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Advisory Group (AG) for UNEP
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)
Second Meeting
Geneva, 12 December 2014
Terms of Reference of the UNEP Advisory Group on the Environmental Exposure and
Impact of EDCs
Note by the Secretariat
The International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) at its third session in
September 2012 agreed that EDCs met the criteria as an emerging policy issue, and adopted a
resolution calling upon the participating organizations of the Inter-Organization Programme
for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) to develop a plan of work for the
cooperative actions on EDCs. A joint work plan for UNEP, WHO and OECD was developed,
with each organization taking on relevant tasks.
UNEP Governing Council in February 2013 welcomed the ICCM 3 resolution and further
called on the UNEP ED to support efforts on EDC.
UNEP aims to establish an Advisory Group that will provide policy and strategic advice on
approaches related to the implementation of UNEP’s activities concerning the environmental
exposure and impact of EDCs.
Members of the Advisory Group on the Environmental Exposure and Impact of EDCs for
UNEP may wish to adopt the attached terms of reference.
Advisory Group on the Environmental Exposure and Impact of
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) for UNEP
Terms of Reference (TOR)
1. The International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM) at its third session in September 2012
agreed that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) met the criteria as an emerging policy issue, and adopted a
resolution calling upon the participating organizations of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound
Management of Chemicals (IOMC) to develop a plan of work for the cooperative actions on EDCs.
Subsequently, the IOMC organizations considered the issue of EDCs, and the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World
Health Organization (WHO) expressed interest in undertaking further work in this area. A joint work plan for
UNEP, WHO and OECD was developed, with each organization taking on relevant tasks.
2. UNEP Governing Council in February 2013 welcomed the ICCM 3 resolution and further called on the
UNEP Executive Director to support efforts on EDC.
3. UNEP Chemicals Branch Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) leads UNEP’s
subprogramme on Chemicals and Waste under its Programme of Work. Within this context, the Branch is
developing a project on “ Information and Expert Advice on Risks from Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals”,
taking into consideration the workplan that UNEP developed in response to the ICCM 3 resolution on EDCs.
A. Structure and membership
A.1. An Advisory Group, composed of up to fifteen (15) members is established to provide strategic and policy
advice on approaches related to the implementation of UNEP’s activities concerning environmental exposure
and impact of EDCs. The related human health aspects will be considered within the framework of WHO.
A.2. The Advisory Group will be comprised of representatives from governments nominated through the
members of the SAICM bureau, and representatives from major groups and stakeholders (including NGO,
academia, and industry). Individual experts are also invited to become members on the basis of expertise,
previous work, and special interest on EDCs. Membership will take into account geographical representation.
A.3. The Advisory Group members will serve a maximum term of three (3) years. After reaching the maximum
of 3 years, members may be re-nominated through the SAICM bureau or through the major groups and
stakeholders, individual experts may be re-invited by UNEP.
A.4. The Advisory Group will be chaired by a chairperson to be elected from amongst the Advisory Group
members. The Chair will serve for a two year term and could be re-elected and could serve a maximum of two
A.5. UNEP will serve as secretariat to the Advisory Group, to be located within the Chemicals Branch of its
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics in Geneva.
A.6. UNEP retains the right to terminate, or to change the membership of the Advisory Group subject to prior
written notice of thirty (30) days to the Chair of the Advisory Group.
A.7. Individual members of the Advisory Group may withdraw membership from the Advisory Group by
providing thirty (30) days written notice to UNEP.
B. Functions and responsibilities of the Advisory Group
The Advisory Group will:
B1. Provide advice on strategies and approaches for UNEP’s work on EDCs (focusing on environmental
exposure and impact1) as part of UNEP’s subprogramme on Chemicals and Waste and as part of UNEP’s
commitment to the ICCM.
B.2. Provide guidance on overarching policies and issues while promoting synergy and collaboration across
B.3. Share information about recent advances in science and implications to policy related to EDCs.
B.4. Provide guidance on the development of case studies and advice on translation of research results into
control actions.
B.5. Provide advice on collaborative activities with WHO, OECD, and other IOMC bodies such as engaging in
the environment component of the WHO research plan.
B.6. Review UNEP’s report of its work on EDCs to SAICM at its regular meetings (Open Ended Working
Group and the International Conference on Chemicals Management) and to the UN Environment Assembly.
C. Meetings
C.1 The Advisory Group will meet on an annual basis or when deemed necessary, with clear objectives to be
met at the meeting.
C.2. Meetings may be in person or by electronic means. Face-to-face meetings will preferably be back-to-back
with international meetings.
C.3. Observers may attend meetings of the Advisory Group if so decided by the Group before the concerned
meeting. Depending on the topic of a meeting, additional experts may be invited to participate.
C.4. Members and observers are requested to cover costs of their participation at the meetings. However, UNEP
secretariat will undertake efforts to cover the costs of representatives from developing countries and countries
with economies in transition as well as non-profit entities and any other costs related thereof, within the scope of
UN/UNEP regulations and rules.
C.5. Reports of the meetings will be made available at the UNEP Chemicals Branch EDC webpage.
D. Amendment and Duration
D.1. Any amendment to this TOR will require the prior written consent of UNEP.
D.2. This TOR will remain valid for a period of six (6) years, unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section A.6
It considers primary and secondary contaminants, multiple environmental media, fate and transport processes,
cumulative and aggregate exposure, and environmental risks across the life cycle of (potential) EDCs; it does
not refer to general population and occupational exposure, epidemiology and human health risks.