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The Scientific Method
Metric/English Units
Ionic Bonding
Covalent Bonding
Metallic Bonding
Valence Electrons
Electron dot diagrams
General and Specific properties
Mass and Weight
-Differences and similarities
-When do they change?
-How to calculate
-Density of water = 1.0 g/ml
Single Replacement
Double Replacement
Phases of Matter
Phase Changes
-What causes them?
Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical and Chemical Changes
Gas Laws
-Charles' Law
-Boyle's Law
-Combined Gas Law
Frame of reference
Speed/Velocity (constant and average)
Force (Newton)
Friction (Four Types)
Newton's Three Laws
Gravity (Free fall)
Structure of the Atom
3 Subatomic Particles
Mass #, Atomic #, Atomic Mass
Periods and Groups
What they tell you about the element
Family Names and properties
Pressure in a Fluid
-Pascal’s Principle
Buoyant Force
Bernoulli's Principle
Archimedes’ Principle
Work (Joule, Newton x meter)
Power (Watt)
Simple Machines (6)
Classes of levers
Mechanical Advantage
Chemical Symbols
Chemical Formulas
LPPACS Exam Review – Chemistry Topics
STRATEGY: Start by reading through your notes to refresh your memory on these topics. Then, use this review
sheet as a starting point to identify the areas on which you need to spend more study time. For those areas, go
back to homework assignments, quizzes, and reviews to practice more problems. I would also recommend going
through all 8 tests.
 Questions will follow the same format as your previous tests. You will need a calculator.
 A periodic table will be provided.
Science Skills
After reading cooking instructions that said to add salt to water before boiling it, Jose guessed that adding salt
must make the water boil at a higher temperature. He decided to test his idea by performing the following
Jose measured out 1 quart of distilled water and added to it 2 tablespoons of salt. He then brought the water
to a boil and measured its maximum temperature. Jose ran two more trials using 2 tablespoons of salt. He
then ran 3 trials each with 4 tablespoons of salt and 6 tablespoon of salt. For each trial in his experiment, Jose
used 1 quart of distilled water and the same pot and stove. The average temperature for 2 tablespoons of salt
was 102.7C. The average temperature for 4 tablespoons of salt was 105.4C. The average temperature for
6 tablespoons of salt was 107.1C. Since Jose knew that the boiling point of water is 100C, he concluded
that adding salt to water does cause it to boil at a higher temperature.
1. What was Jose’s hypothesis?
4. List the dependent and independent variables.
2. What was Jose’s conclusion?
3. What component of experimental design is
VOCAB: hypothesis, theory, scientific law, independent
variable, dependent variable
5. A sample of cork has a mass of 54 g and a volume
of 225 cm3. What is its density?
12. How many centimeters long is the proverbial “10-foot
6. A typical ant is 3 ___ (unit?) long.
13. How many milliliters are in a 2.0 quart jug of milk?
7. A typical man weighs 85 ___ (unit?).
8. A soda can contains 355 ___ (unit?) of soda.
9. 230 g =
14. Calculate density from the slope of a graph (see
10. 4.35 m = _ _ cm
VOCAB: number, quantity
11. 89.6 mm = ___ m
Acids & Bases
Identify these properties as acid, base, or both (15-22).
15. A corrosive electrolyte.
16. Produces hydroxide ions in solution.
17. Sour taste.
18. Produces hydrogen ions in solution.
19. Bitter taste and slippery feel.
20. Soap and ammonia are examples.
21. Can be detected with an indicator.
22. Vinegar and lemon juice are examples.
23. The reactants in a neutralization reaction are
24. The products of a neutralization reaction are
25. A salt is formed from the ________ of an acid and
the ________ of a base.
VOCAB: acid, base, indicator, hydronium ion, strong/weak
acid or base, pH, buffer, neutralization reaction, salt
Classify as solid, liquid, gas, or plasma (26-29).
26. low KE, classified as crystalline or amorphous
37. Describe energy and particles during a phase
38. Describe energy and particles between phase
27. very high KE, positively & negatively charged
28. high KE, uncharged particles can spread out
29. fairly low KE, particles can move around each
Identify the phase change being described (30-35).
30. A transition from gas to liquid.
31. A transition from liquid to gas at the boiling point.
32. A transition from liquid to solid.
33. A transition from solid to gas.
34. A transition from liquid to gas below the boiling
Classify the following as element, compound, solution,
or heterogeneous mixture (39-42).
39. steam
40. smoke
41. liquid nitrogen
42. Kool-Aid®
43. Compare & contrast solutions, colloids, &
Classify the following as chemical or physical (44-51).
44. conducts electricity
48. decomposing road kill
45. explosive
49. sublimation of dry ice
46. corrosive
50. grating cheese
47. dissolves in water
51. acid rain damage to
52. Compare and contrast mixtures and compounds.
35. A transition from solid to liquid.
36. When atmospheric pressure increases, boiling
point ___________.
VOCAB: kinetic molecular theory, thermal expansion,
kinetic energy, potential energy, heat of fusion, heat of
vaporization, Boyle’s Law, Charles’ law, absolute zero
Atomic Structure & The Periodic Table
Which scientist is responsible for each discovery (5358)?
53. Proposed the “billiard ball” model of the atom.
54. Proposed the existence of a dense, +charged
55. Proposed the existence of –charged electrons.
56. Proposed the existence of neutrons.
57. Developed the “electron cloud” model of the atom.
58. Proposed that electrons travel in circular orbits.
61. Mendeleev arranged the elements by
62. The largest atoms are in the ____ corner of the
table. The most reactive elements are either in the
______________ corner or the _______________
63. Which is more reactive: Li or Cs?
64. Which is more reactive: Ba or Rn?
65. Draw the electron dot diagrams for Rb and S.
59. Draw atomic models for billiard ball through
electron cloud.
60. Draw the Bohr model diagram for magnesium.
VOCAB: quark, orbital, isotope, average atomic mass,
valence electrons, period, group,
metals/nonmetals/metalloids, representative
elements/transition metals/inner trans metals
Chemical Bonds
66. Why do most atoms form bonds to get 8 valence
Are these compounds ionic or covalent (67-69)?
67. SO3
68. FeCl3
69. NaNO3
Identify these properties as ionic or covalent (70-74).
70. Form individual molecules.
71. Involve the transfer of electrons.
72. Form a crystal lattice structure of charged
73. Involve the sharing of electrons.
74. Conduct electricity in solution.
80. Name these ionic compounds: LiBr, MgSO4,
81. Write molecular formulas for: carbon tetrachloride,
sulfur hexafluoride, dinitrogen monoxide.
82. Write ionic formulas for: calcium chloride, aluminum
oxide, copper(II) nitrate.
Identify these properties as polar or nonpolar (75-78).
75. Usually formed between identical atoms.
83. Write acid formulas for: nitrous acid, phosphoric
acid, hydrobromic acid.
76. Involve the unequal sharing of electrons.
77. Create partial + and – charges within the
78. Involve the equal sharing of electrons.
79. Name these molecular compounds: PCl3, SO2,
Chemical Reactions
Identify as endothermic or exothermic (84-89).
VOCAB: octet rule, polar, nonpolar, diatomic elements,
oxidation number, polyatomic ion
91. Li + O2  Li2O
84. 2KClO3 + energy  2KCl + 3O2
85. 2Li + 2H2O  2LiOH + H2 + energy
92. C3H8 + O2  CO2 + H2O
86. When substances are mixed, the test tube feels
93. H2SO4 + Al  Al2(SO4)3 + H2
87. Green CuCO3 must be heated in order to break it
down in black CuO and CO2 gas.
88. In your car’s engine, fuel is burned to produce
89. When substances are mixed, the test tube feels
94. Fe + Cl2  FeCl3
95. H2CO3 + Ba(NO3)2  HNO3 + BaCO3
Balance each equation & identify the reaction (90-95).
90. SiCl4  Si + Cl2
VOCAB: reactants, products, law of conservation of
mass, coefficient, exothermic, endothermic
LPPACS Exam Review – Physics Topics
STRATEGY: Start by reading through your notes to refresh your memory on these topics. Then, use this review
sheet as a starting point to identify the areas on which you need to spend more study time. For those areas, go
back to homework assignments, quizzes, and reviews to practice more problems. I would also recommend going
through all of your tests.
 Questions will include multiple-choice and matching. You will need a calculator.
 A formula bank will be provided including the value for the acceleration due to gravity.
Motion & Forces
96. Newton’s first law of motion states that an object stays at
rest unless a ___ acts on it.
97. A person in a head-on car collision, who is not wearing a
seat belt, continues to move forward at the original speed
of the car because of ___.
98. Forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction
are called ___.
99. What type of force causes the motion of an object to
100. Which of the following objects has the greatest inertia? –
baseball, ping pong ball, bowling ball, marble
101. When an astronaut goes to the moon, which will
decrease, his mass or his weight?
102. What two factors influence the amount of gravitational
force? When is gravity strongest?
103. What two factors influence the amount of friction? When
is friction greatest?
104. Practice reading distance-time and speed-time graphs
(see test & worksheets).
105. Debbie is planning a road trip that is 250 km long. How
many hours will it take her if she drives at an average
speed of 104 km/h (about 65 mph)?
106. Jill’s car has a maximum acceleration of 8.7 miles per
hour per second (mi/h/s). How many seconds does it
take her to accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour (mi/h)?
107. A feather and a penny are dropped from a height of 2
meters. Which object will hit first without air resistance?
With air resistance?
108. A 4.5 kg cat leaps up onto the counter with a force of 38
N. What is her acceleration?
109. Find the weight of the 4.5 kg cat in newtons.
110. How can an object in circular motion be accelerating
even when it moves at a constant speed? In what
direction is it accelerating?
111. A cannonball is shot horizontally off a cliff at 8 m/s. At
the same moment, a baseball is dropped straight down.
Which ball will hit the ground first and why?
112. Describe the vertical and horizontal velocities of a
Ryan, an 82-kg figure skater, is moving left at a constant
velocity. Laura, his 50-kg partner, is standing motionless.
When they meet, they move left together. (#42-45)
113. Describe the action-reaction pair during the collision.
114. Which of the two forces is greater?
115. Which skater will have greater acceleration?
116. Describe the conservation of momentum before and after
the collision.
117. The large piston of a hydraulic lift has an area that is 5
times greater than that of the small piston. If 20 N of
force is applied to the small piston, what force will be
exerted by the large piston? What principle is involved?
118. Explain why a brick sinks in a bucket of water, but an
equal-sized block of wood floats. What principle is
119. Why does a piece of paper rise as you blow over it?
What principle is involved?
120. What happens to a fluid when it is forced through a
smaller opening? What principle is involved?
VOCAB: acceleration, force, friction, gravity, inertia, motion,
speed, velocity, air resistance, Archimedes’ Principle,
Bernoulli’s Principle, buoyant force, Newton’s Second Law,
Newton’s Third Law, Pascal’s Principle, terminal velocity,
Venturi Effect
121. Describe the relationship between work input & work
122. A machine with MA less than one multiplies ___. A
machine with MA greater than one multiplies ___. What
is does a machine with MA equal to one do?
123. Susan uses a system of pulleys to lift a 280 N box, but
she only exerts 88 N. What is the MA of the pulley
124. Practice labeling the fulcrum, effort, & resistance on
levers and identifying the class of lever.
125. You need to build a wheel-&-axle for a well that lifts a
250 N weight using only 50 N of force. If the axle has a
radius of 1.5 cm, what radius does the hand crank need
to have?
126. Practice identifying the IMA of a pulley or pulley system.
127. How much force will you have to exert in order to push
an 1800 N piano up a ramp that is 1.5 m high and 6 m
128. Using a block-and-tackle, a mechanic pulls 7.2 m of
chain with a force of 80 N in order to lift a 260 N motor to
a height of 1.8 m. What is the efficiency of the blockand-tackle?
129. What force causes the efficiency of a machine to be
130. How much power is used to lift a 2500N elevator 3.5m in
VOCAB: machine, simple machine, compound machine,
effort and resistance forces, work input and output, lever,
pulley, wheel-&-axle, inclined plane, screw, wedge
mechanical advantage