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Name: _______________________________________
Date: ______________
Chapter 21 The Roaring Life of the 1920s (1919-1930)
Textbook Study Guide
Section 21-1 Changing Ways of Life
1. Read Section.
2. Answer:
When: _________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Speakeasy (def.): ___________________________________________________________
Bootlegger (def.): _____________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Scopes Trial:
When: _________________________________________________________________
Who: __________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
3. Answer
A. History through Art –Textbook Page 641 #1-3?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
B. Compare city life and rural life of the 1920s?
C. Difficult Decision –Textbook Page 642 #1-3?
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
D. Based on this section, which side seems to have the most power: fundamentalist or
modernists? Why do you think so?
People to Know:
Al Capone:
John Scopes:
William Jennings Bryan:
Clarence Darrow:
Name: _______________________________________
Section 21-2
Date: ______________
The Twenties Women
1. Read Section.
2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Double standard:
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
3. Answer.
A. How did the family change in the 1920s?
B. In 1920, veteran suffragist Anna Howard Shaw stated that equality in the workplace would be
harder for women to achieve than the vote. Why do you think Shaw held this belief? Support
your answer with evidence from the text.
C. Based on Textbook Page 650-651 what do you learn about Youth in the Roaring 20s?
People to Know:
Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald:
Name: _______________________________________
Date: ______________
Section 21-3 Education and Popular Culture
1. Read Section.
2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
Sprit of St. Louis:
When: _________________________________________________________________
Who: __________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Lost Generation:
Who: __________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
3. Answer.
A. Section 3 Assessment Textbook Page 657 – Main Idea #2?
B. How did schools change in the 1920s?
C. In what ways do you think the mass media and mass culture helped Americans create a
sense of national community in the 1920s? Use the text to support your answer.
D. Do you think the popular heroes of the 1920s were heroes in a real sense? Why or why not?
E. In two or three sentences summarize the effects of education and mass media on society in
the 1920s.
People to Know:
Jack Dempsey vs. Gene Tunney:
Gertrude Ederle:
Babe Ruth:
Charles Lindbergh:
George Gershwin:
Georgia O’Keefe:
F. Scott Fitzgerald:
Edna St. Vincent Millay:
Ernest Hemingway:
Name: _______________________________________
Section 21-4
Date: ______________
The Harlem Renaissance
1. Read Section.
2. Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
When: _________________________________________________________________
Who: __________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
When: ________________________________________________________________
Who: __________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Harlem Renaissance:
When: _________________________________________________________________
Who: __________________________________________________________________
What: _________________________________________________________________
Why: __________________________________________________________________
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
3. Answer:
A. Why did an African-American Renaissance flourish during the 1920s? What were the contributing
B. How did popular culture in America change as a result of the Great Migration?
C. What did the Harlem Renaissance contribute to both black and general American history?
D. American Literature: Thinking Critical - Textbook Page 665 #1
People to Know:
Zora Neale Hurston:
James Weldon Johnson:
Marcus Garvey:
Claude McKay:
Langston Hughes:
Paul Robeson:
Louis Armstrong:
Duke Ellington:
Bessie Smith: