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The Motions Of Tectonic Plates Activity
Please visit the following website to complete this activity:
Click on the “Plate Tectonics e - Learning” link on the left side of page directly underneath the “home” link.
Scroll down the webpage until you have found the correct activity that matches the assignment.
Always answer in complete sentences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.) Deep earth is made of molten rock, we call this layer the asthenosphere (as-then-o-sphere). Think of
the outer layer of the earth the UPPER MANTLE and CRUST as the thin hard shell surrounding an egg. What
do we call the layer of earth that makes up the upper mantle and crust??????
2.) What do we call the places where these plates come
together, slide past one another, or separate????????
3. ) (Click on “Next” then clilck on “lithosphere”) What
is the lithosphere made up of???? Label the lithosphere in the
diagram to the right
4.) The lithosphere is broken up into pieces called
Upper Mantle
If you haven’t already done so, label the lithosphere in the diagram
to the right
5.) (Click on “Back” then click on “tectonic plates”)
What do we call these large broken up plates of lithosphere?
What is the name of the plate we live on?????
What is the large plate off the coast of California and North America called????
8. )
(Click on “Back” then click on “divergent”)
What do we call the place where
two plates move away
from each other:
Explain how plates move at a divergent plate boundary:
Explain how new rock or crust is created at divergent boundaries:
11. ) (fill in the blank)
New crust is created by ________________, which rises up then cools &
12. ) (Click on “Back” then click on “convergent”)
What do we call the plate boundary where plates
Explain how plates move at a convergent plate boundary:
What happens when heavier, denser ocean crust collides with continental crust????
15.) What does it mean to subduct???
(Click on “Back” then click on “subduction”)
What happens to the subducting plate as it goes down
into the mantle?
Explain the process of subduction:
18.) (Click on “Back” then click on “oceanic
created and where are they found????
(Click on “Back” then click on “transform”)
are ocean
are they
How do plates move at a transform plate boundary???
What happen at transform boundaries when they move?????
Mini Quiz:
1. When plates slide or grind past one another, _____ occur.
a. subduction zones c.
convection currents
b. transform faults
divergent boundaries
2. The crust and upper mantle make up Earth's _____.
a. lithosphere
c. shield
b. asthenosphere d. continents
3. The boundaries between two colliding plates are called _____.
a. divergent
c. a transform fault
b. convergent
d. lithosphere
4. A _____ forms where two plates collide.
a. hot spot
c. transform fault
b. Deep ocean trench d. rift valley
5. Plates move apart at _____ boundaries.
a. convergent
c. divergent
b. stable
d. volcanic
Fil l the b oxes i n
wi th foll owi ng ter ms:
C onvergent
Subduction Zone
Matching: Use the diagram
to locate the correct answer
____6. Transform Plate Boundary
____7. Convergent Plate Boundary
____8. Divergent Plate Boundary
____9. Subduction Zone
____10. Mid-Ocean Ridge