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Chapter 4 – Male Reproductive System – Study Guide
The “factory” of the sperm (where they are produced) are the testis.
The pathway of the sperm is through the vas deferens and around the bladder, then
joining the urethra and opening to the outside of the body through the penis.
Semen is the fluid that surrounds and carries the sperm outside the body.
Terminology –
Balanitis –Inflammation of the penis
Orchitis –Inflammation of a testis
Orchiectomy –Removal (excision) of a testis
Orchidectomy –Removal (excision) of a testis
Prostatectomy –Removal (excision) of the prostate gland
Scrotal –Pertaining to the scrotum
Urethritis –Inflammation of the urethra
Vasectomy –Removing a piece of each vas deferens and tying off each end
Pathology –
1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia –Noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. Also
called benign prostatic hypertrophy
2. Cryptorchism –Condition of undescended testis. The testis is not in the scrotal sac at
birth. Crypt/o  Hidden
3. Hydrocele –Sac of clear fluid in the scrotum. Hydr/o  Water
4. Prostatic carcinoma –Cancer of the prostate gland
5. Sexually transmitted disease –These affect both males and females and are infections
spread by sexual or other genital contact. E.g. Chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, herpes
genitalis and syphilis
6. Testicular carcinoma –Malignant tumor of the testis. e.g. seminoma (Malignant tumor
within the testis)
7. Varicocele –Enlarged, swollen veins near a testicle. Varic/o  Swollen Veins
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedure –
1. Digital rectal examination (DRE) –Examination of the prostate gland with finger
palpation through the rectum
2. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) –Measurement of the amount of psa in the blood
3. Higher than normal levels are associated with prostatic enlargement and prostate cancer
4. Semen Analysis –Measurement of the number, shape and motility (ability to move) of
sperm cells
Treatment Procedures –
1. Orchiopexy –Surgical fixation of an undescended testicle in a young male infant
2. Transurethral resection of the prostate gland (TURP) –The removal of portions of the
prostate gland with an endoscope inserted into the urethra. Photoselective vaporization
of the prostate (greenlight pvp) is a newer technique that uses a laser to treat benign
prostatic hyperplasia
3. Vasectomy –A Procedure in which the vas deferens on each side is cut, a piece is
removed and the free ends are folded and ligated with sutures. Vasectomy produces
sterilization so that sperm are not released with semen.