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World History
Unit 6:
Russian Revolution & Totalitarianism
How did World War I effect the Russian Revolution?
How did the outcome of the Russo-Japanese War affect the Russian Czar?
What were the major causes of the Russian Revolution?
Why did the Bolshevik leaders seek peace with Germany in 1917?
Why did the Russian peasants support the Bolsheviks in 1917?
What was the slogan of the Bolshevik Revolution?
Why was the Communist Government in Russia a contradiction to Marxist theory?
What techniques did both Lenin and Stalin use to maintain power?
What was Stalin’s goal when the introduced the Purges and public trials of his former supporters in the 1930’s?
10. What did Stalin’s do to stay in power in the Soviet Union?
11. What were the results of Stalin’s policy of collectivization of agriculture?
12. What was the purpose of Stalin’s Five Year Plan?
13. Why did Great Britain adopt a policy of appeasement with Germany in the 1930’?
14. What is wrong with the policy of appeasement?
15. What resulted from the political confusion and instability in Europe in the period between WWI and WWII?
16. How were Japan, Germany and Italy similar in their policies during the 30’s and 40’s?
17. Which idea was included in the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles to show the intent of the allies to punish the Center powers
for their role in World War I?
18. What were some of the reasons that the Nazi programs and policies of the early 1930’s appealed to many people in Germany?
19. How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to the rise of fascism in Germany?
20. Why did democratic governments fail in many European nations after WWI?
21. How did Adolph Hitler rise to power in Germany?
22. The Nazi party received support from Germany people because they made what promises?
23. Fascism in Europe in the 1920’s and 1930’s is best describes what kind of government system?
24. During the 1930’s, Japan’s foreing policy was based on what foreing policy strategy?
25. Why did Japan seek an empire in the 1930’s?
Answer questions on a separate sheet of paper.