Download Create your Own Propaganda Poster: Due: Monday October 17th

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Create your Own Propaganda Poster:
Due: Monday October 17th, 2011
Name:_________________ Period:_____
Poster Analysis:
Propaganda: Deliberate attempt to influence a mass audience to act or think a certain way. Usually the term is
associated with intent to deceive.
Directions: Create your own propaganda poster using two or more propaganda techniques that we explored in class. In
your poster, you want to intentionally choose colors, images and words that will persuade your audience to think or act a
certain way. Posters will be displayed, so keep your audience in mind (other students, teachers, principals and visiting
guests). Please use an 8x11 sheet of construction paper or printer paper.
Here are some suggested topics for your poster:
Longer lunch periods
More bathroom passes
Lowering the driving age
Electronics use in school
Propaganda Poster Checklist and Reflection
1.) Your propaganda poster should use two of the following techniques:
Propaganda Techniques
Over-Simplified Stereotype
Appeal to Fear
Name Calling
Appeal to Desires
Loaded Words
Appeal to Sympathy for the Underdog
Plain Folk
Loaded Words
List your technique below (you must have two) describe how you used them in your poster, including examples from
your poster. ________/5
Description and example from your text
2.) Propaganda uses both denotation and connotation of images, symbols and colors to enhance the power of
the piece. In your poster, describe the denotation and connotation of at least 2 images and colors you use,
and how they make your propaganda more powerful. ________/5
Describe how this helps your piece to persuade
3.) Who is your target audience? Who are you trying to move to action? DESCRIBE them here, age, sex, interests,
etc? ________/5
4.) What are you trying to influence your audience to do? ________/5
Presentation Checklist:
1.) Is handwriting or print clearly formed with uniform spacing and slant? Is there an
appropriate use of fonts and font sizes which invites the reader into the text?
2.) Is white space (spacing, margins, etc) used effectively? Does it allow the reader to easily
focus on the text and message without distractions? Is there balance between white space
and text? _______/2.5
3.) The title and subtitles, numbering or bullets make it easy for the reader to access the
desired information and text. These markers allow the hierarchy of information to be
clear to the reader. _______/2.5
4.) Do Text and illustrations, graphs, maps, tables, clarify and support important information
or key points made in the text? _______/2.5