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November 2009
Course Number:
Semesters Hours:
Limitation on Enrollment
Catalog Description:
Comprehensive overview for speech-language clinicians of assessment and intervention
issues for deaf and hard of hearing students. Special emphasis on the needs of students
with hearing loss in public school programs with regard to speech, language, and
N.B. In order to ensure full class participation, any students with a disabling condition requiring special
accommodations (e.g., tape recorders, special adaptive equipment, special note-taking or test-taking
procedures, or interpreters) will be strongly encouraged to contact the professor at the beginning of the
course. For the student’s convenience, both the professor’s office hours and telephone number will be
listed on the syllabus.
Speech, Language, and Auditory Assessment and Habilitation of Hearing Loss in
Course Objectives:
Students will achieve growth toward becoming informed, dynamic professionals, as
evidenced by demonstration of proficiencies in knowledge comprehension, disposition
development and skill application. Students will:
A. Compare and contrast degrees of hearing loss and its commensurate effects on
the development of auditory, language, and speech skills of deaf/hard of
hearing students. (K)
B. Examine issues related to cochlear implant technology; critique its impact on
the expected outcomes for students with profound deafness. (K, D)
C. Administer assessment tools that evaluate the auditory skills of students with
hearing loss. (S)
D. Identify appropriate habilitative goals for systematic auditory skill
development (K, S)
E. Analyze the relationship between segmental and suprasegmental aspects of
speech production and their role in assessing speech intelligibility of students
with hearing loss. (K,S)
F. Perform speech assessments using tools developed specifically for use with
the deaf/hard of hearing population. (K,S)
G. Develop speech goals that reflect the highest priority needs of a child with
hearing loss; incorporate speech software programs as appropriate for
intervention (K,D, S)
H. Outline the language/communication continuum that exists for deaf/hard of
hearing students. (K, D)
I. Select appropriate language assessment protocols to evaluate the syntactic,
semantic, and pragmatic aspects of the language of a child with hearing loss.
J. Plan language intervention programs that address form, content, and use
issues. (K,S)
K. Design habilitation activities that integrate auditory, language, and speech
objectives and that are content-based. (K,S,D)
Course Content:
A. Degrees of hearing loss/impact on speech, language, and audition
1. Hearing loss
a. Mild
b. Moderate
c. Moderately severe
d. Severe
e. Profound
2. Speech effects
a. Articulation errors
b. Voice problems
c. Intelligibility in running speech
3. Language impact
a. Omission of certain bound morphemes
b. Constraints in breadth and depth of vocabulary
c. Limitations on receptive and expressive form
d. Conversational competence at risk
4. Audition
a. Vulnerability to extraneous noise
b. Auditory comprehension compromised
c. Performance limitations of hearing aid technology
B. Cochlear implant technology
1. Candidacy issues
2. Surgery and hardware
3. Performance outcomes
a. Auditory skill continuum
b. Effects on speech production
c. Language effects
4. Controversy from within the Deaf Community
C. Assessment of auditory skills
1. Hierarchy of auditory skill development
2. Glendonald Auditory Screening Protocol (GASP)
3. Speech Perception and Instruction, Curriculum & Evaluation (SPICE)
D. Selection of auditory goals
1. Identify current level of performance
2. Expand linguistic context of acquired skills
3. Develop new skill using known language and vocabulary
4. Generalize emerging auditory skills to new linguistic contexts
E. Segmental and suprasegmental aspects of speech production
1. Review basic speech acoustics
2. Analyze aided audiograms
3. Identify segmental aspects of speech at risk for misarticulation
4. Outline effects of coarticulation
5. Categorize suprasegmental errors as rhythm-, rate-, or prosody-related
F. Performing speech evaluations
1. Evaluating articulation and overall intelligibility
2. Assessments designed for children with hearing loss
a. Speech Intelligibility Evaluation (SPINE)
b. CID Picture SPINE
G. Selecting high-priority speech goals
1. Improving overall intelligibility
2. Selecting speech targets based on stimulability and potential to be
developed auditorially
3. Include targets that are visible through speech reading/lipreading cues
4. Consider developmental norms
H. Language and communication continuum
1. American Sign Language (ASL)
2. Pidgin Signed English (PSE)
3. Manual codes of English
a. SEE 1
b. SEE 2
4. Oral English
a. Cued speech
I. Language assessment tools
1. Language sampling procedures
2. Grammatical analysis of elicited language
a. Simple sentence level
b. Complex sentence level
3. Teacher assessment of grammatical structure
J. Language intervention
1. Developing language form
a. Complex structure
b. Pronoun system
c. Passive voice
d. Figurative language
2. Expanding vocabulary
a. Increase breadth
b. Develop depth
c. Synonyms and antonyms
3. Facilitating conversational competence
a. Initiating
b. Turn-taking
c. Negotiating topics
K. Content-based activities integrating speech, language, and audition
1. Collaborate with classroom teacher
a. Identify content vocabulary
b. Overlay auditory, speech, and language goals on content-reinforcing
2. Review reading materials and other content textbooks from the classroom
a. Create friendly definitions for unfamiliar vocabulary
b. Restate figurative or idiomatic language
c. Parse complex syntactic structure for instruction
Methods of Instruction
A. Lectures (on- and off-site), supported by PowerPoint
B. Case presentations and discussions
C. Interview of teacher of the deaf
D. Reading assignments
E. Collaborative projects
F. Personal research study
Methods of Evaluation
A. Quality and quantity of participation in the distance discussion (K, S)
B. On-line “library search” (K, S)
C. Abstracts/reflection of research reading (K, S, D)
D. Report of interview process (K, S, D)
E. Submission of therapy plan (K, S, D)
Suggested Texts:
Tye-Murray, N. (2009). Foundations of aural rehabilitation: Children, adults, and their
families (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Johnson, C. D., Benson, P. V., and Seaton, J. B. (1997). Educational audiology handbook.
San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing.
Current Works
Bess, F. H., & Humes, L. E. (2008). Audiology: The fundamentals. Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.
DeBonis, D., & Donohue, C. (2008). Survey of audiology: Fundamentals for audiologists
and health professionals. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Fitzpatrick, E., Coyle, D. E., Durieux-Smith, A., Graham, I. D., Angus, D. E., Gaboury, I.
(2007). Parents’ preferences for services for children with hearing loss: A conjoint
analysis study. Ear & Hearing, 28, 842-849.
Huttunen, K., Rimmanen, S., Vikman, S., Virokannas, N., Sorri, M., Archbold, S., &
Lutman, M. E. (2009). Parents’ views on the quality of life of their children 2-3 years
after cochlear implantation. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
73(12), 1786-1794.
Madell, J., & Flexer, C. (Eds.). (2008). Pediatric audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and
management. New York: Thieme.
Martin, F., & Clark, J. (2009). Introduction to audiology (10th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Moeller, M. P. (2007). Current state of knowledge: Psychosocial development in children
with hearing impairment. Ear & Hearing, 28, 729-739.
Moeller, M. P., Hoover, B., Peterson, B., & Stelmachowicz, P. (2009). Consistency of
hearing aid use in infants with early-identified hearing loss. American Journal of
Audiology, 18, 14-23.
Moeller, M. P., Tomblin, J. B., Yoshinaga-Itano, C., McDonald Connor, C., & Jerger, S.
(2007). Current state of knowledge: Language and literacy of children with hearing
impairment. Ear & Hearing, 28, 740-753.
Nittrouer, S., & Chapman, C. (2009). The effects of bilateral electric and bimodal electricacoustic stimulation on language development. Trends in Amplification, 13(3), 190-205.
Nott, P., Cowan, R., Brown, P. M., & Wigglesworth, G. (2009a). Early language
development in children with profound hearing loss fitted with a device at a young age:
Part I—The time period taken to acquire first words and first word combinations. Ear &
Hearing, 30, 526-540.
Nott, P., Cowan, R., Brown, P. M., & Wigglesworth, G. (2009b). Early language
development in children with profound hearing loss fitted with a device at a young age:
Part II—Content of the first lexicon. Ear & Hearing, 30, 541-551.
Seikel, A., King, D., & Drumright, D. (2010). Anatomy and physiology for speech, language
and hearing. Florence, KY: Cengage Leaning.
Spenser, L. J., & Oleson, J. J. (2008). Early listening and speaking skills predict later reading
proficiency in pediatric cochlear implant users. Ear & Hearing, 29, 270-280.
Stach, B. (2008). Clinical audiology: An introduction (2nd ed.). San Diego: Singular
Publishing Co.
Seminal Works
Allum, D. (1996). Cochlear implant rehabilitation in children and adults. London: Whurr.
Brown, P., Prescott, S., Rickards, F., & Paterson, M. (1997). Communicating about pretend
play: A comparison of the utterances of four-year-old normally hearing and deaf or hard
of hearing children in an integrated kindergarten. Volta Review, 99, 5-17.
Caissie, R., & Wilson, E. (1995). Communication breakdown management during
cooperative learning activities by mainstreamed students with hearing loss. Volta Review,
97, 105-121.
Calvert, D., & Silverman, S. R. (1983). Speech and deafness (revised). Washington, DC: AG
Bell Association.
Clarke Curriculum series. (1995). Speech development and improvement. Northampton, MA:
Clarke School for the Deaf & Center for Oral Education.
Duncan, J. (1999). Conversational skills of children with hearing loss and children with
normal hearing in an integrated setting. Volta Review, 101, 193-211.
Erber, N. (1982). Auditory training. Washington, DC: AG Bell Association.
Flexer, C. (1999). Facilitating hearing and listening in young children (2nd ed.). San Diego:
Singular Publications, Inc.
Hall, H., Oyer, W., & Haas, B. (2001). Speech, language, and hearing disorders: A guide
for the teacher. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Hyde, M. B., & Power, D. J. (1996). Teachers’ ratings of the communication abilities of their
deaf students. American Annals of the Deaf, 141, 5-10.
Gagne, J. P., Querengeusser, C., Folkeard, P., Manhale, K., & Masterson, V. (1995).
Auditory, visual, and audiovisual speech intelligibility for sentence-length stimuli: An
investigation of conversational and clear speech. Volta Review, 97, 33-51.
Keetay, V. (1996). The effect of visual distraction on speech perception in children. Volta
Review, 98, 43-54.
Kopun, J. (1995). New technologies in amplification: Application to the pediatric population.
Volta Review, 97, 175-182.
Lederberg, A. R., & Everhart, V. S. (1998). Communication between deaf children and their
hearing mothers: The role of language, gesture, and vocalizations. Journal of Speech,
Language, & Hearing Research, 41, 887-899.
Ling, D. (1976). Speech and the hearing-impaired child: Theory and practices. Washington,
DC: AG Bell Association.
Lippke, B., Dickey, S., Selmar, J., & Sodor, A. (1997). Photo Articulation Test (3rd ed.).
Communication Skillbuilders.
Luetke-Stahlman, B. (1999). Language issues in deaf education. Hillsboro, OR: Butte
Luetke-Stahlman, B. (2000). Language across the curriculum. Hillsboro, OR: Butte
Meyer, T. A., Svirsky, M. A., Kirk, K. I., & Miyamoto, R. (1998). Improvements in speech
perception by children with profound prelingual hearing loss: Effects of device,
communication mode, and chronological age. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing
Research, 41, 846-858.
Monsen, R. (1981). A usable test for the speech intelligibility of deaf talkers. American
Annals of the Deaf, 127, 845-852.
Moog, J. S., & Geers, A. E. (1991). Educational management of children with cochlear
implants. American Annals of the Deaf, 136, 69-76.
Most, T. (1996). Speech intelligibility and the evaluation of personal qualities by experienced
and inexperienced listeners. Volta Review, 98, 181-191.
Most, T. (1999). Production and perception of syllable stress by children with normal hearing
and children with hearing impairments. Volta Review, 101, 51-70.
O’Halpin, R. (1997). Contrastive stress in the speech of profoundly deaf children: A
preliminary investigation. Volta Review, 99, 89-105.
Plant, G. (1999). Analysis of the most frequently occurring words in spoken American
English. Volta Review, 101, 71-99.
Plant, G., & Spens, K. E. (1995). Profound deafness and speech communication. San Diego:
Singular Publications, Inc.
Robinshaw, H. M. (1996). Acquisition of speech, pre- and post-cochlear implantation:
Longitudinal studies of a congenitally deaf infant. Early Child Development & Care, 126,
Ryalls, J., LeDorze, G., Boulanger, H., & Laroche, B. (1995). Speech therapy for lowering
vocal fundamental frequency in two adolescents with hearing impairment: A comparison
with and without Speech Viewer. Volta Review, 97, 243-249.
Seal, B. C., Rosse, P., & Henderson, C. (1998). Speech-language pathologists in schools for
the deaf: A survey of scope of practice, service delivery, caseload, and program features.
American Annals of the Deaf, 143, 277-283.
Secord, W., & Shine, R. (1997). Secord-Contextualized Articulation Tests. Psychological
Tye-Murray, N., Spenser, L., Bedia, E. G., & Woodworth, G. (1996). Differences in
children’s sound production when speaking with a cochlear implant turned on and turned
off. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 39, 604-607.
Vold, F. C., & Kinsella-Meier, M. A. (2001). Signing with your clients. Washington, DC:
Gallaudet University Press.
Classic Assessment Instruments
Engen, E., & Engen, T. (1983). Rhode Island Test of Language Structure. Baltimore, MD:
University Park Press.
Fudala, J., & Reynolds, W. (1986). Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale (2nd ed.). Western
Psychological Services.
Goldman, R., & Fristoe, M. (1986). Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation. American
Guidance Service.
Moog, J. S., & Geers, A. E. (1980). Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language. St. Louis,
MO: Central Institute for the Deaf.
Moog, J. S., & Kozak, V. (1983). Teacher Assessment of Grammatical Structures. St. Louis,
MO: Central Institute for the Deaf.
Non-Print Materials
Subtelny, J., Orlando, N., & Whithead, R. (1981). Speech and voice characteristics of the
deaf (audiotapes). Washington, DC: AG Bell Association.
IBM Speech Viewer III: Multimedia Speech Therapy Software. (2000). Lab Resources,
Pewaukee, WI.
On-line Resources
AG Bell Association for the Deaf
Auditory Verbal International
Boystown Center for Hearing Loss
John Tracy Clinic
League for the Hard of Hearing
Oral Deaf Education
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
Cued Speech and
For Parents
BEGINNINGS for Parents of Children Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing
General Deaf Education