Download LESSON PLANS Michelle Byrd Week 24: Feb 6

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Michelle Byrd
Week 24: Feb 6-10, 2017
Duties /
7th Grade Science/GT Science
Daily info.
7.L.4A.5, 7.L.4A.6, H.B.2A.1, H.B.4C.2 7.L.3B.1, 7.L.3B.2
Essential Question: How do body systems work together to ensure survival?
Objective: Students will be able to understand how cells, tissue, organs and organ systems work
together to ensure survival.
- ALL -Bell Ringer: relating cell organelles to body organs, justify with reasoning
- 1st Period- INB: cells, tissues, organ, organ system (pg 86-87)
- 2nd-8th Periods- Cut/Glue: DNA/RNA activity
May include: Modified classwork sheet, manipulatives, re-wording of directions,
added time, extra time, and extra modeling, all modifications as described in IEPs
Assessment: formative
Homework: study 
7.L.4A.5, 7.L.4A.6, H.B.2A.1, H.B.4C.2 7.L.3B.1, 7.L.3B.2
Essential Question: How do body systems work together to ensure survival?
Objective: Students will be able to understand how cells, tissue, organs and organ systems work
together to ensure survival.
- ALL -Bell Ringer
- 1st Period- INB: cells, tissues, organ, organ system (pg 86-87)
- 2nd-8th Periods- finish: DNA/RNA activity
- ALL- Advancements in Genetics Article
May include: Modified classwork sheet, manipulatives, re-wording of directions,
added time, extra time, and extra modeling, all modifications as described in IEPs
Assessment: formative
Homework: finish article
Lunch duty
7.L.3B.1, 7.L.3B.2
Essential Question: How do body systems work together to ensure survival?
Objective: Students will be able to understand how cells, tissue, organs and organ systems work
together to ensure survival.
- ALL -Bell Ringer
- 1st Period- INB: body system cut and glue (pg 89)
- 2nd-8th Periods- cells, tissues, organ, organ system (pg 87-89)
May include: Modified classwork sheet, manipulatives, re-wording of directions,
added time, extra time, and extra modeling, all modifications as described in IEPs
Assessment: formative
Homework: study 
7.L.3B.1, 7.L.3B.2
Essential Question: How do body systems work together to ensure survival?
Objective: Students will be able to understand how cells, tissue, organs and organ systems work
together to ensure survival.
- ALL -Bell Ringer
- 1st Period- INB: body system notes (pg 88)
- 2nd-8th Periods- INB: body system cut and glue (pg 91)
Michelle Byrd
May include: Modified classwork sheet, manipulatives, re-wording of directions,
added time, extra time, and extra modeling, all modifications as described in IEPs
Assessment: formative
Homework: study 
Bus duty
7.L.3B.1, 7.L.3B.2
Essential Question: How do body systems work together to ensure survival?
Objective: Students will be able to understand how cells, tissue, organs and organ systems work
together to ensure survival.
- ALL -Bell Ringer
- INB: body system notes, color and label
May include: Modified classwork sheet, manipulatives, re-wording of directions,
added time, extra time, and extra modeling, all modifications as described in IEPs
Assessment: formative
Homework: study 
*Lesson plans are subject to change.
7.L.4A.1 Obtain and communicate information about the relationship between genes and chromosomes to construct
explanations of their relationship to inherited characteristics.
7.L.4A.2 Construct explanations for how genetic information is transferred from parent to offspring in organisms that
reproduce sexually.
7.L.4A.3 Develop and use models (Punnett squares) to describe and predict patterns of the inheritance of single genetic traits
from parent to offspring (including dominant and recessive traits, incomplete dominance, and codominance).
7.L.4A.5 Construct scientific arguments using evidence to support claims for how changes in genes (mutations) may have
beneficial, harmful, or neutral effects on organisms
7.L.4A.6 Construct scientific arguments using evidence to support claims concerning the advantages and disadvantages of
the use of technology (such as selective breeding, genetic engineering, or biomedical research) in influencing the transfer of
genetic information.
H.B.2A.1 Construct explanations of how the structures of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids (including DNA
and RNA) are related to their functions in organisms.
H.B.4C.2 Analyze data on the variation of traits among individual organisms within a population to explain the patterns in
the data in the context of transmission of genetic information.
7.L.3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of how the levels of organization within organisms support the
essential functions of life.
7.L.3A. Conceptual Understanding: Cells are the most basic unit of any living organism. All organisms are composed of one
(unicellular) or many cells (multicellular) and require food and water, a way to dispose of waste, and an environment in
which they can live in order to survive. Through the use of technology, scientists have discovered special structures within
individual cells that have specific functions that allow the cell to grow, survive, and reproduce. Bacteria are one-celled
organisms found almost everywhere and can be both helpful and harmful. They can be simply classified by their size, shape
and whether or not they can move.
7.L.3B. Conceptual Understanding: Multicellular organisms (including humans) are complex systems with specialized cells
that perform specific functions. Organs and organ systems are composed of cells that function to serve the needs of cells
which in turn serve the needs of the organism.
7.L.3A.4 Construct scientific arguments to support claims that bacteria are both helpful and harmful to other organisms and
the environment.
7.L.3B.1 Develop and use models to explain how the structural organizations within multicellular organisms function to
serve the needs of the organism.
7.L.3B.2 Construct explanations for how systems in the human body (including circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory,
nervous, and muscular)