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Biology 20 - Ch. 5 - The Cell Notes
• In 1665, an English scientist named Robert Hooke made an improved
microscope and viewed thin slices of _____________________________
• Hooke named what he saw _______________________
• Anton van Leeuwenhoek first to ________________________ in samples
of pond water and human blood.
• In the 1830’s, ___________________ (botanist studying plants) &
______________________ (zoologist studying animals) stated that
• In 1855, ______________________ stated that _____________________
• Virchow’s idea contradicted the idea of _____________________ (idea
that nonliving things could give rise to organisms)
• The combined work of Schleiden, Schwann, & Virchow is known as the
Cell Theory (Pg. 78)
• ___________________________________________________
• __________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________
There are two basic cell types:
• ____________________________________________.
• Include ____________________________________
• Present in all living things.
• _____________________________________
• Cells are the basic units of organisms
– Cells can only be observed under microscope
• Two basic types of eukaryotic cells:
• ______________________ & ________________________
Parts of the Cell
Plant Cell
Cell wall
• Made of _____________________which forms very thin fibres
Biology 20 - Ch. 5 - The Cell Notes
• Strong and rigid
• In plant cells only
•_______________________ the interior of the cell.
•Resist entry of _________________ into the cell
•Gives shape to the cell
•A dead layer
•Large empty spaces present between cellulose fibres freely permeable
Cell Membrane
•Also called the ___________________________.
•Lies immediately against the ___________________
•Found in ______________________ cells
•A living layer
•Can control the movement of materials into and out of the cell
•_________________________ enclosed by cell membrane
•Provide __________________________________ to take place
•Found in all cells
•Contains organelles and granules: e.g. chloroplasts & mitochondria.
 Very small size – some can only be observed under an electron
 All organelles have specific functions.
 Found in the cytoplasm
•Only in plant cells.
•Contain the green pigment __________________________
•Main function is to ______________________, to make food by
•Contain ____________________ (products of ____________________)
Mitochondrion (mitochondria)
•Rod shape
•Found in plant & animal cells
•For _____________________________
•_________________________________________ have more mitochondria
Non-living Granules
Starch granules, oil droplets, & crystals of insoluble wastes
Biology 20 - Ch. 5 - The Cell Notes
•___________________________ in plant cells.
•Contains ______________________
•a solution of chemicals (sugars, proteins, mineral salts, wastes, pigments)
•In animal cells it is generally small and surrounds engulfed food particles.
Control the normal activities of the cell
Bounded by a ___________________________
Contains the ______________________________________.
 Contains a large amount of ______________________.
 Not bound by a _____________________
Nuclear Pore
 Allows large molecules to move in and out of the nucleus
The Animal Cell
•Stores ___________ granules and _____________ in the cytoplasm
Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.)
•Found in ________________________ cells
•__________________________ in cell
•___________________________ types
•Rough E.R. have _____________________ attached to the outside.
•Found in plant & animal cells.
•Sites of __________________________________.
•Found on _________________________________.
Golgi Apparatus
• Found in plant & animal cells.
• Serve as ____________________________________________ for
products released by the cell.
• Organelle of ________________ – transports products made by the cell
to be released outside the cell.
• Form the ___________________________
• Found in plant & animal cells.
• Gives cells _____________________________________.
Biology 20 - Ch. 5 - The Cell Notes
• Found in centrioles, cilia, & flagella.
• Composed of ______________________.
• Small saclike structures that contain _______________________.
• Found in most animal cells and rarely in plant cells.
• Located near the ___________________ in animal cells.
• They are arranged in a pair on either side of the nucleus.
• Each centriole is ____________________ consisting of a ring of
• They are involved in ____________________ in animal cells.
An excellent cell tutorial can be found at:
Similarities between plant cells and animal cells
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
Differences between plant cells and animal cells
Animal Cell
Plant Cell