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1. What does the color of a star indicate?
2. If you have a massive size star what is the life cycle that it will take?
3. When you look in the distance objects appear as if they are moving slower than
objects closer to you. What is this concept called?
4. What is the hottest color of a star?
5. Which is a better measure of brightness and why? Absolute or Apparent
6. The H-R diagram compares what two variables?
7. Identify 3 things the H-R diagram indicates about stars.
8. What are the three types of galaxies?
9. Why are globular star clusters different from open star clusters?
10. What is a quasar and why is it so important?
11. How did the universe form? Pick the theory that is supported with the most
12. Explain two other theories of how the universe formed?
13. The life cycle of a star depends on what?
14. After a white dwarf what is the next stage for this star?
15. Our sun is what type of star and where will it go in the next stage of its life?
16. What is responsible for forming new stars or where do new stars come from?
17. Supernova stars have one of two fates? What are the two fates of supernova
18. How can scientists observe a black hole if no light is able to escape?
19. The majority of stars in the universe are what type of stars?
20. The majority of the life cycle of a star is spent as what star type?
21. Define spectroscopy.
22. Why is an emission spectra like a fingerprint for stars?
23. Explain how an emission spectra is formed.
24. The brighter the star in the universe the more _____________ the magnitude is.
25. Define a light year.
26. Are the stars in the sky moving? If so are they moving fast?
27. Why is a red giant red, and so large?
28. A small very hot star that is the leftover center of an old star is what?
29. Under the high pressure of gravity this type of star has all the particles squeezed
into neutrons.
30. An extremely massive supernova will become what?
31. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way galaxy?
32. Who discovered the shapes of the galaxies?
33. What is cosmic background radiation and what does it prove?
34. What evidence did Hubble discover that helps support the raisin bread model of
the universe?
35. Approximately how old is the universe?
36. Which telescope has a problem with sagging glass due to gravity?
37. Who was responsible for the sun centered theory of planetary motion?
38. Approximately how long was Ptolemy’s theory accepted as correct?
39. Finish this sentence, “Everything with a mass is attracted to everything else with a
40. The Doppler effect can be noticed because of the _______________ shift of 99%
of the galaxies.
41. True or False; the big dipper is a constellation?
42. What is the speed of light?
a. 3.0 x 108 seconds
b. 3.0 x 108 meters/second
c. 186,000 miles/second
d. 9.46 trillion km/second
43. What is the function of a telescope?
44. Identify two types of telescopes that must be placed in outer space.
45. What size wavelength of light creates the most damage to living things and what
type of electromagnetic radiation is it?
46. Define circumpolar stars and give one example of a circumpolar star.
47. How many types of electromagnetic radiation are there?
48. What was Newton’s most important contribution to astronomy?
49. Give an example of what Doppler radar is used for on Earth.
50. Define light year.
51. What does the Earth rotate around?
52. What is the main problem with a reflecting and refracting telescope?
53. Define focal length.
54. What is the function of the objective lens?
55. What is the instrument called that uses the angle between the star and the horizon
to detect location?
56. Why can radio telescopes be so large?
57. What is the main problem with the atmosphere and ground based telescopes?
58. Who came up with the idea that planets move in an elliptical orbit?
59. Which type of electromagnetic radiation could cause cancer in the skin of humans?
60. If a star is 2.2 million light years away how many years does it take light to get to
my eye?
61. If the universe were shrinking what color would the galaxies appear?
62. Define the word revolution.
63. What doe the astronomers divide the sky into?
64. Optical telescopes use what type of electromagnetic radiation?
65. Why is a reflecting telescope mirror so much better at seeing color than a
refracting telescope lens?
66. Describe the order of the planets during a solar eclipse.
67. Describe the order of the planets during a lunar eclipse.
68. What two astronomical bodies cause the tides? Which is stronger?
69. How does the sun generate energy?
70. What is the formula for generating energy on the sun?
71. What is the main reason for the seasons?
72. Compare direct and indirect rays from the sun.
73. How many phases of the moon are there?
74. How much of the moon is illuminated if viewed from outer space?
75. What does waxing and waning mean?
76. How many tides are there in a day?
77. In summer in Doylestown what kind of rays from the sun are we receiving?
1. Temperature
2. Main sequence – red supergiant – supernova explosions – black hole or neutron
3. parallax
4. Blue
5. Absolute – measures brightness is every star was exactly 32.6 LY away.
6. Absolute magnitude and temperature
7. The temperature, absolute magnitude, star type, path of life cycle, age
8. spiral, elliptical, irregular
9. globular star clusters are thousands of stars grouped very close together and these
are older stars. Open star clusters are new young stars and are close, but
randomly spread out.
10. starlike object that is very bright, farthest away, and may have been the earliest
formed star like objects in the universe
11. Big Bang – single infinitely small point exploded outward in every direction
12. a. Steady State – everything in the universe was, is and always will be the same
b. Plasma – fourth state of matter exists everywhere and electricity/magnetisms
created galaxies from plasma
c. Cosmic string- everything exists on various strings created by gravitational shift
in space
d. Big bore – universe will continue to expand
e. Big crunch – due to dark matter universe will eventually go back to singular pt
f. plateau – eventually universe will stop expanding and stay at the same size
g. Inflationary theory – supports big bang and says immediately after big bang
universe expanded extremely rapidly.
13. The original mass or size
14. dies out to red dwarf, brown dwarf, black dwarf
15. main –sequence to red dwarf to white dwarf
16. planetary nebula
17. black hole or neutron star
18. watch planetary nebula or stellar gas swirl into black hole
19. main sequence
20. main sequence
21. the ability to use light broken down through a prism to identify elements that make
up object.
22. each one is unique and can be used to identify what the star is made of.
23. light travels through prism, is broken apart into unique colors and projected onto a
24. negative
25. the distance light travels in one year. Measured in meters
26. Yes, very slowly because galaxies are moving away from each other
27. it is very cool, and the particles are spread very far apart
28. white dwarf
29. neutron star
30. black hole
31. spiral
32. hubble
33. leftover radiation found everyone that came from the big bang
34. red shift in all galaxies moving away from each other
35. 13.7 billion years.
36. Refracting
37. Copernicus
38. 1500 yrs
39. Mass
40. Red
41. False
42. 3.0 x 108 meters/second
43. to magnify distant images
44. gamma ray, x-ray, UV ray
45. Gamma
46. Always present in the sky and Polaris is an example.
47. 7 types of EM radiation
48. Gravity
49. Weather and storm detection
50. the distance light travels in one year
51. itself
52. image is reversed in both
53. the length required for any lens to focus the image at one particular point
54. to gather and focus light or an image
55. astrolabe
56. long wavelength of radio waves
57. interference of image on lens or mirror
58. Kepler
59. UV radiation
60. 2.2 million years
61. Blue
62. Movement around another object
63. Constellations
64. Visible Light
65. Because a lens spreads out the colors of the visible light and a mirror focuses the
colors to one point.
66. Sun, Moon, Earth.
67. Sun, Earth, Moon
68. Sun and moon, moon is stronger
69. Nuclear Fusion
70. H + H makes He + Energy
71. Tilt of the Earth’s Axis
72. Direct rays hit the Earth directly and cuase higher heat for summer, indirect rays hit
Earth at an angle and cause cooler temperatures for winter.
73. 8
74. ½
75. Waxing means rising moon, waning means setting moon.
76. 4 (2 high and 2 low)
77. Direct rays