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Chapter 28.3 Topic questions
1. Stars are born from what?
2. The more _______________ the star, the _______________ its life will be.
3. Are all the stars in the universe at the same stage of their life span?
4. What does the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram tell us about stars?
5. What two factors are plotted on the H-R diagram?
6. Most star (about 90%) fall into what category on the H-R diagram?
7. Our Sun fall into what category on the H-R diagram?
8. What are the stars that have greater luminosity than main sequence stars called (note they are
plotted above the main sequence stars on the H-R diagram)?
9. Red Giant Stars have diameters that are how much bigger than our sun?
10. On the H-R diagram what are the stars called that have luminosity greater than red giant stars
and their diameters are how much larger than the sun’s?
11. Red Super Giant stars have surface temperatures that are cooler than our earth, so why do they
have greater luminosity than the sun?
12. The H-R diagram also includes which stars that are near the end of their life, what are these stars
13. A star begins it life in a cloud of gas and dust called a _____________________.
14. What percent of the nebula is gas and what is the gas?
15. A star is born when what reactions starts to take place?
16. What is happening in the core of the star?
17. What happens when the hydrogen in the core is used up?
18. When a main sequence star becomes a red giant what elements are forming in the core while
hydrogen is being fused to helium in the outer layers?
19. When all outer layers are blown away what is left?
20. What do we call a white dwarf when it carbon-oxygen core cools completely?
21. Stars that are ______________________ or _________________ times as massive as the sun
have a different live cycle.
22. Does a massive star live as long as a main sequence star?
23. When a massive star uses has fused all of the hydrogen in its core to helium it swells to 100
times its size. What is this star called?
24. When iron forms in the core does it release energy or does it absorb energy?
25. The collapse of a massive star results in an explosion called a ________________________.
26. After a supernova what can result? (note there are two possibilities)
27. Describe the density of a neutron star.
28. Describe the density of a black hole