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Computer is an electronic device. Its impact is globular. Totally the whole world reckon on it. Its impingement
is tremendous. The innovations like Abacus, Calculators, and Tablet machines laid a strong fundament for
modern computers. ENIAC is considered to be first functional digital computer. The British computer called
EDSAC is the first computer that ran a computer game.
The Altair 8800 is considered to be the first personal computer. It was
excogitated from MITS. Intel 8080 processor was used in Altar 8800. Its
memory size was 256 bytes which is expandable to 64k. It was sold at the
price of $395 with case. Kenback-1 is also considered to be the first personal
computer. It was sold at the price of $750 in 1971. Which is first Altair 8800
or Kenback-1? Its answer always remains in disputation.
In 1981 IBM introduced its first personal computer with identity called IBM PC. It had 8088 processor with 16
KB Memory. It can be expanded to 256KB. It was operated along with DOS. Apple computer was first
designed by Steve Wozniak in 1976.
Electronics Computer Company was the first computer company. It was founded in 1949 by J. Presper Eckert
and John Mauchly. This duo has great conception in ENIAC computer. This company launched a series of
Mainframe computers with the name of UNIVAC.
The UNIVAC is an electrical computer which is comprised of thousands of vacuum tubes. Punch cards are used
for storing data and output. Switches and punch cards are also used to input data. It later launched UNIVAC II,
and III with several models, like 418, 490, 491, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, and 1108.
Most of these models were possessed by Government agencies.
Vacuum tube is a glass tube. All the gases inside the tube were removed to create vacuum. To assure the flow of
electron, vacuum was created and so it is called vacuum tube. Transistors replaced vacuum tube. Semi
conductors were used in transistors. Transistors are used to control the flow of voltage for modulation.
The first Multimedia computer was launched in 1992 by Tandy radio shack. It was based on MPC standard.
MPC is the abbreviation for Multimedia PC. It combines video, audio and graphics. The system requirements
are Intel486SX 25MHz processor, 4MB of RAM, VGA Display, 2x CD-ROM drive
In 1954 Toshiba launched its first computer called TAC digital computer. In 1958 NEC build its first computer
called NEAC 1101. In 1983 Compaq launched its first computer which is compatible with IBM computer.
Compaq was founded by Rob Canion . It is one of the esteemed and well known companies today.
In 1985 DELL launched its first computer identified as Turbo PC. In 1980 IBM hired Bill Gates and Paul
Allen to create an operating system. The duo bought the rights for a simple operating system. IBM authorized
the two to keep marketing rights of DOS. In the same year IBM hired Microsoft to develop version of BASIC,
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