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Total Health Study Guide for November 29, 2012 Exam
Physical Health
Chapter One A Higher Goal
1. 1 Thess. 5: 23 We are a three part being made up of Body, Mind and Spirit.
2. Our lifestyle is made of up values, choices, behavior and habits. It is up to us to
make good decisions that will lead us to health.
3. Anatomy:____________________________________________________
4. Physiology:___________________________________________________
5. Needs of the Human Body: Water, Food, Oxygen, Heat, Pressure.
6. Organization of the Body: (Memorize and be able to define each one) Cell,
Tissue, Organ, System, Human Body.
7. Know characteristics of a cell – (page 18) Alive, power to move, sensitive, take in
oxygen, food and water, get rid of waste, grow and reproduce.
8. The systems of the body: Circulatory, Respiratory, skeletal, Muscular, digestive,
Excretory, Integumentary (skin), Endocrine, Nervous, Immune and Reproductive.
Chapter Two The Eleven Body Systems
For the 11 body systems that are explained in Chapter two, be able to explain each one
and discuss problems found in them.
Chapter Three Nutrition
1. The six main kinds of nutrients: Protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals,
and water. These in combination provide the body with: Fuel for energy, building
blocks for growth and maintenance, and substances that act to control body
processes. Know the how each one functions within the body.
2. Understand Cholesterol (LDL) and (HDL)
3. Prescription for Good Nutrition highlighted on page 67 and following pages
4. Define The Set Point
5. Explain eating disorders : Anorexia, Bulimia, and chronic overeating
Chapter Four Fitness and Exercise
1. Physical Fitness includes Cardiovascular fitness, Muscular strength, flexibility
and your body’s fat-versus-lean relationship. Define each.
2. Define Aerobic, Anaerobic
3. Define overload, progression, specificity and cross training
4. Understand the components of every exercise program pages 109 – 112
5. Injury prevention
6. Explain RICE
7. Explain the importance of sleep and the various stages of sleep
Chapter 5 Infectious Disease
1. Define infectious disease
2. Pathogens or germ are microorganisms that cause disease: bacteria, viruses,
fungi and tiny organisms. Define and explain.
3. Explain the difference between Virus vs. Bacteria infection
4. Explain the process of infection (page 128) including incubation period.
5. Acute vs. chronic illness
6. Physical Defenses: skin, mucous membrane and immune system
7. Lymphatic Network: Lymphocytes, B-cells and T-cells
8. Explain vaccinations and how they work to protect the body.
9. Explain the importance of hand washing in fighting common infectious diseases
10. Name and explain Pneumonia, mononucleosis, Hepatitis (A) (B) and (C).
11. Name and explain STD’s Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes simplex II, HIV
and AIDS.
12. Explain prevention of STD’s
Chapter 6 Noninfectious Disease
1. Define Degeneration: A lowering of effective power, vitality or essential quality
to a worsened kind or state; to pass from a higher to a lower type or condition.
2. From a Christian worldview, explain how sin came into the world.
3. Causes of noninfectious disease (also known as degenerative diseases): heredity,
the environment and lifestyle.
4. Explain cardiovascular disease: Arteriosclerosis, strokes, Angina (chest pain),
Myocardial infarction (Heart attack), High blood pressure (hypertension).
5. Explain prevention and treatment of heart disease
6. Cancer: Groups of abnormal cells that grow quickly and may form masses of tells
called tumors. (Benign or malignant). Metastasis is the spread of tumors to other
parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic system.
7. Cancer Prevention and Cancer treatments
8. Warning signs: CAUTION (page 168)
9. Define and explain Diabetes Mellitus: Hypoglycemia, Diabetes I and II.
10. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid
11. Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular dystrophy and Multiple sclerosis
12. Alzheimer’s Disease