Download MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The male reproductive system p

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reproductive system produces
(spermatozoa), meant for introducing them into the oviduct of the female for
fertilization of the egg and secondary for producing a hormone which
influences sex characters.
Male reproductive system consists of:
1. Testes
2. Vas differences
3. Papillae or rudimentary copulatory organ
1. Testes
The testes are two small ovoid organs situated at the anterior end of the
kidneys in the dorsal body wall. The left testis is usually larger than the right
One. Each testis consists of a larger no. of slender tubes, called seminiferous
tubules, from the lining of which the reproductive cells are given off.
spermatozoa are then carried out of the testis by the seminal fluid, which
also produce in the testis. Millions are produced and expelled in the seminal
2. Vas deferens
The vas deferens are two tubes pursuing a wavy course from the testis to
the cloaca.They convey spermatozoa and seminal fluid from the testis to
3. Papillae
The papillae of the male is located on the medium ventral portion of one
of the transverse folds of cloaca.At the time of mating sperms are introduced
by the papillae into the oviduct in the cloacal wall of the female.
Enlarged section of the alimentary canal that connects the large
intestine and vent is called the cloaca.The vent is the external opening of
the cloaca.Sperms from the testis,faecal material from the large intestine
and urine from the kidneys are pass through the cloacal and are
eliminated through the vent.