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Lines 662-883
brandished – waved defiantly (a weapon)
clamor – a loud continuous noise
crags – large boulders
din – a loud and lingering noise (especially one
comprised of various sounds)
esquire – the attendant of a warrior or knight
falchion – a broad, curved medieval sword
vaunted – boastfully asserted
gilded – to cover with a thin layer of gold
harrowing – troublesome, tormenting
hew – to chop and cut
ire – hateful anger
retinue – a group of servants or attendants
sate – to satisfy
sinews – muscle fibers
Always use complete sentences
1. What does Beowulf do prior to sleeping? (p45) “Beowulf, the prince of goodness” is an
example of what? (2 pts)
2. How does Beowulf plan on fighting Grendel, what does this plan reveal about Beowulf’s
personality? (3 pts)
3. How confident are the Geatish warriors in comparison to Beowulf? Copy a specific line
below and include line number. (2 pts)
4. The author does not give a description of Grendel, but use Kennings. List the kenning on
page 47 (include line number) and explain why you think the author does not describe
Grendel. (2pts)
5. Who does the following line refer to: “but his fate that night was due to change, his days of
ravening had come to an end” (ln 733-735). This is an example of what literary term? (2 pts)
6. Copy a line below the demonstrates alliteration (include line numbers) from tonight’s
reading: (1 pt)
7. Give an example of a Kenning from p.51, include line number. (1 pt)
8. Though Beowulf’s comrades wish to help them, what do they not know? (2 pts)
9. What trophy does Beowulf take from Grendel and where is it displayed? (2 pts)
10. Look op the word mere (as it relates to the text), record the definition below. Where does
Grendel go and what happens to him? (p.57) (3 pts)
11. How is the battle between Beowulf and Grendel an example of good versus evil? (2 pts)
12. After the battle is over, how do people celebrate? (1 pt)
13. List three Elements of an Epic found in this section and given an example of the element. (3