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World History Chapter 2 Section 2: Egyptian Civilization: “The Gift of the Nile”
Impact of Geography
1. The ___________ is a unique river, beginning in the heart of _________________ and coursing northward
for more than 4000 miles. Before it empties into the ____________________________________, the Nile
splits into the two major branches.
2. This split forms a triangle territory, the ___________. The Nile Delta is called _______________ Egypt;
the land upstream, to the south, is called _____________________ Egypt.
3. _____________________ cities developed at the tip of the delta, the point at which the Nile divides.
4. To the ancient Egyptians, the most important feature of the river was its yearly _____________________the “____________________” of the Nile.
5. The surpluses of _________________ that the Egyptian farmers grew in the fertile Nile Valley made Egypt
6. In ancient times, the Nile was the _______________________ way to ________________________
through the land, making both _____________________________________ and
_____________________________ easier.
7. Egypt was blessed by natural barriers that gave it _______________________ from ___________________
and a sense of security.
8. These barriers included the ________________________ to the west and east: the _________ __________
to the east; the ____________________________ (rapids) on the southern part of the Nile; and the
___________________________________ Sea to the north.
Important of Religion
9. __________________________, too, provided a sense of security and timelessness for the Egyptians.
10. The Egyptians were ________________________. They had a remarkable number of _______________
associated with heavenly bodies and natural forces.
11. The _________, source of life, was of course worthy of worship. The sun god took on different forms and
names, depending on his specific role.
12. Egyptian ruler took the title ________________ _____ ______ (the Sun God), because he was seen as an
earthly form of ___________.
13. __________________ (who brought her husband back to life after his death and dismemberment) took on
an important role for the Egyptians as a symbol of _____________________________.
14. By identifying with Osiris, people could hope to gain new life, just as Osiris had done.
15. The dead were placed in _________________ (in the case of kings, in pyramid tombs).
The Course of Egyptian History
16. Modern historians have divided Egyptian history into _________________ major periods, known as the
________________ Kingdom, _______________________ Kingdom and _________________ Kingdom.
17. These were periods of long term ______________________________.
18. Between the periods of stability were ages of political ______________________ and invasion, known as
the Intermediate periods.
19. The history of Egypt begins around 3100 BC when _____________________ the king united the villages of
Upper (southern) and Lower (northern) Egypt into a single kingdom and created the first Egyptian royal
The Old Kingdom
20. The Old Kingdom was an age of _____________________________ and splendor.
21. The __________________________ of the old kingdom were powerful rulers. Among the various titles of
Egyptian monarchs, that of ___________________________ eventually became the most common.
22. Kingship was a ______________________ institution in ancient Egypt and formed part of a universal
cosmic order.
Chapter 2 Section 2: Egyptian Civilization: “The Gift of the Nile”
23. In obeying their ___________________________, subjects believed that they were helping to maintain a
______________________ world order.
24. A ___________________________ in royal power could only mean that citizens were
______________________________ the gods and weakening that order.
25. Egyptian pharaohs possessed _________________________ power- that is, they had complete,
______________________ power to rule their people.
26. During the Old Kingdom, however a government _____________________________ (an administrative
organization with officials and regular procedures) developed.
27. Especially important was the office of _________________________, the “steward of the whole land.”
28. In time, Egypt was divided into 42 _______________________________, which were run by governors
appointed by the pharaoh.
The Pyramids
29. Pyramids were built as part of a larger ______________________________ of buildings dedicated to the
dead- in effect, a city of the dead.
30. The area included several structures: a large ____________________________ for the pharaoh’s burial;
____________________________ pyramids for his family; and several ___________________________,
rectangular structures with flat roofs used a tombs for the pharaoh’s officials.
31. The tombs were well prepared for their residents. The contained rooms stocked with
_______________________, including chairs, boats, chests, weapons, games, dishes, and a variety of food.
32. Egyptians believed that human beings had ________________ bodies, a physical one and a spiritual one,
which they called _____________.
33. Surrounded by earthly comforts, the ______________ could then continue its life despite the death of the
__________________________ body.
34. To preserve the physical body after death, the Egyptians practices _________________________________,
a process of slowly drying the dead body to prevent it from rotting.
The Middle Kingdom (2050-1652BC)
35. Egyptians later portrayed the Middle Kingdom as a ____________________ _________-an age of stability.
36. Egypt began a period of expansion. ______________________, which was located south of Egypt, was
37. Once feature of the Middle Kingdom was a new ________________________ of the pharaohs for the
____________________. Now he was portrayed as the shepherd of his people and expected to build
___________________ works and provide for the public welfare.
38. ____________________________ of the Middle Kingdom undertook a number of helpful projects. The
draining of swampland in the Nile Delta provided thousands of acres of new farmland.
39. The digging of a _______________________ to connect the Nile to the Red Sea aided trade and
The New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC)
40. The Middle Kingdom came to an end with the ____________________________ of Egypt by a group of
people from western Asia know to the Egyptians as the _____________________________.
41. The Hyksos used __________________-________________________ war chariots and overwhelmed the
Egyptian soldiers, who fought from donkey carts.
42. From the Hyksos the Egyptians learned to use ___________________________ in the making of their
____________________________ tools and their weapons.
43. The Egyptians also mastered many of the ______________________________ skills of the Hyksos,
especially the use of horse-drawn war chariots.
44. Eventually, a new _________________________ of pharaohs used the new weapons to drive out the
Hyksos and reunite Egypt. This reunification launched the Egyptians along a new
__________________________ path.
Chapter 2 Section 2: Egyptian Civilization: “The Gift of the Nile”
45. The Egyptian rulers showed their wealth by building new temples. ____________________________, the
first women to become pharaoh, built a great temple at Deir el Bahri near __________________________.
46. The pharaoh _____________________________ _____ introduced the worship of _______________, god
of the sun disk, as the _______________ god.
47. Amenhotep changed his own name to Akhenaton and closed the temples of other gods.
48. Akhenton’s changes were soon undone after his death by the boy-pharaoh ___________________________
49. Under _______________________ II, who reigned from 1279-1213 BC, the Egyptians went back on the
offensive. They regained control of ___________________________ but were unable to reestablish the
borders of their earlier empire.
50. The New Kingdom itself collapsed in 1085 BC
51. For the next _______________________ years, Egypt was dominated by Libyans, Nubians, Persians, and
finally Macedonians after the conquest of _______________________ the Great.
52. In the first century BC, the pharaoh ___________________________ VII tried to reestablish Egypt’s
independence. However, her involvement with _________________ led to her _______________________
and defeat, and Egypt became a province in Rome’s mighty empire.
Society in Ancient Egypt
53. It was organized like a pyramid, with the _____________-_______________ at the top. The pharaoh was
surrounded by an upper class of __________________ and ___________________, who joined in the
elaborate rituals of the pharaoh’s life.
54. Members of the ruling class ran the government and managed their own landed estates, which provided
much of their wealth.
55. Below the upper class were _______________________, artisans, scribes, and tax collectors.
56. By far, the largest number of people in Egypt simple worked the land.
Writing and Education
57. Writing emerged around 3000BC. The Greeks later called this earliest Egyptian writing
_________________________, meaning “priest-carvings” or “sacred writings”.
58. A highly simplified version of hieroglyphics known as _____________________ script, came into being.