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AH-110 Medical Terminology Online
Assignment #4
20 pts.
Part I: 11 pts
The chart below contains eleven (11) phrases that can be reworded with a medical term that
you learned in module 9. Each phrase is identified with an underline. Determine the medical
term and write your answers in the space provided.
Current Complaint: A 43-year old female was brought to the Emergency Dept. by her
family. She complained of painful and labored breathing (1), rapid breathing (2), and fever.
Symptoms began 3 days ago, but have become much worse during the past 12 hours.
Past History: Patient is a mother of three and a business executive. She has had no surgeries
or previous serious illnesses.
Signs and Symptoms: Temperature is 103 degrees F, respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min, blood
pressure is 165/98. and heart rate is 90 beats/min. A blood test to measure the levels of oxygen
in the blood (3) indicates a marked low level of oxygen in the blood (4). The process of
listening to body sounds (5) of the lungs revealed abnormal crackling sounds (6) over the left
lower chest. She is producing large amounts of pus-filled (7) mucus coughed up from the
respiratory tract (8) and a chest x-ray (9) shows a large cloudy patch in the lower lobe of the
left lung.
Diagnosis: Left lower lobe inflammatory condition of the lungs caused by bacterial infection
Treatment: Patient was started on intravenous antibiotics. She also required a tube placed
through the mouth to create an airway (11) for 3 days.
1. _________dyspnea_____________________
2. _________tachypnea______________________
3. ________arterial blood gases_______________________
4. ________hypoxemia_______________________
5. ________auscultation_______________________
6. ________rales______________________
7. ________purulent_______________________
8. _________expectoration______________________
9. _________Radiography______________________
10. _______________________________
11. _______________________________
Part II: 9 pts
Medical Record Analysis
Below is an item from a patient’s medical record. Read it carefully, make sure you understand
all the medical terms used, and then answer the questions that follow.
Rev 12/16
Pulmonology Consultation Report
Reason for Consultation:
Evaluation of increasingly severe asthma.
History of Present Illness:
Patient is a 10-year-old male who first presented to the
Emergency Dept. with dyspnea, coughing, and wheezing at
7 years of age. Paroxysmal attacks are increasing in
frequency and there do not appear to be any precipitating
factors such as exercise. No other family members are
Results of Physical Exam:
Patient is currently in the ED with a paroxysmal attack with
a marked dyspnea, cyanosis around the lips, prolonged
expiration and a hacking cough producing thick,
nonpurulent sputum. Thoracic auscultation with a
stethoscope revealed rhonchi throughout bilateral lung
fields. Chest x-ray shows poor pulmonary expansion, with
hypoxemia revealed by ABG. A STAT pulmonary function
test reveals moderately severe airway obstruction during
expiration. This patient responded to oxygen therapy,
bronchodilators and IV steroids, and he is beginning to
cough less and breath with less effort.
Acute asthma attack with severe airway obstruction. There
is no evidence of pulmonary infection. In view of
increasing severity and frequency of attacks all his
medications should be reevaluated for effectiveness and all
attempts to identify precipitating factors should be made.
Patient is to continue to use Albuterol for relief of
bronchospasms and steroids to reduce general
inflammation. Instructions for taking medications and
controlling severity of asthma attacks were carefully
reviewed with the patient and his family. A referral to an
allergist was made to evaluate this young man for presence
of environmental allergies.
Please answer the following questions:
12. What does the medical term paroxysmal mean? (0.5 pt)
13. What do the following abbreviations stand for? (3 pts)
a. IV
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c. ABG
14. The patient was discharged and sent home with two medications. Name each
medication and then explain the purpose of each of these medications. (2 pts)
15. Regarding this young man’s asthma, what important information is unknown to the
consulting pulmonologist? What does this physician recommend for after discharge
from the ED to address this problem? (2 pts)
16. Describe the characteristics related to this patient’s cough in your own words. (1/2 pt)
17. Which of the following is not one of the symptoms seen in the Emergency Dept? (1pt)
a. crackling lung sounds
b. bluish skin
c. difficulty breathing
d. extended breathing out time
Rev 12/16