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South-Wales Savages: A visual
study of the degeneration of
primitives in the University of
Wales Swansea
Throughout the world, tribal savagery
exists to this very day; however, it was
only recently that it was discovered that
primitive society exists here in South
Wales. Evolutionist anthropologists believe
that through the work of missionaries and
trade, savage ways may be tamed, and
these beasts may at least become
partially civilized (although they will
obviously remain thick). Recently it was
discovered that an enclave of savagery
exists within the above-mentioned
institution. These primitive forms of
humankind lurk on the upper gallery of
the university library, with glazed wideeye expressions, and can often be found
drewling in a delirious state. In this
essay, I shall attempt to prove that their
barbaric state has at least partially been
caused by a rite of passage that only
takes place in their society once every
ten years…
In preparation for this ritual these
barbaric forms of humankind sit shaking
and drewling, randomly attacking a
machine in front of them (known in the
local language as a computer). This
machine is believed to help them to
produce a shiny silver, rainbow coloured
disk (believed to be money), which gives
them status in their barbaric society.
When things go wrong, they dance
vigorously (and seemingly uncontrollably)
around computer in the hope that the
spirit world will intervene. If the planets
are in alignment, and the spirit world is
pleased with them, a shiny disk will come
from the machine (known as a CD-Rom).
This is then exchanged for a piece of
paper that allows them to come out of
liminality in the upper gallery, and to be
reintegrated into their society.
It is the stage of obtaining this, shiny
disc that I shall discuss here, which is
believed to be the liminal period between
two different states in their society. In
showing this I shall attempt to show their
degeneration during this ritual process.
The savages obviously find this marginal
stage very stressful, however it is noted
that it functions as a bonding rite. Those
who CD-Rom together, have to laugher
with one another for the rest of their
lives. They are known as ‘Brothers of
CD-Rom’. Ties made during this process
are permanent, and an egalitarian
relationship develops (another indication
of their primitive society).
I stated earlier that the savages
degenerate during this process. This
degeneration mainly affects the mind.
However it is believed that the
degeneration that occurs during this rite
is permanent and is an important means
for them to enter what we would call
adulthood, (locally known as graduation).
The crazed side affects of the rite mean
that they are never very successful and
thus keep to their primitive ways,
however graduation is seen as important
for group solidarity.
I shall now give visual evidence for the
degeneration of the primitives during the
liminal phase (the main aim of this essay).
Be warned, some of the photographic
evidence displayed below is shocking to
the civilised mind.
Even Dave can’t hack the intense nature of the rite
…And here lies some strong evidence to the cracking up
of these mere mortals who once considered themselves
“I once Believed there was always hope, but now I’m a
sceptic at heart. The CD-Rom drained me of my life
enjoyment force…!” Anna xxx
“The CD-Rom, how stressful, can if really be expected
that anthropology students are technical whizzes with
a computer. I don’t think so that’s why we shoes
anthropology!!!” Jo Thomas x
“Oh the dear CD-Rom. Word seemed easy so why did
this not turn out so? I thought anthropology was the
one for me but all of this complicated technological
stuff has put me off!!!” Carys Lovering
These statements are an obvious indication of the
delirious state that these savages find themselves in
as a result of the liminal period. Little do they know
how important it will be for them to complete this rite
late in their stunted lives
“Thanks for compensating for massive stressfulness of
CD-Rom by hinting about exam Q’s! Thanks for being a
good lecturer over the last three years. Xx” Bethan
“Thank you for all your help over the last two years. I
hope you enjoy this CD!” Heulwen
“so as you can see, there’s strong proof that
anthropology is infact desastuours for the human mind”
Although it was a bit of a struggle, I
think we all learned from it and we
certainly had fun producing this!
All of the third year from 2003 would
like to say a BIG thank you for all your
efforts over the last three years. xxxx