Download Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication

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Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication
1. Frontalis: raises eyebrows:
a. Insertion: skin around eye
2. Occipitalis – puls scalp posteriorly
a. Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis
3. Orbicularis oculi: closes eye
a. Insertion: eyelid
4. Orbicularis oris: closes and protrudes lips
a. Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
5. Buccinator: compresses cheeks as in whistling(deep to
zygomaticus and masseter)
a. Insertion: orbicularis oris
6. Zygomaticus: raises corners of mouth
a. Insertion: skin and muscle of corner of mouth
7. Procerus: flare nostrils
a. Insertion: aponeurosis at bridge of nose/forehead
8. Risorius: from latin to laugh – superior to buccinators(wide band)
risorius is thin band - “ qui ridet tandem, ridet bene
a. Insertion: angle of mouth
9. Masseter: closes mouth
a. Insertion: mandible
Temporalis: occupies most of temporal bone, synergist to
a. Insertion: mandible(coronoid process)
Sternocleidomastoid: primary muscle of neck that moves
the head
a. Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
Pterygoids: elevate, protract, and or move mandible to
either side (lateral pterygoids: transverse from sphenoid to
medial surface of condylar process medial pterygoids: rectus
from inferior surface of sphenoid to medial surface of ramus of
a. Insertion: medial surface of mandible
b. Origin – inferior processes of sphenoid
c. These muscles are deep to masseter and buccinators
Muscles of the cranium
Frontalis: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
a. Insertion: skin of eyebrow and bridge of nose
Occipitalis: tenses and retracts scalp
a. Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis