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Turtle Muscles
Head and neck muscles
Mylohyoid: (intermandibularis) Superficial muscle under the jaw.
Latissimus coli: midventral muscle caudal to the mylohyoid; responsible for compressing the throat during
Omohyoid: lateral to the sternohyoid.
Sternomastoid: deep to the latissims colli.
Sternohyoid: midventral muscles that is deep to the mylohyoid.
Digastric: superficial muscle lateral to the mylohyoid.
Brachiohyoid: oblique muscle that is deep to the mylohyoid.
Longus coli: deep lateral muscle that is best seen in a dorsal view; responsible for extending the neck the neck.
Retrahens capitis collique: lateral to the longus colli; responsible for retracting the neck.
Depressor mandibuli: lateral jaw muscle securing the articular and quadrate.
Biventer cervical: mid-dorsal muscle that is medial to the latissimus coli.
Transverse cervical: lateral to the spinal cervical and the biventer cervical.
Spinal cervical: located mid-dorsally, lateral to the biventer cervical and medial to the transverse cervical.
Pectoral Girdle and Forelimb muscles
Latissimus dorsi
Triceps brachii: cranial and lateral to the internal brachial muscle.
Deltoid: 2 heads on the ventral surface near the clavicle.
Pectoralis major: large superficial muscle of the ventral surface of the chest.
Subscapularis: within the subscapular fossa of the scapula
Biceps brachii: caudal and lateral to the subscapularis along the inferior border of the scapula.
Serratus magnus: similar to the serratus ventralis in the cat; caudal and lateral to the scapula.
External radius longus: lateral border of the radius
Internal brachial: medial to the biceps brachii;
External radius brevis: lateral to the external radius longus.
External ulnar: lateral border of the ulna.
Extensor digitorum: Medial dorsal side of the limb.
Suprascapularis: major muscle on the dorsal aspect of the scapula.
Claviculobrachialis (clavodeltoid): lies along the scapula, cranially to the suprascapularis.
Palmaris: muscle along the ventral forelimb responsible for moving the digits.
Pelvic and Hindlimb muscles
Attrehens pelvim: superficial muscle lateral to the pubis bone.
Oblique abdominis: superficial, lateral to the attrehens pelvin.
Transverse abdominis: deep to the oblique abdominis.
Retrahens pelvim: caudal to the attrehens pelvim.
Internal iliac: deep to the attrehens pelvim; medial to the transverse abdominis.
Triceps femoris adductor: deep muscle that is medial to internal iliac.
Sartorius: lateral superficial thigh muscle.
Semimembranosus: broad medial superficial thigh muscle;
Semitendinosus: medial to the semimembranosus.
Gracilis: deep to the semimembranosus.
Plantaris: superficial muscle of the hindlimb on the plantar surface.
Anterior Tibialis: mid-ventral superficial muscle that lies over the tibia.
Rectus femoris: deep to the sartorius
Extensor digitorum longus: seen on a dorsal view- medial to the anterior tibalis.
Peroneus: medial to the extensor digitorum longus (dorsal view)
Flexor caudae lateralis: moves the tail; mid-dorsal deep to the flexor caudae lumbalis.