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Boom to Bust Study Outline
Essential Questions:
1. How did the disillusionment over the outcome of WWI impact culture and society
during the 1920s?
2. How did reactions to WWI have a political and economic impact on the decade?
3. What should the role of government be in the economy of a nation?
All of Chapter 31
All of Chapter 32
Key Understandings (define them and know why they are important)
“Roaring Twenties”
Causes and Effects of The Red Scare
Reasons for the Palmer Raids
Sacco and Vanzetti
Rise and Impact of the KKK
Birth of a Nation
Immigration Act (1924)
Positive and Negative Effects of Prohibition
Impact of Scopes Trial
Reasons for Mass Culture
Impact of Mass Culture
Evolution of credit
Impact of Automobiles
Spirit of St. Louis
Impact of Lindberg’s flight
Reasons for Harlem Renaissance
Impact of Harlem Renaissance
The Lost Generation Writers
Presidency of Warren G. Harding
“Return to Normalcy”
Teapot Dome Scandal
Impact of Kellogg-Briand Pact
Impact of Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Presidency of Calvin Coolidge
Issues during Election of 1924
Crisis over Allied War Debts
Reason for and impact of Dawes Plan
Issues in Election of 1928
Al Smith
Presidency of Herbert Hoover
Causes for the Stock Market Crash
Impact of the Stock Market Crash
Impact of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Causes of the Great Depression
Goals of the Reconstruction Finance
Goals of the Bonus Army in D.C.
Hoover’s reaction to the Bonus Army
Japanese Expansion in Pacific
Good Neighbor Policy
Candidacy of Franklin Roosevelt
Theory of Evolution