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Problems of the Global Economy
Problems of the Global Economy is offered as an optional discipline to
second year students of the International Economic Relations Department of
the Financial University under the Russian Government
Discipline Objectives
Building students’ knowledge and practical skills in the main
problems of the global economy and developing students’ English language
Learning outcomes:
After completing the study of the discipline the student should have
acquired knowledge of the main economic problems of contemporary world
economy and of the forms of Russia’s participation in dealing with the
problems of the global economy.
The student should be able to discuss with
various aspects of the
English language speakers
the global economy and sustainable
Curriculum highlights
Similarities and differences between global problems and problems of
the global economy
Globalization and its impact on the world economy.
Population of the world. Past and current trends. Projections of
population growth in the 21st century. Population explosion and the ageing
of population. Impact of the ageing of population on the economy and the
wealth of societies.
World energy problem and the global problem of water resources.
Energy production and consumption. Energy scenarios up to 2050 and
beyond. Traditional and Renewable energy. The looming potable water
Global food problem World food production a and consumption. World
food crisis. Prospects of food production in the first half of the 21st century.
Hunger as a global problem. FAO and global community’s role in easing the
urgency of the food problem.
Poverty as a global problem. Absolute and relative poverty. Millennium
and sustainable development goals of combating world poverty.
Climate change challenge. Possible global warming scenarios. UN
Frame work Convention on Climate Change. 2015 United Nations Climate
Change Conference.
Sustainable development. Millennium development goals and their
realization. Sustainable development goals.
Official development assistance. Scope and country eligibility. DAC
criteria. Russia as a new donor.
World economic crisis of 2008-2010. Causes and impact of the world
Russia’s position in the global economy. Accession to the World Trade
Organization. Problems relating to modernization of the Russian economy.
Reading materials
1. Development Co-operation Report 2012.
2. FAO. The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2011.
3. UNCTAD. The Global Economic Crisis: Systemic Failures and
Mulilateral Remedies. N.Y. and Geneva, 2009 –
4. UNDP. Human Development Reports.
5. UNEP. 21 Issues for the 21st Century. Results of the UNEP Foresight
process on Emerging Environmental Issues. UNEP, 2012.
6. UNESCO. Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk.
7. United Nations. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010. U.N.:
N.Y., 2010.
8. United Nations. Two Degrees of Separation between Hope and Despair.,12016,en.html
Websites of international organizations (UNDP,UNCTAD, World bank,
and OECD).