Download Googling Oct. 07 2003

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 How to use Filetype:
filetype:doc doc, pdf,ppt,xls,rtf
 * (asterisk) “He likes * food”
 ~ (tilde) English ~journal (~ means related word; synonym, while
* certain word in front of this word)
Searching Oct. 5
1. The time of last train from London to Cambridge.
Googling “railway timetable” site:uk
2. What is the latest news you can find about Taiwan?
(Googling/News)Taiwan (Sorted by date)
3. You want to find literature on the Web in electronic form. Where
would be a good place to start? or Yahoo!
4. Find as many pages as you can with Taiwan in the title from British
universities. Repeat the search for American universities.
intilte:Taiwan site:edu
5. An article about cloning from Friends of the Earth.
Searching Oct 06 2003
1. Find a Powerpoint presentation about using DVDs in English
language teaching
Google Web Tab. Key in allintitle:English dvd filetype:ppt
2. Find a photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife
Google Web Tab. Key in “Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife”
Google Image Tab. Key in the name you find.
3. What board game does Schwarzenegger like most?
Google Web Tab. Predict the possible phase “Arnold
Schwarzenegger loves”
4. My name is David Eastment. But what is my middle name?
Google Web Tab. Key in “David * Eastment”
5. I can find about 925 pages with “taiwan” and “history” in the title.
How many would I get if I widened the search with ~ ?
Google Web Teb. Intitle:Taiwan intitle:~history
6. Use the Google Directory service to find 5 good sites for Halloween
Google Directory Tab.
7. Cambridge has the best learner dictionaries on the web.
Find the site.
Google Web Tab. Key in dictionary site:cambridge
More Googling Oct. 07 2003
1. A grammar from a UK university. How much does it cost on
2. Information about a sport spelled something like “kadabbi”
3. Listening material from Newcastle University,UK
intitle:listening intitle:~material Newcastle
4. Mr Vladimir Putin’s middle name
“Vladimir * Putin”
5. You want to do some work on the daily lives and routines of people
in Australia. How do you find resource?
Site:au “day in the life of”
6. There is a journal hosted by an American university about technology
and how it can be used to learn language. Can you find it?
site:edu intitle:technology ~language ~journal
Oct 08
1. Find a Power Point presentation about using DVDs about English
Intitle:dvd English filetype:ppt or ~dvd English filetype:ppt
2. Find a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife
web/ “Schwarzenegger’s wife”/ image/ “her name”
3. Find David Eastment’s middle name
“David * Eastment”
4. What board game does S like most?
“Schwarzenegger loves”
5. I can find about 925 pages with “taiwan” and “history” in the title.
How many would I get if I widen the search with ~ ?
Allintitle:Taiwan ~history
6. Use the Google directory service to find 5 good Halloween materials.
Directory/Halloween/kids & holiday/
7. Cambridge has the best learner dictionaries on the web. Find the site.
dictionary Site:Cambridge
Oct 09
1. How many pages –assisted can you find with “computer-assisted
language learning” in the title? How many of these are from Canada?
And how many from the UK? Is this surprising?
Allintitle:computer assisted language learning site:ca
2. Find a lesson plan for multiple intelligences in PowerPoint format
Filetype:ppt “lesson plan” “multiple intelligences”
3. Find an article on an ELT website in Taiwan,from a Taiwan University
Allintitle:elt web site taiwan
4. What is the latest news from California?
Click News Tab, type California,click Sort by Date
5. Use the Google Directories to find some games about environment for
Search on Web for “environment games kids” click directories