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The Iroquois Confederacy resisted encroachments of both Native American and European
neighbors because of:
Medieval Christian crusaders indirectly contributed to the discovery of the Americas because
As a result of his first voyage, Columbus believed he had:
The establishment of encomienda :
Conquistadores were motivated by which of the following factors?
Identify the mismatched explorer with the area explored.
The Pueblo Revolt, or Pope’s Rebellion, led to:
The Treaty of Tordesillas:
The Navigation Acts:
England’s defeat of the Spanish Armada led to:
John Smith’s role at Jamestown was marked by:
The importance of The Virginia House of Burgesses to colonial America was that it:
The Puritans in America firmly believed:
Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts due to his belief that:
Anne Hutchinson was considered a dissenter in Massachusetts due to her belief that:
King Phillip’s War signified:
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut stands out in colonial history because it:
One reason the Quakers were unpopular in England and sought refuge in America was:
The primary motivation behind the Maryland Act of Toleration in 1649 was:
After 1676, African slavery became the main form of labor when:
Bacon’s Rebellion was caused primarily by:
Puritan lawmakers prevented married women from having property rights because:
Elementary education in New England:
Among the many important results of the Great Awakening, one was that it:
The original cause of the French and Indian War was:
The French and Indian War became part of a larger conflict known as:
William Pitt’s strategy to defeat New France proved successful because:
Pontiacs’ Rebellion led to:
The Proclamation of 1763:
This drawing by Ben Franklin, created in 1754, was intended to convince the colonists to:
A key reason France needed to control the Ohio Valley was to:
The long-range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to:
One consequence of the British and American victory in the French and Indian War was:
Parliament's repeal of the Stamp Act:
Colonists reacted to the passage of the Tea Act by:
The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was:
The Quebec Act:
The passage of the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act:
The relationship between Britain and its American colonies fundamentally changed in 1763
when __________ assumed charge of colonial policy.
Unlike the __________ Act, the __________ Act and the __________ Act were both indirect
taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports.
The following image by Paul Revere illustrates:
When the British argued in favor of virtual representation, they meant that:
Mercantilism harmed the colonies in which of the following ways?
The Boston Tea Party caused the British to:
Which of the following events directly led to the first real military conflict between the colonists
and Redcoats?
The British government was especially concerned about rebellion in America because they also
In Common Sense Thomas Paine argued:
The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to:
As the War for Independence began, Britain had the advantage of:
As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of:
African Americans during the Revolutionary War:
The Declaration of Independence did all of the following EXCEPT:
After the Americans scored a significant win at Yorktown:
The Franco-American alliance allowed the new nation to:
The most significant result of the Revolution for white women was that they:
Shays' Rebellion led many of the Founding Fathers to believe the nation needed:
The relationship between the thirteen states under the Articles of Confederation:
One of the initial sparks that caused Shay’s Rebellion was:
The debate between the proponents and opponents of the Articles of Confederation focused on
how to:
One of the most enlightened provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787:
Major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation included:
The Constitutional Convention was called to:
The delegate whose contributions to the Philadelphia Convention were so notable that he has
been called the "Father of the Constitution" was:
In which branch of the central government did Antifederalists believe that the sovereignty of the
people resided?
The Great Compromise resolved the complicated issue of:
Under the Constitution, the president of the United States was to be elected by a majority vote of
Thomas Jefferson favored a political system in which:
Alexander Hamilton's proposed National Bank was:
Hamiltonian Federalists supported:
Under the provisions of Jay’s Treaty, the British government:
Britain challenged the United States’ neutrality in the 1790s by:
Jefferson and Madison wrote the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions in response to:
The primary purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to:
The Spanish provided favorable terms in the Pinckney Treaty dealing with:
In his Farewell Address, President Washington:
During the War of 1812, the New England states:
While serving as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall’s rulings helped ensure:
The War of 1812 received the strongest support in America from:
The “Revolution of 1800” is significant because it:
Napoleon decided to sell Louisiana to the United States because he:
One of the main causes of the weakening of the Federalist Party was its:
Thomas Jefferson had serious reservations about his role in the Louisiana Purchase because:
Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of:
Marbury v. Madison revolved around the issue of who had the right to:
The Battle of New Orleans:
The outcome of the War of 1812 was:
The Monroe Doctrine was:
The Tariff of 1816 was the first in American history:
Spain sold Florida to the United States because it:
As a result of the Missouri Compromise:
The Missouri Compromise affected slavery in that it:
The Era of Good Feelings:
In Mc Culloch v. Maryland , Cohens v. Virginia , and Gibbons v. Ogden , Chief Justice
Marshall's rulings limited the extent of:
John Marshall's rulings upheld a defense of property rights against public pressure in:
Early-nineteenth-century Irish immigrants:
The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed:
As a result Eli Whitney’s cotton gin:
The "Father of the Factory System" in the United States was:
A main tenet of Jacksonian democracy was the belief that government should be:
The Hayne-Webster debate revolved around the issue of:
Jacksonian democracy was based on the idea that the right to vote should be extended to:
Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because:
John C. Calhoun's "South Carolina Exposition" argued for:
The strongest support for the Tariff of 1833 came from:
Andrew Jackson responded to South Carolina’s nullification of the tariff by:
Henry Clay helped end the nullification crisis by working to get:
White Americans applied all of the following measures as Indian policy, EXCEPT:
Andrew Jackson supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states to the west
One of the positive effects the Bank of the United States had on the nation was:
The Second Great Awakening tended to:
Jefferson, Franklin, and other deists endorsed the concept of:
"Civil Disobedience," an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther
King, Jr., was written by the transcendentalist:
By the 1850s, the reform movement that overshadowed women’s rights was:
Reformer Dorothea Dix is most well known for her work in the field of:
Noah Webster's dictionary:
In the West and South, which two denominations gained the most followers as the Second Great
Awakening progressed?
Many evangelical preachers like Charles G. Finney taught that personal religious conversion
would also lead to:
The dispute over slavery within American churches led to:
The most controversial practice of the Mormons that aroused hostility was their:
Americans moved into Texas:
Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren delayed the annexation of Texas because:
The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo included a provision that ordered:
In the 1840s, the view that America had the God-given right to expand across the continent was
The Wilmot Proviso:
The Wilmot Proviso, introduced into Congress as a result of the Mexican-American War,
declared that:
Many free states passed personal liberty laws because of the section of the Compromise of 1850
that provided for:
The public liked popular sovereignty because it:
Stephen A. Douglas's proposed solution for the problem of slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska Bill
required repeal of the:
John Brown hoped his raid on Harpers Ferry would serve to:
Chief Justice Taney hoped the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Dred Scott case would:
Observe the map below.
Which of the areas was most impacted by the issue of popular sovereignty under the
Compromise of 1850?
When Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election, people in South Carolina:
During the Civil War, the United States and Britain were nearly provoked into war by:
Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that:
Many Northerners were willing to allow Southern states to leave the Union until:
As a result of the Civil War, the Northern economy:
The Emancipation Proclamation originally freed only slaves in:
Slavery was legally abolished in the United States by the:
Sherman’s march to the sea was marked by:
Advances for women during the Civil War included:
The Fourteenth Amendment disappointed many feminists because it:
In the postwar South:
The Fourteenth Amendment:
The Black Codes led many Northerners to believe:
Radical Reconstruction ended when:
The Black Codes provided for all of the following EXCEPT:
The "Exodusters” were:
The Tenure of Office Act:
The Fifteenth Amendment provided for: