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Bingo Word Bank
Treaty of Versailles
Jewish citizens
The Holocaust
Germany invaded Poland
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
Allied Forces
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Dec. 7, 1941
Western Europe
Economic Cooperation
Act of 1948/Marshall Plan
Victory in Europe
France, the U.K., and the
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Victory over Japan
Concentration camps
France, U.K., U.S., and
Soviet Union
Pearl Harbor
Soviet Union
The Great Depression
Hideki Tojo
Government type led by a militant dictator that suppresses all opposition;
controls all decisions society; and emphasizes aggressive nationalism/racism
Dictator of Germany during WWII & responsible for the Holocaust
Hitler was a member of this political party / National Socialist German Workers'
Germany had to pay reparations to the war-torn Allied countries; the army was
limited to 100,000; Germany had to give up land; Germany could not join the
League of Nations; and Germany could NOT ally itself with Austria.
One of the groups that Hitler targeted and blamed for Germany’s problems
Systematic killing of 6 million European Jews and 5 million others during WWII
The event that started WWII
The year WWII began
The year WWII ended
WWII countries of Germany, Italy and Japan were members of this alliance
The countries of the Axis Powers, which were led by fascist dictators
This alliance included the U.K., France ,U.S., and the Soviet Union and won the
Event that caused the U.S. to enter WWII
Country that bombed Pearl Harbor
The date which Pearl Harbor was bombed
A defense alliance formed after WWII that agreed to defend each other if they
were ever attacked by the Soviet Union.
The Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, or Marshall Plan, provided U.S. aid to
the countries of this region.
The leader of the Soviet Union that Hitler later betrayed after signing a nonaggression pact.
A plan that offered agricultural, industrial & financial aid to the countries of
Western Europe after WWII.
What does V-E stand for?
After WWII, the 3 Allied countries that occupied Western Europe and Western
Cities bombed by U.S. at end of WWII, ending the war in Japan
What does V-J Day stand for?
Where Jewish people, communists, political opponents, gypsies and others were
sent during the Holocaust.
The countries of the Allied Forces
The place that the Japanese bombed feeling it was the only real U.S. threat in
their efforts to invade China.
The Allied communist country that controlled Eastern Europe and Eastern
Germany after WWII ended.
The political system that led to France, the U.S. and the U.K. to fiercely oppose
the Soviet Union after the end of the war.
The global economic downturn that hit in 1929 that helped Hitler come to power.
The fascist dictator of Japan that ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor.
The fascist dictator of Italy.