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Name______________________________ Per__________ Date_______
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I’m So Hormonal Case Studies
Directions- for each case study, you need to 1) list what hormone(s) are being
affected 2) explain how the hormone works to regulate homeostasis & how it is
controlled ( feedback or antagonistic hormones) and 3) make some
recommendations to solve the problem.
Case 1: Last year Sam was a skinny junior, tall, lanky and he never got to play very much
during football games. This fall you notice he is SUDDENLY MUCH MORE muscular
and he has a lot of acne. It even looks as if he might be looks balding as well. The
football team has nicknamed him Nasty because he gets angry easily and has explosive
temper tantrums. Tactless Terry made a joke about “Man Boobs” and Sammy slammed
him into a locker. What is going on with Sammy?
Case 2: Debbie has to use the hall pass every period to go to the bathroom. Debbie is
always drinking a huge soda. Last week she fainted during PE. Debbie is significantly
overweight. She is always complaining about being tired, having trouble seeing the
board and her breath is seriously bad. What is going on with Debbie?
Case 3: Super pale Helen never eats at school despite being 30 lbs overweight. She falls
asleep during every lecture even though you know she sleeps 12-13 hours a night. She is
always complaining that class is too cold. Her hair is sad- brittle and thin, and looks like
it is totally falling out. Her voice is deep and hoarse and she speaks so slowly! What’s
wrong with Helen?
Case 4 George is extremely tall. His feet are so gross and size 15. He is already 6 feet
tall and he is only a freshman. What’s wrong with gigantic George?
Case 5- Mrs. Oliver is an old frail, stooped librarian. She appears to have a hunchback.
What’s wrong with her?
Case 6-Jerry the junior is in Sound Unlimited and they went and won a National
competition in Florida. Now back in BVHS 3rd period AP Biology class, Jerry complains
about waking up at 3 am this morning. Even though he has been drinking a Red Bull, he
totally fell asleep in 5th period AP US History. Why is Jerry Jetlagged?
Case 7-You have 3 classes with Perilous Pam. In 1st period she snapped at her best
friend- something about all her zits. During 2nd period, she started crying for no
apparent reason. Someone was selling a See’s chocolate bar and she bought 3 and ate
them all during Calculus. What is wrong with Pam?
Case 8- Your stressed out AP teacher has a heart problem and a sprained ankle. As she
was gimping around in her crutches, she spilled a whole bottle of aspirin. Why is she
popping pills (be specific)?
Case 9- Allison, a 16 year old Caucasian, is your lab partner in AP Biology. During the
heart pressure lab, you discover she has really low blood pressure. She frequently eats
Name______________________________ Per__________ Date_______
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oranges during 3rd period because she suffers from low blood sugar. Further, during the
reflex lab you notice that she has a lot of pigmentation in her hand. What is her
Case 10 At 15,Tom is ~ six feet tall, wearing size 13 shoes. He is skinny, weighing only
150 lbs. Last week, his right knee began to swell, and he developed mysterious ulcerated
sores on his lower left leg that refused to heal. He complains often of feeling sick, and
frequently absent- because he “just didn’t feel good”. After many trips, one doctor finally
noticed his abnormally large hands and feet and decided to check hormonal blood levels.
Results show his thyroid was down, his cortisone levels low, his testosterone levels low,
and his growth hormone levels high. Taps of his right knee removed up to 500 cc of fluid,
but no evidence of anything specifically wrong inside his knee, just that it was being
damaged. Tom looks gaunt and unhealthy. Then he fell and broke his left hip. Worse the
doctors found evidence of a brain tumor. What could be wrong with Tom (be specific)?
I’m so Hormonal Rubric
Case 1:
Correct hormone
Detailed explanation
Plausible recommendation
Case 3:
Correct hormone
Detailed explanation
Plausible recommendation
Case 5:
Correct hormone
Detailed explanation
Plausible recommendation
Case 7:
Correct hormone
Detailed explanation
Plausible recommendation
Case 9:
Correct hormone
Detailed explanation
Plausible recommendation
Case 2:
Case 4:
Case 6:
Case 8:
Case 10: