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World War II
Fascism-a political philosophy
that supports a strong central
government, controlled by the
military and led by a powerful
Communist- a system of
social organization in which all
economic and social activity is
controlled by a totalitarian state
dominated by a single and selfperpetuating political party.
(does away with social classes)
Nazi- claimed German nation
represented most racially pure
people. Jewish nation was
greatest threat to German
World War I Leads to World War II?
The Treaty of Versailles helped lead
to the start of WWII.
 Humiliated
the Germans
 Kept the nation from rebuilding itself and
move forward economically
In 1933 Adolf Hitler becomes Germany’s
Nazi leader.
 In 1935 Germany ceased to recognize the
Treaty of Versailles.
Start of WWII
Start of WWII-September 1, 1939,
Nazi Germany invades Poland.
Hitler (Germany) was trying to take back
land they lost to Poland after WWI.
 France and Great Britain declare war on
Germany on September 3, 1939.
 Italy joined the war in 1940 to support
Japan Joins the War
Japan was severely affected by the Great
They relied heavily on imported resources and
needed more land for their growing population.
They saw expansion as the best solution.
Japan began to occupy parts of China and they
officially went to war in 1937.
Japan signed an alliance in 1940 with Germany
and Italy.
Pearl Harbor
The U.S. disapproved Japan’s actions and
placed a heavy trade embargo on Japan.
 This restricted its ability to import oil,
scrap metal, and other vital resources to
its war effort.
 This angered the Japanese officials….
Pearl Harbor
…Who then launched a surprise attack on
Pearl Harbor in retaliation for the
 December 7, 1941
 More than 3,400 people died or suffered
wounds in the attack.
 The attack brought the U.S. into World
War II.
Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941)
Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941)
Allied Powers
U.S., Great Britain, France, Russia, and
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, and Japan
Adolf Hitler
Nazi dictator of
Germany who
committed suicide at
the end of the war.
Blamed the Jewish
people for Germany’s
financial difficulties.
Tried to eliminate
(genocide) the Jews
as part of his Final
Solution plan.
Benito Mussolini
Fascist dictator of
 Was captured and
executed in April
Hideki Tojo
Prime Minister of
Japan who ordered to
go to war and attack
Pearl Harbor.
 Was executed for his
responsibility to
Japan’s war crimes.
Joseph Stalin
Communist dictator of
 Started on the side of
Germany, but
switched sides when
the Germans began
to occupy parts of
Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and
Communist Russia are all totalitarian
 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
both led fascist states.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
President of the U.S.
during WWII.
 Wanted to stay
neutral in the
Turning point of war.
 Marked the beginning of the Allied
invasion of western Europe.
 The Allies invaded German occupied
France on June 6, 1944, along the
beaches of Normandy, France.
Nuclear Warfare
The U.S. uses new
technology to drop
two nuclear bombs in
The first nuclear
bomb “Little Boy” was
dropped on August 6,
1945, on the city of
Hiroshima in Japan.
 Killed over 100,000
people over a few
Atomic Bomb
U.S. dropped the second nuclear bomb
“Fat Man” on the city of Nagasaki in Japan
on August 9, 1945.
 Killed between 60,000-80,000.
 Japan surrendered 6 day later to the
Complete Devastation…
Before and After
Atomic Bomb Video
Ended on September 2, 1945, with Japan
signing surrender on the U.S.S. Missouri in
Tokyo Bay.
 Over 22-25 million soldiers killed.
 Between 60-70 million people killed during
Division of Eastern and Western
There was a
division of Eastern
and Western
Europe after WWII,
known as the “Iron
The Berlin Wall is an
example of that
United Nations
Created after
WWII to maintain
peace and prevent
future wars.
The United Nations
is a means to solve