid ball of cells called a _______________
28. Fluid-filled hollow ball of cells which implants in the uterine wall - ____________________
29. What takes place about 6 days after fertilization? ___________________
30. The process that forms the embryonic membranes and primary tissue layers (germ layers) ______________________
31. Name the three primary tissue layers: _______________
Which primary tissue layer gives rise to the following?
a. kidneys - ____________________
e. cartilage - _____________________
b. digestive tract - _______________
f. liver - _________________________
c. lungs - ______________________
g. nerves - ______________________
d. skin - _______________________
h. cornea - ______________________
32. New individual - 1st 8 weeks _______________________
after 8 weeks _____________________
33. Name the membranes which surround the embryo: _____________________
Answer the following with one of the membranes:
a. forms the placenta and has finger-like extensions - _____________________
b. forms the fluid-filled sac around the fetus - _______________________
c. forms the umbilical cord - __________________________
d. contains cells that will eventually become sperm and egg - __________________
34. The structure through which nutrients, wastes, and gases are exchanged - _________________
35. The process that forms the nerve cord about 3 weeks after fertilization - ____________________
36. The process that forms the body’s organs is called _______________________
37. ____________________ is the process the various parts of the body develop into their adult
38. Hormone which causes uterine contractions - _____________________
39. Name and describe the effects of chemicals and drugs on the developing embryo
___________________ - ________________________________________________________
___________________ - ________________________________________________________
___________________ - ________________________________________________________
___________________ - ________________________________________________________
___________________ - ________________________________________________________
___________________ - ________________________________________________________
40. ________________________ - child is born with an extra 21st chromosome.
41. ________________________ - occurs when a small portion of the tip of the X chromosome is
susceptible to breakage.
42. ________________________ - sex-linked trait in which individuals see reds and greens as
shades of gray.
43. ________________________ - sex-linked trait in which the blood fails to clot after an injury.
44. Condition caused by a defective gene that produces an abnormal form of hemoglobin __________________________
Study the diagrams of the male and female reproductive systems