Download 10/8/08 SI A ECL 365 The______ is the largest gland in the

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SI A ECL 365
1. The____________ is the largest gland in the vertebrate body and receives blood
from the ________________ _______ carrying molecules of digestion.
a. Liver, intestinal walls
2. What functions does the liver perform?
a. Chemical factory, storage depot of digested materials and site of
detoxification, storage of carbs, sugars (stored as glycogen, fats),
synthesize proteins, alter fat composition, combine proteins and fats,
convert ammonia into urea or uric acid.
The __________________ is a blind storage sac that stores _________, which is
used to breakdown fats, and is also rich in bicarbonate.
a. Gallbladder, bile
What are functions of the pancreas?
a. Secrete enzymes for breaking down carbs to simple sugars and fats to
glycerol and fatty acids. Pancreatic juice is rich in bicarbonate.
b. Secretes enzymes into the intestine to split sugars, starchs, fats, peptides to
amino acids, etc.
What is the purpose of bicarbonate? In what “juices” can it be found?
a. Neutralize stomach acid.
b. Bile and pancreatic juices
Where does most true absorption occur in the vertebrate body?
a. Intestine (or gut)
______________________ and ____________________ are the two major parts
of the intestine.
a. Small intestine and large intestine
The small intestine plays a major role in _________________ of nutrients.
a. Absorption
How is the surface area of the intestine increased?
a. Villi, spiraling and coiling
10. Teleost fish add to surface area with numerous pockets called ___________
__________, which are used for both _______________ and _______________.
a. Pyloric cecae, digestion and absorption
11. The length and convolution of the intestine varies, depending on what things?
What does the length/convolution infer about the animals eating habits?
a. Diet and Animal size
b. Carnivorous – food easier to breakdown, shorter
c. Herbivores have longer intestines (cellulose breakdown)
12. Describe the cecum.
a. Present in almost every animal, reservoir for intestinal bacteria in humans.
b. Divides small and large intestine in birds and mammals.
13. What function does the large intestine perform in vertebrates?
a. Collects unabsorbed materials into feces, water absorption
14. In mammals and many fish, the intestine terminates into a _____________ and
_________, but into a _____________ in sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and birds.
a. Rectum and anus, cloaca
15. Allometry –change of shape accompanies a change of size, relative growth of
16. What is the difference between a cloaca and a rectum?
a. Cloaca  Discharges both urine and feces (Common exit) (and repro site)
b. Rectum  discharges feces
17. What factors influence gut size?
a. Body size
b. Primary feeding mode (herbivory vs carnivory)
c. Amount of indigestible material.
18. Compare and contrast the efficiency of different diets.
a. Carnivorous fish: 70-90%
b. Herbivorous fish 40-50%
19. In general, what type of diet was largest in terms of gut size? The smallest?
a. Herbivores largest
b. Carnivores smallest
20. Isoallometry
21. What generally consumes more energy? (Homeotherms or Poikilotherms) Why?
a. Homeotherms, metabolism – maintain homestasis.