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NAME ____________________________ DATE ____________________ CLASS _____
 I can describe the relationship between the earth, moon and sun.
4= 12 pts
3= 9-11pts
2= 4-8 pts
1= 0-3 pts
1. Number the pictures from smallest (1) to largest (4)
A: Galaxy
D: Planet
B: star
C: Solar System
____ 1.
Objects in our solar system revolve around the sun because:
a. They have to
b. The sun’s gravitational pull keeps the planets in orbit
c. The galaxy is spinning counterclockwise
____ 2.
Day is when:
a. The sun is shining
b. That side of the Earth is turned toward the sun.
c. That side of the Earth is tilted toward the sun
____ 3.
Night is when:
a. It is dark outside
b. That side of the Earth is turned away from the sun
c. That side of the Earth is tilted away from the sun
____ 4.
The time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun is:
a. About 1 day
b. About 1 month
c. About 1 year
5. Why do we have day and night on Earth?
6. Use pictures and words to describe all of the motions of the earth, the moon, and the sun.
Label the following:
 Sun
 Moon
 Earth
Draw and label the:
 Revolution of the
Earth and Moon
 Rotation of the
Earth and Moon
 Axis of the Earth
 I can explain why we see different moon phases on Earth.
3= 4-5pts
2= 2-3pts
1= 0-1pts
____ 1. The time it takes for the Moon to revolve around the Earth is:
a. About 1 day
b. About 1 week
c. About 1 month
____ 2. The time it takes for the Moon to rotate on its axis is:
a. About 1 day
b. About 1 week
c. About 1 month
______3. Draw a line to match the moon phase with the correct description. You will not have a line
drawn to every moon.
1st quarter
new moon
full moon
waxing crescent
waning gibbons
_______4. Why do we see phases of the moon from earth?
last quarter
 I can describe the influences of gravity on Earth.
3= 3pts
2= 2pts
1. Circle the picture that you think best shows gravity. Explain why.
1= 0-1pts
This is a picture of gravity because ______________________________________________
Tides on Earth are caused by the gravitational
pull of the ____________ on Earth’s oceans.
a. sun
b. moon
c. stars
The gravity on the Moon is less than on Earth because:
a. The Moon is smaller than Earth
b. The Moon is bigger than Earth
c. The Moon is the same size as Earth
 I can describe objects within our solar system
3= 3pts
2= 2pts
1= 0-1pts
____ 1.
Comets are made of frozen gases and _________.
a. ice crystals
b. cosmic dust
c. all of these
____ 2.
A __________ is a rock found in space beyond our atmosphere.
a. meteor
b. meteoroid
c. meteorite
____ 3.
The asteroid belt is located between _________ and __________.
a. Earth and Mars
b. Mars and Jupiter
c. Jupiter and Saturn
_____ 4.
Which planet is the only one with life on it (as far as we know)?
a. Venus
b. Earth
c. Mars
 I can explain, with evidence what causes seasons on Earth.
3= 3pts
2= 2pts
1= 0-1pts
____1. When we have summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the
Southern Hemisphere is having ____.
a. Winter
b. Spring
c. Summer
____2. The earth has seasons because _________________.
a. The gravitational pull of the Moon
b. The Earth is tilted on its axis 23.5 
c. The Earth changes temperature
3. These scientists are talking about why it is warmer in the summer.
Angela: “Actually, Bill, it is
warmer in the summer
because that is the time of
year when the sun shines
“The earth is tilted but
the seasons are caused
because sometimes the
Earth is closer to the
sun, which causes the
weather in the summer
to be warmer.”
Bill: “It is warmer in
the summer because
when our part of the
earth is tilted toward
the sun, there are more
hours of daylight and
the sunlight is more
Which of these scientists is most correct in describing why it is warmer in the summer?
What evidence do you have to support your answer?
 I can describe the scale of our solar system and our sun.
3= 4-5pts
2= 2-3pts
1= 0-1pts
1. Draw and label our solar system to approximate scale in size and distance from the sun. (make
sure the planets are in order and labeled)
2. What is a star?
a A sphere of ice crystals
b. A sphere of hot, glowing gases
c. An object floating in space
3. Is our sun the largest star in our galaxy? Explain.