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Low Kilovolt Prospective ECG-Gated Vs. Standard Dose Retrospective ECG-Gated
Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography: Comparison Of Image Quality And
Radiation Dose
To compare image quality and radiation doses of low kilovolt (kV) “prospective ECGtriggering” (PT) and standard “retrospective ECG-gating” (RG) coronary computed
tomography (CT) angiography.
A total of 101 consecutive patients (76 males, 25 females; mean age: 55.44±8.28) with lowto-intermediate risk status for coronary artery disease and with a body mass index (BMI) of
<30 kg/m², between July 2010 and December 2010 were prospectively included in the study.
Study was performed in the Uludag University Faculty Hospital. The images were acquired
with a 64- detector (128-slice) CT using tube current modulation technique. PT CT technique
(100 kV, heart rate [HR]<70) was applied in 59 patients while RG CT technique (120 kV,
HR≥70-90) was applied in 42 patients. The study was approved by the ethics committee. All
patients provided informed written consent.
No significant difference was found between age, sex and BMI of both groups (p>0.05).
Mean image quality score was 2.87±0.25 for low kV PT CT technique and 2.73±0.31 for RG
CT technique, which was statistically significant (p<0.05). No statistically significant
difference was found between groups for signal-noise and contrast-noise ratios (p>0.05). The
mean effective dose was 1.43±0.3 mSv for low kV PT CT technique while it was 8.20±2.36
mSv for RG CT technique (p<0.001). Kappa value for interobserver agreement of image
quality assessment was minimum κ=0.574 and maximum κ=0.926.
In low kV PT CT technique radiation dose is significantly reduced without loss of image
quality. This technique can reliably be used in patients with BMI<30 kg/m² and HR less than
70 bpm.
Key words: Prospective ECG-triggering, kilovolt, coronary CTA
The role of coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) in diagnosing coronary
artery disease (CAD) has increased significantly due to its speed, accuracy and
noninvasiveness (1-3). In a couple of meta analyses (3), it was shown that 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is highly sensitive and specific for detecting CAD
(97% sensitivity and 96% specificity). On the other hand, despite its noninvasive nature, high
radiation doses when compared with conventional angiography preclude its wider application
(1,4). Only few quantitative data on the dose-risk relation are available though effective dose
and the risk of cancer induction is still a concern (5). Radiation dose for 64-slice CT is 1113.6 mSv (maximum values; 21.3 mSv for coronary arteries and 14.7-26.5 mSv for coronary
by-pass) while it is estimated to be between 2 and 6 mSv for invasive diagnostic coronary
angiography (6,7).
This is the reason why the recent literature about CCTA mostly consists of studies related to
reduced radiation doses. Following the improvements in scanner technologies and with the
use of ECG-dependent tube current modulation technique, mean radiation dose is decreased
by the ratio of 37-40% depending on the heart rate (HR) but it is still high (1,2,6). Currently
available automatic tube current modulation technique reduce radiation dose on the basis of
patient geometry. Beam intensity modulation which is another technique using a stronger tube
current during the key imaging portions of diastole and a weaker tube current during the rest
of the R-R interval was also delveloped to reduce radiation dose (5,6).
“Retrospective electrocardiographically (ECG)-gated” (RG) CT is a widely used technique
for image acquisition in CCTA. In this technique, the patient and table move through the
gantry at a steady speed (2). However, the major drawback of RG CCTA is the high radiation
dose associated with risk of cancer induction (5). Using “prospective ECG-triggering” (PT;
“step-and-shot”) instead of retrospectively ECG-gating coronary CT scanning provides
another effective tool to reduce radiation dose especially in selected patients with reasonably
low and stable HRs (1). This technique involves the X-ray beam for only a short portion of
diastole. Once the scan data are acquired, the table moves to the next location for further data
acquisition (2,4,8).
Another way of reducing the dose of CCTA is to reduce the kilovolt (kV) as decreasing the
tube voltage allows an increase in opacification of blood vessels due to an increase in the
photoelectric effect and a decrease in Compton scattering (5,8). On the other hand, high BMI
or high coronary calcium load may preclude the low kV setting (9).
Lately, studies employing techniques produced to reduce the patient dose including higher
pitch (dual-source CT), high-efficiency detectors and iterative reconstruction have also been
published (10,11).
In CCTA it is aimed to obtain images of high diagnostic quality with minimum dose. In our
study, we aimed to compare RG CT technique (120 kV) with the PT CT technique applying a
low kV (100 kV) for image quality and radiation dose. There are limited number of studies in
the literature using low kV PT CT technique. These studies are performed usually with dual
source CT and to our knowledge no study utilizing single tube 64-detector CT exists in the
This prospectively designed study has been approved by the local ethics comittee of
Uludag University School of Medicine (2010-5/4). Written informed consent was obtained
from all study participants.
Totally 101 patients with low or intermediate risk for CAD (76 males, 25 females; mean age:
55.44±8.28) between July 2010 and December 2010 were included in the study. Exclusion
criteria were renal dysfunction (serum creatinine level >1.5 mg/dl), hyperthyroidism, known
hypersensitivity reaction to iodinated contrast agent, history of coronary artery bypass
grafting, recent intake of metformin, arrhythmia and pregnancy. Inclusion criteria were a
body mass index (BMI) of less than 30 kg/m², HR≤90 beats per minute (bpm) could be
achieved after the administration of beta-blockers and a coronary calcium load of less than
400 Agatston Units. The study was approved by the institutional review board and written
informed consent was obtained from each patient before the examination.
MDCT scanning protocol and reconstruction
CT was performed on a 64-detector (128-slice) CT system (Definition AS+, Siemens
Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany). Before CCTA, calcium scoring was performed with a
standard protocol (3mm effective slice width, prospective ECG-triggering). The Agatston
Score was calculated with dedicated software. PT CT technique (100 kV, before breath hold
HR< 70) was applied in 59 patients while RG CT technique (120 kV, before breath hold HR ≥
70-90) was applied in 42 patients. For both groups, using the 128-slice CT system,
collimation was 64×0.6 mm, resulting in 128 reconstructed slices per gantry rotation, using a
z-flying focal spot technique. Tube current–time product was applied depending on patientspecific parameters (Caredose 4D), with reference tube current–time product being 205 mA
s/rotation for PT CT technique and RG CT technique. Prospective triggering technique, i.e.
applying full tube current only at 70% of the RR interval and pausing the tube current
completely during the rest of the cardiac cycle, thus performing an ECG-triggering step-bystep acquisition. Retrospective ECG-gating with a broad ECG pulsing interval, i.e. applying
tube current modulation with full current during 30–80% of the RR interval. The pitch (range,
0.19-0.22) was adapted to the lowest expected HR during scanning. For all 101 CCTA
examinations, the imaging range covered the whole heart in a craniocaudal direction from the
level of the carina to the diaphragm. A nonionic contrast medium (370 mg I/ml) was infused
through an 18-G intravenous antecubital catheter at 5.5 ml/s, followed by a 50-ml saline at 5.5
ml/s, was injected in an antecubital vein for contrast enhanced CT coronary angiography. The
injection was performed with a dual-head power injector (Stellant; Medrad, Indianola, Penn).
1.1 ml/kg of iodinated contrast material was applied. For timing purposes, a bolus tracking
technique was used with the region-of-interest placed in the ascending aorta, applying a
threshold of 120 Hounsfield units and adding an additional delay before CT data acquisition
of 7 s. The patients were instructed to hold their breath after mild inspiration. In pateints with
a HR of ≥70 and with no contraindications like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
asthma, AV block or systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg; 50 mg oral beta-blocker an hour
before the scan and if HR is not below 70 bpm, intravenous beta-blocker (2 mg metoprolol
[BelocTM, Schering]; every 3-5 minutes up to a maximal dose of 6 mg) was applied. All
patients received 0.6 mg nitroglycerin sublingually 3 minutes prior to scanning to dilate the
coronary arteries.
Contrast enhanced CT images were reconstructed with a field of view of 200 mm, slice
thickness of 0.6mm, and an increment of 0.4 mm using both smooth (B26f) and sharp (B46f)
(for stent evaluation) convolution kernels. The reconstruction intervals were timed to the
phase of the cardiac cycle with the least cardiac motion. For PT CT group, datasets were
reconstructed at 70% of the RR interval, i.e. at the mid-diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle.
Additional optimised reconstructions regarded as necessary in seven cases were performed at
65% or 75% of the RR interval. For RG CT group, datasets were reconstructed in the middiastole and end-systole phases, using a motion-mapping algorithm (BestPhase, Siemens
Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany), which identifies the two optimal phases for image
reconstruction, typically at 70% for the mid-diastole and at 35–40% of the RR interval for the
end-systole phase. Additional optimised reconstructions were regarded as necessary in five
cases and were performed at the RR interval.
Assessment of Image Quality
All images were transferred to a dedicated postprocessing workstation (Leonardo, Siemens
Medical Solutions) and analyzed using interactive oblique multiplanar reformations (MPR)
and curved-MPR (Syngo Circulation, Siemens). CT image quality was assessed as a double
step procedure qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative evaluation was performed by two
readers (GG, NBT) independently and quantitative evaluation was performed by one reader
(GG). The readers were unaware of the patients’ history and the results of any previous
Qualitative evaluation involved image quality analysis on a per vessel and per segment basis
(left main coronary artery [LM], left anterior descending coronary artery [LAD], left
circumflex coronary artery [LCX], and right coronary artery [RCA]) according to a 4-point
scale (0-3 score):
0-insufficient image quality; multiple segments of a coronary artery is nondiagnostic
because of severe motion artefacts or noise-related blurring, fair vessel opacification, and
structural discontinuity
1-insufficient image quality; single segment of a coronary artery is nondiagnostic because
of severe motion artefacts or noise-related blurring, fair vessel opacification, and structural
2-moderate but sufficient image quality; multiple segments of a coronary artery is
diagnostic because of mild to moderate motion artefacts or noise-related blurring, good vessel
opacification, and no structural discontinuity
3-excellent image quality; multiple segments of a coronary artery is diagnostic because of no
motion artifact or noise-related blurring, excellent vessel opacification, and no structural
The image quality score for each single coronary artery was assessed, subsequently
calculating the mean image quality score of each patient by using the following formula:
(LM score + LAD score + LCX score + RCA score) / 4).
For quantitative evaluation, intraluminal CT attenuation, contrast “enhancement”
(intraluminal CT attenuation–perivascular fat tissue attenuation), image-noise, signal-noise
ratios (SNRs) and contrast-noise ratios (CNRs) were calculated at aortic root and proximal
coronary arteries according to previously described methods (1,12,13). The following
measurements were performed on axial source images (Figure 1):
(1) Aortic root: A round-shaped region of interest (ROI) (4cm²) was placed within the
ascending aorta.
(2) Coronary arteries: Two round ROI’s (as large as possible, 0.03–0.06cm²) were placed
within two main coronary arteries, the LM and the RCA proximally. Plaques were excluded
from the ROI.
(3) Perivascular fatty tissue: A ROI (0.07 cm²) was placed within the perivascular fatty tissue.
The absolute CT attenuation, expressed as Hounsfield Units (HU) and the corresponding
standard deviation (SD) [=as indicator for image noise] inside the ROIs were calculated.
Image noise was defined as the SD of HU. SNR was determined by dividing mean attenuation
by image noise. CNR was determined by dividing contrast values by image noise.
Measurement of the radiation dose
The dose–length product (DLP) was obtained from the patient protocol of the system. This
method has been shown to be reasonably robust and consistent in estimating the effective
dose. The effective dose is derived from the product of the dose–length product and a
conversion coefficient for the anatomical region examined, i.e. 0.017 mSv mGy−1 cm−1 for
the chest. In addition, parameters for volume CT dose index (CTDI) were obtained from each
CT examination protocol.
Statistical Analysis
Qualitative and quantitative values, radiation dose and image quality of both groups were
compared. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 13 software (SPSS Inc,
Chicago, IL). Continuous variables were expressed as mean±standard deviation (SD), and
categorical variables were expressed as frequencies or percentages. Nominal variables of both
groups were compared using the Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test if appropriate.
Student’s t-test for independent samples was used to compare all continuous variables that
were distributed normally such as average age, attenuation, CTDI; except those which were
compared by the non-parametric Mann–Whitney test such as average HR, BMI, SNR, CNR
and DLP. A p-value less than 0.05 indicated a statistically significant difference. Interobserver
agreement of image quality assessment was performed using kappa analysis. Agreement was
defined as fair (Kappa = 0.21 0.40), moderate (Kappa = 0.41–0.60), good (Kappa = 0.61–
0.80) and excellent (Kappa = 0.81–1.00).
PT CT and RG CT techniques were successfully performed in 101 patients. Adverse reactions
to the beta-blocker such as bradycardia or bronchospasm and the sublingual nitrate such as
tachycardia or a clinically relevant drop in blood pressure were not observed. The
demographics, general clinical information and Agatston scores of the patient groups are
shown in Table 1. No significant difference between age (54.8±8.8 vs 56.0±7.6; p=0.65),
gender (P=0.45) and BMI (26.7±2.5 kg/m2 vs 26.8±1.9 kg/m2; p=0.79) were found in both
groups. Mean heart beat speed for PT CT technique was 61.84±5.87 bpm, while it was
74.07±7.02 bpm for RG CT technique (p<0.001). Heart rate values less than 70 in some
patients imaged with RG CT technique was due to HR decrease following breath hold. The
mean z-coverage was 138±0 mm for PTCT technique and 138.9±6.5 mm for RGCT
technique, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups (p>0.05).
Mean image quality scores of the first reader (GG) were 2.87±0.25 and 2.73±0.31 for low kV
PT CT and RG CT techniques, respectively. The difference was statistically significant
(p<0.05). Mean image quality scores of the second reader (NBT) were 2.86±0.31 and
2.77±0.3 for low kV PT CT and RG CT techniques, respectively. The difference was
statistically significant (p=0.05).
According to the qualitative image quality scores of both readers, there was statistically
significant difference of vessel based mean scores of LM, LAD and RCA (p>0.05) while
there was no statistically significant difference for LCX coronary artery (p<0.05) (Table 2).
Mean quality score of LAD was highest among all others.
First reader evaluated 4 vessels (LAD [n=2] and LCX [n=2], 6.7%) as “insufficient image
quality” with PT-CT technique and 7 vessels (LCX [n=4] and RCA [n=3], 16.6%) with RGCT technique. Second reader evaluated 4 (LAD [n=2] and LCX [n=2], 6.7%) as “insufficient
image quality” with PT-CT technique and 7 vessels (LCX [n=4] and 3 (RCA [n=2] and LCX
[n=1], 7.1%) with RG-CT technique.
Kappa values for interobserver agreement of image quality assessment of LAD, LCX, RCA
were 0.574, 0.681, 0.811 for low kV PT CT technique and 0.926, 0.707, 0.776 for RG CT.
Interreader agreement for image quality assessment was good or excellent for both techniques
and all vessels except LAD in PTCT technique which was moderate.
Quantitative image quality assessment results are in Table 3. Intraluminal CT attenuation,
contrast enhancement and noise values were higher in PTCT technique comparing to values
obtained with RGCT technique. There was statistically significant difference between
intraluminal CT attenuation, contrast enhancement and noise values of coronary arteries
(p<0.001), while no difference was found between SNRs and CNRs of both scanning protocol
groups (p>0.05). Due to the higher values of CT attenuation, contrast enhancement and image
noise in low kV PT CT technique, the SNRs and CNRs did not differ in comparison with RG
CT technique in the proximal coronary arteries.
The mean DLP was 85±18.06 (range 45-128 and 484.19±139.64
(range 236-822 for low kV PT CT technique and RG CT technique, respectively.
The mean effective dose for PT CT technique was 1.43±0.3 mSv compared with 8.20±2.36
mSv for the RG CT technique (Figure 2). The mean CTDIvol was 6.45±1.17 mGy (range
3.25-8.61 mGy) and 31.4±7.73 mGy (range 19.06-48.17 mGy) for low kV PT CT technique
and the RG CT technique, respectively (p<0.001) (Table 4). The patient dose was 5.73 times
lower for low kV PT CT technique. This corresponds to a radiation dose reduction of 82.6%
achieved by lowering tube voltage to 100 kV. There were 4 subjects in the low kV PT CT
group who received a dose less than 1.0 mSv.
Images obtained with the lowest dose, low kilovolt PT CT technique and images obtained
with RG CT technique for comparative image quality assessment are illustrated in figure 3, 4,
and 5, respectively.
Cardiac CT is a reliable and accurate modality for the diagnosis or exclusion of CAD.
Though, high radiation dose of cardiac CCTA precludes its widespread use. National
Research Council of the United States has addressed the problem of radiation induced cancer
(14). Therefore, any successful reduction of radiation dose is important. Radiation doses of
cardiac CT scans reported in the literature vary a great deal depending on the scan parameter
settings and different generations of CT scanners. Scanner geometry, tube voltage, tube
current, scan range, ECG-gating (prospective versus retrospective), slice thickness, overlap
and pitch (for helical scanning), and shielding are the factors influencing the overall radiation
To our knowledge, the present study demonstrates the lowest effective doses reported and is
the first to demonstrate the diagnostic performance of prospective ECG- triggering CCTA
with low kV technique using single scanner 64-detector CT. Although patient characteristics
and scanning parameters including sex, body weight, HR, scanning length, and tube current–
time product did not differ between both groups, we found that a significant decrease in
radiation dose reaching almost 82.6% (mean 1.43±0.3 mSv) is possible with PT CT technique
without any decrease in image quality. We believe that these are the lowest reported effective
doses for 64-detector CCTA.
Until recently, all of the studies were performed with retrospective ECG-gating cardiac
imaging with high diagnostic accuracy for the detection of CAD but radiation dose was high
as well. Low pitch values of the technique result in considerable helical over-scanning of
tissue. Furthermore, the X-ray beam is turned on throughout the R–R cycle. Radiation dose is
gradually increased with the increased number of detector rows and reduction of detector size.
Therefore, various strategies have been utilized to reduce the radiation dose in cardiac
imaging, and prospective ECG-triggering is by far the most effective and significant
technique to reduce radiation dose (1-11).
In 2006, Hsieh et al. (15) first described a step-and-shoot protocol with prospective ECGtriggering for imaging CAD. They claimed that patient dose could be reduced by at least 50%
when compared to the standard retrospective ECG-gating protocol without compromising
image quality. Recent studies have shown that the prospective ECG-triggering offers a
diagnostic image quality of the coronary arteries (16). Radiation dose can be reduced
substantially, and in some series average doses as low as 2.1 mSv have been reported (1,5).
Achenbach (11) have reported a mean effective dose as low as 0.87 mSv using dual source
CT and PT CT technique with high pitch values (3.2-3.4). Unfortunately, high-pitch spiral
acquisition is only possible with dual-source geometry.
At higher HRs (i.e. >70 bpm) reconstruction of additional data in the systole may be required
for diagnostic image quality. Therefore, the prospective ECG-triggering mode is typically
performed in patients with regular heart beats below 70 bpm. The main limitation of PT CT
technique is that image quality is dependent on the HR, HR variability and BMI. Decrease of
image quality is reported by recent studies due to HR greater than 70 bpm, HR variation
greater than 10 bpm, or BMI greater than 30 kg/m² (9). Thus the prospective ECG-triggering
protocol applies only to properly selected patients. On the other hand, HR can be decreased
with intravenous beta-blockers in patients without any contraindications. It is reported that 515 mg intravenous beta-blocker can be used for HR control (12). Besides, phase optimisation
of ±10% during diastole makes it feasible to reconstruct datasets during 60–80% of the
cardiac cycle. This is the reason why inclusion criteria for the patients scanned with PT CT
technique in our study were lack of arrhythmia, HR below 70 bpm (with or without betablockers) and BMI of 30 kg/m². Another limitation of PT CT technique is that cardiac images
are acquired during only a small portion of the R-R interval; thus, functional information
about cardiac valve motion or wall motion is not available.
New scanner technologies such as dual-source, as well as latest scanner generations with 256
and more slices may allow the reduction of motions artefacts. Additionally, myocardial
perfusion imaging can be possible with these new generation CT techniques and with
prospective ECG-triggering. However, the issue of radiation burden is not solved by these
technical advances alone (17). Moreover, these new scanners are not widely available
comparing to 64- detector CT devices and they are expensive.
Radiation dose can be further reduced with reduction of the tube voltage, in addition to the
tube current modulation which is available in most of the 64-detector scanners. In general, the
dose is proportional to the square of the kilo-voltage in the setting of a constant tube current.
Therefore, reducing the tube voltage has a greater effect on the reduction of the radiation dose
than reducing the tube current. Stolzmann (9) studied the image quality and radiation dose
with dual source CT by using different protocols. Their results showed no significant
difference in image quality between 100 kV and 120 kV protocols, but significant reduction
of radiation dose was achieved with 100 kV protocols (1.2 ± 0.2 mSv) compared with 120 kV
protocols (2.6 ± 0.5 mSv). Though in their study, 100 kV was applied in patients with BMI 25
kg/m² and less. Gopal (16) compared prospective ECG-triggering and retrospective ECGgating protocols with different kV groups. Their results showed radiation dose reduction up to
90% achieved with 100 kV (1.93 ± 0.84 mSv) comparing to the conventional prospective
ECG-triggering at 120 kV. However, in their study 100 kV was used in patients under 85 kg.
Another study, similar to ours, was done by Feng (18) using 128 detector CT. Though in their
study, mean radiation dose was 2.71 mSv for the prospective ECG-triggering group and mean
BMI of patients was 24.67 kg/m². Hence in clinical practice, similar to our study, combining
prospective ECG-triggering with low kV protocol would be the most effective approach to
minimize radiation dose. Mean image quality scores were better for low kV PT CT which was
noticed during evaluation sessions and was also supported by statistical evaluation results.
Quantitative evaluation parameters such as the SNRs and CNRs did not differ between two
techniques. We therefore strongly recommend the use of lower tube voltages when
performing contrast enhanced coronary CT angiography in nonobese patients.
Another study has shown the feasibility of CCTA with tube voltage of 80 kV in slim patients
without impairing image quality and found a substantial reduction in radiation dose of almost
80% (mean 2 mSv) (8).
Low tube energy, however, inevitably increases image noise, which is more pronounced in
obese patients. For this reason, patients with BMI values higher than 30 kg/m² were not
included in our study. The noise may be more obvious on the soft tissues but the higher
intravascular attenuation of enhanced vessels may compensate for this effect. The attenuation
of iodine-based contrast material increases with reduced X-ray energy due to iodine’s high
relative atomic number (19). This, in turn, results in adequate SNRs and CNRs despite
increased noise. In our study, we found no significant difference between SNRs and CNRs of
both techniques (p>0.005), though noise was higher in PTCT technique (p<0.001).
Non-diagnostic image quality was due to the presence of a stair-step artifact and cardiac
motion artifact. Small HR irregularities might lead to stair-step artifacts at the junction of
different image blocks. Stair-step artefacts due to misalignment of two adjacent datasets may
happen if the position of the patient on the CT table changes during table travel, or HR is
irregular or HR variation is great during the scan. The RCA and LCX are especially affected
by motion artifacts because of their proximity to the right and left atria (20). Significant image
quality degradation occurs only at HRs that are both high and variable, the latter being the
main contributor. The study showed a weak though significant negative correlation between
mean HR and image quality only for the LCX (20). According to our results inadequate image
quality was noted in very few patients for both techniques and both readers. The significant
difference between image quality scores of both techniques are attributed to the higher mean
HR values in RGCT technique comparing to PTCT technique.
Our study has a number of limitations. First of all, we only evaluated image quality and not
diagnostic accuracy, e.g., for the detection of coronary artery stenoses. It is not known
whether sensitivity and specificity for stenosis detection would differ for scanning protocols,
because most patients did not undergo additional invasive coronary angiography. Secondly,
no patients with an HR >70 bpm were included in PT CT technique. Therefore, we did not
assess the quality of low kV PT CT technique in patients with a high HR.
In conclusion, PT CT can be performed with low kV in patients with regular heart beat, HR
<70 bpm and BMI <30 kg/m². High image quality with minimal radiation dose can be
achieved with this technique.
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Figure 1. A. Axial CT image (0,6 mm slice thickness), placement of the ROI for measuring
the CT attenuation value of the main left coronary artery and perivascular fat tissue is
demonstrated. B. Axial CT image, placement of the ROI for measuring the CT attenuation
value of the aortic root is seen.
Figure 2. Box plot showing comparison of the low kV PT CT technique and RG CT
technique. Values of the two groups were significantly different for effective dose (p<0.001).
The line within the box represents the median value. Boxes represent 25th to 75th percentiles.
Lines outside boxes represent 10th and 90th percentiles.
Figure 3. Prospective ECG-triggering coronary CT angiography with radiation dose 45 DLP
(effective dose 0.76 mSv) in a 59-year-old man who complained of chest pain (BMI: 26
kg/m², HR: 66 bpm). This patient has the lowest radiation dose in our study. No coronary
artery stenoses are present. A. Axial CT image (0,6 mm slice thickness), coronary arteries are
depicted without any motion artefacts. B. Curved multiplanar reformations of the RCA show
no motion artifact or noise related blurring, excellent vessel opacification, and no structural
discontinuity (image quality score 3). C. Curved multiplanar reformations the left main and
LAD coronary artery show no motion artifact or noise related blurring, excellent vessel
opacification, and no structural discontinuity (image quality score 3). D. Curved multiplanar
reformation of the LCX coronary artery show minor motion artifact or noise-related blurring,
good vessel opacification, and no structural discontinuity (image quality score of 2).
Figure 4. Curved multiplanar reformations of the RCA show image quality score at low kV
PT CT technique. A. Excellent image quality B. Moderate but sufficient image quality C.
Insufficient image quality, proximal segment of RCA in non-diagnostic.
Figure 5. Curved multiplanar reformations of the RCA show image quality score at RG CT
technique. A. Excellent image quality B. Insufficient image quality, multiple segments of
RCA are nondiagnostic due to high HR (83 bpm).