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Life and Death of a Star
1. There are ________________ stars in our galaxy.
2. What are the pillars of creation?
3. Each contracting cloud can produce a few dozen to __________________ of stars.
4. What is the temperature in the middle of a dust disc? __________________
5. A star’s biggest opponent is ________________ that wants to crush the star.
6. What holds up the star from gravity?
7. How hot a star is relates to the ______________ it emits. _________ is hotter and ______________
is cooler.
8. What are red dwarfs?
9. __________ is the fundamental thing that drives the life history of stars. _______________ stars live
their lives faster.
10. The size of a star influences how it ______________.
11. what will gravity do to the sun when fusion is over?
12. what is a white dwarf?
13. our sun will eventually turn into a ____________________.
14. How can a white dwarf have their “last hoorah”?
15. What is a Type 1A supernova?
16. What is the “robotic search engine” and how does it help?
17. A massive star builds up a core made of __________ and eventually it becomes unstable.
18. ____________________ are the source of all the heavy elements around us.
19. We are essentially made up of ___________ elements.
20. What is a neutron star?
21. one teaspoon of neutron star material is the mass of _________________________ tons.
22. A black hole represents the death of a _________________ star.
23. Why are black holes called “black holes”?
24. What happens when neutron stars collide?
25. What are the chances of our star colliding with another? _______________________
26. What are blue stragglers?
27. What is a brown dwarf?