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Chapter 3.1 Q&A
1. Explain the difference between the following terms:
a) Migration:
b) Immigration:
c) Emigration:
d) Net Migration: _________________________________________________________________
Arrange each of the following scenarios into the correct category below.
Failed harvest/famine
Factory is closed
Scenic mountain views
Communists take over a
Warm winter climate
War breaks out
Expensive housing costs
Good schools/Low crime rate
Push Factors
Flooding of a river
Freedom of speech & religion
Opening of a new factory
Low income taxes
Push Factors
Push Factors
Pull Factors
Pull Factors
Pull Factors
3. The most important pull factor for migrants to North America is _____________________________.
4. Explain how each of the following has served as Intervening Obstacle to movement.
a) the Rocky Mountains:
b) the Atlantic Ocean:
c) the Iron Curtain/Berlin Wall:
5. A person permanently migrating from one country to another is an ____________________ migrant.
Voluntary migration implies that a migrant has _______________ to move for __________________
__________________ migration refers to migrants that have been compelled to move by cultural or
political factors. These migrants are referred to as _____________________.
6. Check all of the following that are true statements about Mexican migrants.
Most long Mexican migrants today are males.
Most migrants work in the U.S. for substandard pay and few benefits.
Tougher security along the U.S/Mexican border has resulted Mexican migrants
choosing to stay permanently in the United States instead of going back home.
Most migrants come from areas that border the United States.
Approximately half of the illegal immigrants to the United States are better educated
than other Mexicans back in their home region.
Chapter 3.2 Q&A
Use the map to match the description with the correct region(s).
Areas of net out-migration
Sends 100,000 + to N. America
Receive the most migrants from Asia
Largest destination for L. Americas
Receives migrants from every region
N. America
L. America
1st Peak of European Immigration
a) When did the 1st peak of European Immigration to the U.S. occur?
b) Approximately how many people migrated during these 2 decades? ________________________
c) What region(s) of Europe did these early immigrants come from?
d) Name one “push” factor that compelled these people to cross the Atlantic. ___________________
2nd Peak of European Immigration
e) During what decade did the second wave of European immigration peak? _____________________
f) How many people were coming from Europe per year during this time? _____________________
g) Besides Germany & Ireland, what other two countries sent a large number of immigrants?
h) What “pulled” these immigrants the Americas? ___________________________________________
3rd Peak of European Immigration
i) What were the two source regions for immigrants during the early 20th century? _______________
j) In what geographical region did most of these people settle? ________________________________
Recent Immigration
k) During what decades did the most immigrants come from Asia? ____________________________
l) According to the map on the top of page 95, from what countries are the majority of Asian
immigrants from? _____________________________________________________________________
m) By the late 1980s, which region replaced Asia as America’s leading source of immigrants? _______
n) Most Asians migrate to the United States through the process of __________________ migration.
o) From what country does the largest number of legal immigrants to the United States come from?
p) From what country does the largest number of illegal immigrants to the United States come from?
q) What country has sent the most immigrants of all…over 8 million? _________________________
Europe’s Demographic Transition
Because of the _____________________ Revolution, improvements occurred in public health,
medicines, and the production of food. This resulted in a rapid decline in _____________ rates,
allowing the population to __________________ and pushing Europe into the ____ stage of the
Demographic Transition.
To promote more efficient agriculture, England encouraged the consolidation of many __________
farms into _____________ units. This policy was known as the __________________ Movement.
Millions of people were forced to ________________ from rural areas to factory jobs in the cities.
Many choose to migrate to the __________________ __________________ in search of farmland.