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Site Description
Hallcroft Cottage is situated on Main Street towards the eastern end of Cononley,
within the village’s Conservation Area. Numbers 106 and 108 Main Street were
designated as Grade II Listed in 1954, the description reads as follows; “Small house
of later eighteenth-Century. Hammer-dressed stone with stone slate roof and stone
ridge. Two storeys and 3 bays. Symmetrical front. Dressed quoins. Four-light
stone recessed mullion windows except over door, which is of 2 lights. Plan
surround to door and open pediment on cut consoles as a hood. Two chimneys.
Right-hand gable end has a double chamfered surround now backing mullions.
Inside at least one room has panelled reveals. Formerly the farmhouse of the home
farm of Cononley Hall. Group Value.”
The application site is a traditional stone built barn to the rear of Hallcroft Cottage,
attached to the rear western side of the dwelling at a 90 angle. Whilst the barn itself
is not listed, its attachment to a Listed Building, and situation within the residential
curtilage of a Listed Building requires consent to be sought on alterations. The
Southern third of the barn is separated from the mainpart, and accommodates a
utility room at ground floor level which is accessed through the main barn doors, and
a study above which is accessed by means of a staircase from the utility room. The
remainder of the barn has a Mezzanine floor to the northern third. Beyond this, and
attached to the barn is a small storage area/outbuilding under a lean-to stone slate
roof. This is attached also to the neighbouring property of number 5 Garth Fold.
Alterations to the remainder of the barn (i.e. that which is unoccupied by the utility
and study), to accommodate a ‘play room’ are proposed. Externally the lean-to
outbuilding is to be partially removed to accommodate an exterior staircase to the
first floor level. The stone slate roof will be retained as far as possible to cover the
remaining storeroom, which will be accessed through a new door opening from the
ground floor of the main barn. The outdoor staircase will lead to the new ‘play room’
through a timber door. 6 No. Conservation roof lights are proposed, three to the rear
of the barn, and three to the opposite side fronting the yard area.
Internally, the existing mezzanine floor will be extended across the whole barn at first
floor level, meeting the study area, where the existing stud partition will be removed
to create an open-plan area. The new floor will cut across the existing barn door
opening, and as such will be visible when the barn doors are open. For safety
reasons a glazed screen is to be inserted behind the barn doors at first floor level.
Planning History
21/2002/1909 – Listed Building Consent for Internal alterations to layouts, demolition
of existing extension and rebuild, reinstate stone mullions. Consent granted 29 th
April 2002.
Planning Policy Background
Policies BE4, BE5, BE6 and BE7 of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales
National Park) Local Plan
Parish/Town Council Comments
Cononley Parish Council: “No comment,” 19/09/05
None necessary
None received
Summary of principle planning issues
The proposal will be considered in relation to the effect it will have on building of
special architectural and historic interest, and the surrounding area.
Policy BE4 seeks to protect listed buildings from neglect, or development that would
adversely affect them. Policy BE5 states that alterations, extensions and changes to
listed buildings will only be permitted if the proposal maintains the character of the
original structure, is appropriate in design, scale and materials, and will maintain or
restore the special architectural or historic interest of the building.
Policy BE6 states that where the interior of a listed building is of special architectural
or historic value listed building consent will not be granted for alterations that would
adversely affect the character. Policy BE7 states that permission will not be granted
for development which would cause undue harm to the setting of a listed building.
The application barn, whilst not being listed for any particular points of special
architectural or historic interest, contributes to the setting of a Listed Building, and
displays a traditional character.
The store/outbuilding attached to the northern end of the barn appears to be a later
addition, making use of space between the barn and the neighbouring building. The
setting back of this storage room which will retain part of the existing stone slate roof,
will not be detrimental to the special architectural or historic interest of the building.
The incorporation of a new external stone staircase to first floor level, leading to a
timber access door is also appropriate in terms of design and materials. It is
considered it will enhance the character of the building, creating a feature traditional
of barns. Further external alterations will be the insertion of 6 No. Conservation roof
lights, split between the east and west elevations. Such windows, providing their
scale and design are acceptable, are a satisfactory way of allowing natural light to
enter a listed building without damaging or dramatically altering its external
appearance or affecting its special architectural or historic interests.
Internally, whilst the proposed floor (which will be protected at the doorway with
glazing) will be visible through the main doorway when opened, this is not considered
to adversely affect the character and appearance of the Listed Building and its
The proposal is considered to maintain the character of the original structure; it will
involve minimal internal and external alterations, that are appropriate in design and
materials. As such, by maintaining the special architectural and historic interest of
the building, and its setting, the proposal meets the requirements of Policies BE4,
BE5, BE6 and BE7.
Summary of Conditions
Standard 3 year time limit and listed building reason.
No alterations shall take place until such a time that specifications of the proposed
Conservation rooflights, giving their precise size and design, have been submitted to,
and agreed in writing by, the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure that the character and appearance of the building and that of the
Conservation Area is retained.