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REVIEW for Week 30 CCA (5th Six Weeks Test)
Ecology Review
1. Describe what is occurring during this diagram above depicting succession. Do the
species of plants typically increase quickly or gradually over time?
2. What causes global warming and what is a possible consequence?
3. Which of these is an example of an environmental change that impacts an ecosystem’s
A. Rattlesnakes eating a large population of mice.
B. Increased temperatures due to global warming affecting the survival of many plant
C. A shallow ditch dries up seasonally every summer.
D. A lake freezes completely each winter.
Plants Review
4. Label the following flower and write in functions. Circle any parts that are MALE.
5. Draw in the ovules. The ovules, if fertilized, will develop into _________________.
6. Pollination is when pollen attaches to the _________________________.
7. Give three ways that pollination can occur? By…
____________________, ____________________________, or _______________________
8. What is the benefit of plants spreading seeds far from the parent plant?
9. An example of a bryophyte is a __________________________. Why must bryophytes
remain small?
A. Xylem
B. Leaves
C. Cuticle
D. Root Hairs
E. Guard Cells
F. Stomata
G. Seeds
H. Phloem
You may use the above word bank words once, more than once, or never.
10. Plants pull water up in the ground through their ___________________________.
11. Plants have tubes that make up the ________________________, which is designed to
carry water.
12. The plant has pores on the underside of its leaves called ____________________. They
are usually open when there is sunlight and when the plant contains enough water.
13. ___________________________________ will close stomata if the plant does not have
sunlight or enough water.
14. The ________________________________ is a waxy covering on the top of leaves that
prevent water loss.
15. A plant that is trying to conserve water may perform photosynthesis through very thin
_________________________________ while a plant needing lots of light may have more
broad ____________________________.
Bacteria/Virus/Beginning Human Body Systems Review
16. For the following, put “V” for virus or “B” for bacteria.
______ Is a prokaryote
_____Contain RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat
______ Requires a host
_____ Responds to antibiotics
______Causes flu and colds
______ Causes host to make copies of itself
17. True or False: Both bacteria and viruses can act as pathogens.
18. Define homeostasis. How does the human body keep homeostasis?
19. White blood cells act as part of your immune (lymphatic) system to protect your body from
pathogens. Some white blood cells perform the action shown in this picture above. How can this
be helpful?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use the below word bank for #20.
A. Organs
B. Cells
C. Tissues
D. Organ Systems
20. _________________ make up ______________ which make up _________________ which
make up _____________________________.