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Hayatus Sahabah by Muhadith Kandahlawi (Kandhelvi)
Rendered into current English
Khadeijah Abdullah Darwish (Anne Stephens)
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Yazid, son of Abi Habib narrates that Omar, son of Khattab wrote to Sa’ad, son of Abi
Waqqas saying, “I have already written to you to tell you that for three days you should
invite people to Islam. Whosoever accepts what you say before you engaged in combat
is among the Muslims and he will enjoy the privileges of the Muslims and receive a
share of the spoils of war. Whosoever accepts Islam after the battle or after being
defeated, his wealth shall become part of the spoils of war to be shared by the Muslims
because they have already become its owners before he accepted Islam. This is my
instruction and the reason for writing this letter.”
Abul Bakhtari narrates that when a Muslim army under the command of Salman Farsi
laid siege to a Persian fortress, the Muslim soldiers asked him, “O Abu Abdullah, won’t
we attack them?” Salman Farsi said, “Let me first invite them to Islam because this is
what I heard the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, do.”
Addressing the Persians, Salman said, “I am a Persian like you and as you see the
Arabs obey me. If you accept Islam you will enjoy the privileges we enjoy and will also
bear the same responsibilities that we bear. However, if you refuse to accept anything
other than your own faith, we will not fight you if you pay the head tax (Jizya) by hand as
subjects submitting to Islamic authority.” Salman explained to them in Persian that they
would then have no authority. Salman continued and said, “If you refuse even this, then
we shall face you (on the battlefield) on equal terms.” The Persians replied, ”We are not
the type who accept your belief, neither will we pay the head tax. We would rather fight
The Muslim soldiers again requested permission to attack but Salman refused until he
had presented the same invitation for three days. It was only after that time had elapsed
that he commanded the Muslims to attack, which they did without hesitation and
conquered the fortress.
In another narration it states that Salman Farsi was the commander of the Muslim army
and had been appointed to invite the enemy to Islam. Atiya states that it was Salman
who was appointed to invite the people of Badhursher to Islam and again given the task
at Qasrul Abyadh and for three days invited them to Islam.
Salman’s preaching to the people of Badhursher was the same as mentioned in the
previous hadith.
Sa’ad, son of Abi Waqqas sent a group of high standing Companions to invite Rustam to
Islam. The group included Nu’man the son of Muqarin, Furat, son of Hayan, Handhala,
son of Rabe Tamemi, Utarid, son of Hajib, Ash’ath, son of Qais, Mughiera, son of Shu’ba
and Amr, son of Ma’dikarib.
When Rustam asked them why they had come, they replied, “We have come because
Allah has promised us that we shall take over your land, capture your women and
children and take ownership of your wealth. We are convinced this will come into being.”
Prior to this Rustam had seen a vision in which an angel descended from the heavens,
placed a seal on the weapons of the Persians and handed them over to the Messenger
of Allah, praise and peace be upon him. Thereafter he saw in the vision the Messenger
of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, handing them over to Omar.
Saif, narrates from his teachers that when the two armies (Muslim and Persian) faced
each other, Rustam sent a message to Sa’ad, son of Abi Waqqas requesting him to
send someone who was intelligent and knowledgeable to answer his questions. Sa’ad
sent Mughiera, son of Shu’ba
When Mughiera met Rustam, Rustam said, “You are our neighbors. We have always
been good to you and never caused you any harm. Why don’t you return to your land
and we will not prevent you from trading in our land?” Mughiera replied, “We have no
desire for this world. Our concern and our only objective is the Hereafter. Allah has sent
a Prophet to us and said to him, “I shall give this group (the Companions) control over
those who do not follow the Religion. In this way I will use them to exact (fight for
rejecting the Religon). I will permit them to dominate as long as they adhere to the
Religion. It is the true Religion and whosoever turns away from it will be disgraced,
whereas those who hold fast to it will be greatly honored.” Rustam asked, “What is this
Religion?” Mughiera replied, “Its pillars, without which no part of it can be a truthful
witnessing that there is no god except Allah, that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
acceptance of everything the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
brought from Allah.” Rustam exclaimed, “How excellent, what else?” Mughiera said, “To
remove people from slavery and to take them to being the slaves of Allah.” Rustam
remarked, “That is also excellent, what else?” Mughiera said, “All mankind are the
children of Adam, and have a single father and mother.” Rustam replied, “This is also
excellent, tell me. If we were to enter your religion, would you then leave our land?”
“Certainly”, replied Mughiera “by Allah, in this being the case we will not draw close to
your land except to trade, or some other necessity.” Rustam said, “This is also
excellent.” The narrators say that when Mughiera left Rustam, Rustam spoke to his
commanders about Islam but they were unhappy and refused to accept Islam. May Allah
destroy and disgrace them! And that is what Allah did.
The narrators further state that at the request of Rustam, Sa’ad sent another envoy who
was Rib’e, son of Amir. When Rib’e arrived at the court Rustam had decorated he saw
there were cushion decorated with gold, rugs of silk, gleaming emeralds, priceless pearls
and other ornate decorations. Rustam wore his crown, expensive garments and
accessories and was seated on a golden throne.
When Ri’be entered he was wearing old clothes with his sword, shield and small
weakened horse. (Ri’be did not dismount) he rode his horse, trampling on the edges of
the rugs, then he dismounted, and tied his horse to one of the couches still wearing his
helmet and armor, as he carried his weapons. When the courtiers asked him to remove
his weapons, he said, “I have not come of my own accord but have come at your
request. Either leave me as I am or grant me leave.” Rustam instructed them to grant
Ri’be entry and he approached leaning on his sword that hung at his side that tore most
of the rugs as he walked. The courtiers asked, “What brings you here?” Rib’e replied,
“Allah has sent us to remove those whom He wills from the slavery of man and to take
them to the slavery of Allah, to remove them from the narrowness of this world to the
vastness of the Hereafter, and from the oppression of other religions to the justice of
Islam. Allah has given us His religion and sent us to call His creation to it. Whoever
accepts we will acknowledge it and leave him alone. As for those who refuse, we shall
fight them forever until we reach Allah’s promised place.” “What is Allah’s promised
place?” they asked. He replied, “It is Paradise in which there will be a lot of people who
died fighting those who reject (Islam). Victory will be for those who survive.” Rustam
asked, “I have heard what you have to say, will you allow us time to consider the
matter?” Ri’be replied, “How much time to you require, one or two days? “No,” Rustam
replied, “We need time to write to our advisory assembly and our leaders.” Rib’e said,
“The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, has not set such a precedent
that allows enemies more than three days respite at the time of a possible battle. Look
into the matter for your benefit and for the benefit of your people, then chose one of the
three options before the expiry of the (three day) term.” Rustam asked, “Are you the
leader of your people?” “No,” replied Rib’e, “but all Muslims are like a single body. The
lowest of them may grant amnesty (to an enemy) which is binding on the highest of
Rustam gathered the leaders of his people and asked, “Have you ever heard words
more powerful, yet as gentle as those of that man?” They replied, “Allah forbid that you
should have taken a liking to anything he said and forsake your religion for that dog!
Didn’t you see his clothing?” Rustam said to them, “Shame on you! Do not look at
clothing but rather look at the prudence, the speech and the personality. The Arabs care
little for clothing and food but are covetous about their lineage.”
The next day, the Persians asked for another person, and Sa’ad sent Hudhayfa, son of
Mihsin who addressed them in the same manner that Rib’e did. On the third day,
Mughiera, son of Shu’ba was sent and he spoke to them in a very pleasant manner and
in great detail. During their discussion, Rustam said to Mughiera, “Your coming to our
land is like a fly that saw some honey and announced, ‘Whoever takes me to the honey
shall receive two dirhams.’ However, when the fly fell into the honey, it started to drown
and could find no escape despite all its effort. It then announced, ‘Whoever removes me
from the honey will receive four dirhams.’ Your example is also like a weak fox that
entered a vineyard through a hole in the wall. Seeing that it was so weak and frail, the
owner of the vineyard took pity on it and left it alone. However, when the fox became fat,
it started causing great damage to the vineyard so the owner came with a stick and
sought the help of two of his slaves. When the fox tried to escape through the hole, it
was unable to do so because it had become so fat and the owner of the vineyard beat it
until it died. This is how your people will leave our land.” Rustam, then filled with rage
took an oath by the sun saying, “I shall kill you all tomorrow!” Calmly Mughiera, son of
Shu’ba said, “You will soon find out.”
Thereafter Rustam said to Mughiera, “I have issued the command that each of you
should receive a set of clothing and that your commander should receive a thousand
dinars together with a set of clothing and a mount. You should then leave us.” Mughiera
said, “You wish to do this after we have weakened your kingdom and diminished your
respect? We have been here in your kingdom for sometime and will take the head tax
from you, which you will pay be hand as subjects submitting to our authority. Regardless
of what you think, you will soon become our slaves.” Having heard Mughiera say this,
Rustam flew into a towering rage.
Abu Wa’il narrates that Sa’ad marched with the Muslim army until they set up camp at a
place called Qadisiya. He said that he cannot say precisely, but we numbered no more
than seven or eight thousand while the unbelievers numbered thirty thousand.
In another narration Saif said that the army of the unbelievers numbered eighty
thousand. Another narration places the figure of Rustam’s army at a hundred and twenty
thousand with another eighty thousand as reinforcements. In addition to this, Rustam
had thirty-three elephants led by the largest which was a white elephant belonging to
Sabor. All the other elephants obeyed this elephant. There are other narrations that cite
various figures.
(Because of their might) the Persians told the Companions, You have neither strength,
nor power or weapons to resist us. You should return home.” The Companions reiterated
they were not going to return. The Persians mocked at the arrows of the Companions
and would say, “Dook, dook” (meaning knitting needles) because they compared the
arrows to spindles. Because of the Companions refusal to return, the Persians said,
“Send us one of your intellectuals to explain what has brought you here” whereupon
Mughiera, son of Shu’ba volunteered to go.
When Mughiera arrived at Rustam’s court he sat down on his throne, and this caused
the courtiers to shout out in protest. Mughiera said to them, “This neither elevates my
status nor reduces that of your leader.” Rustum commented, “That is true, now tell me
why you have come?” Mughiera said, “We are a nation who were once involved in evil
and deviant ways. Then, Allah sent to us a Prophet and through him Allah guided us and
provided us with sustenance. Among the foods Allah granted us were grains that grow
here. When we ate this and fed it to our families, they said, ‘This is not enough for us,
take us to that land so that we may eat those grains.” Rustam exclaimed, “We will kill all
of you!” Mughiera said, “If you kill us, we shall enter Paradise, but if we kill you, you will
enter Hell and (those who survive will have to) pay the head tax.”
When Mughiera spoke of the payment of the head tax, the courtiers shouted, “There can
be no agreement between you and us!” Mughiera asked, “Should we cross the river to
come to you or will you cross the river to come to us?” Rustam said, “We will cross the
river.” The Muslim army withdrew a short distance for the Persians to cross the river and
then the Muslims attacked and defeated them.
Mu’awiya, son of Qura narrates that when the Battle of Qadisiya took place, Mughiera
was sent to meet the Persian leader. Mughiera asked for ten men to be sent with him.
He straightened his clothes, took his shield and then left. When they reached their
destination Mughiera told his companions to lay their shields down and he sat upon
them. A well-built Persian commander said, “O Arabs, I know very well what has brought
you here. Your people do not have sufficient food in your country to fill your bellies. We
shall give you all the food you need for we are fire-worshippers and do not like fighting
you. You will only cause our land to be impure.” Mughiera responded saying, “By Allah,
this is certainly not the reason that brought us here. We are a nation that used to
worship stones and idols. Whenever we found a stone that looked better than the other,
we discarded the first one and adopted the next. We knew no deity until Allah sent to us
His Messenger, (praise and peace be upon him) from among our own people. He called
us to Islam and we followed him. We have not come for food but we have been
commanded to fight our enemy who has rejected Islam. We have not come for food,
rather, we have come to slay your soldiers and capture your families. As for your
mentioned of the scarcity of food in our land, I swear by that we certainly do not have
enough to fill our bellies and sometimes we do not find anything to drink for a long time.
However, after coming to your lands, we have found an abundance of food and water.
By Allah, we will not leave here until this land belongs to either you or us.” The heavily
built Persian said in his language, “He has spoken the truth.” Then he said, “Your eyes
will lose an eye tomorrow.” (As Allah decreed) Mughiera did lose an eye the following
day when an arrow struck him.
Saif narrates that Sa’ad sent a group of the Companions to the Persian king Yazdajird to
invite him to Islam before the battle. When they requested permission to see him, it was
granted and the people of the city came out to see them. The Companions were wearing
their shawls over their shoulders, and carried their whips in their hands. They wore
sandals and their horses were extremely weak and tread heavily on the ground. The
people were struck with astonishment when they saw them. They wondered how people
like these could defeat their larger and well-equipped armies.
When the Companions were permitted to meet Yazdajird, the Persian king, he made
them sit in front of him. He was a haughty man who had little respect for others. He
asked them about their names and their clothes, shawls, shoes and their whips. Each
time they told him the name, he made an incantation in his favor. However, Allah
ensured that each incantation backfired against him.
After, he asked the Companions, “What has bought you to our lands? Have you become
bold because of our civil war that has broken out?” Nu’man, son of Muqarin said, “Allah
has showered His Mercy on us when He sent a Messenger to guide us to do good and
command us to with virtue. He defined evil for us, and forbade us to do it. He promised
us the good of this world as well as in the Hereafter if we accepted his call to goodness.
Whenever he invited a tribe toward this, they divided into two groups. One group drew
close to him whereas the other distanced itself from him. It was only the few selected
ones who drew close to him. He continued in this manner for as long as Allah wanted
him to. Thereafter, Allah commanded him to subject those Arabs who opposed him, so
he started with them (before proceeding to the non-Arabs). When he did this, they all
joined him in one of two groups. There were those who were forced to join but later
became happy that they had done so, and those who did so happily and whose
happiness then increased.
We all realized that the Religion he called us to is far superior to the hostility and narrow
lives we had been leading. He then instructed us to start approaching the nations
surrounding us and invite them towards justice. We are therefore inviting you to our
Religion, the Religion of Islam which regards all good as good and everything that is evil
as evil. If you refuse (to accept Islam), the options are two that are unpleasant, one
being more demeaning than the other. One of the options is to pay the head tax (Jizya),
but if you refuse, then the other is war. On the other hand, if you accept our Religion, we
shall leave the Book of Allah with you. We will instruct you in it so that you may rule by
its laws, and we will leave you to your affairs and territories. If you decide to pay the
head tax, we will accept it from you and give you our protection. If you refuse Islam and
the payment of the head tax, we will fight you.”
Yazdajird said, “I do not know of any nation on earth that is more wretched than you
people, you are fewer in number and experience continuous internal strife. We have
already handed over to you the regions surrounding you to suffice you. The Persians
had never fought you, but do not think you can stand in their way. If your numbers have
increased, do not let this fool you (into thinking that you can overpower us). If it is
poverty that has brought you here, we will provide relief for you until you become
prosperous. We will also honor your leaders, provide you with clothing and appoint a
king for you who will be kind to you.”
The Companions remained silent until Mughiera, son of Shu’ba stood up and said, “Your
majesty, these are all leaders of the Arabs and from their hierarchy. They are all people
who are respected and it is only respectable people who show consideration for others
and who honor such people, it is only they who give importance to the rights of
respectable people. They have not as yet told you everything they were sent to tell you,
and have not replied to all your questions. They did well not to do this, and it is only
people like them who can act this respectfully. You should have been conversing with
someone like me. I will convey the message to you and they will bear witness to what I
Mughiera, son of Shu’ba continued, “Incidentally, it appears from the way in which you
have described us that you are unaware of our situation. Regarding your statement
about our impoverished condition (it is correct because) there was none more poverty
stricken than we. With regard to hunger, none suffered from hunger as we suffered. We
ate for food dung beetles, other insects, scorpions and snakes. As for our homes, it used
to be the bare earth and our clothing consisted of only what we made from the hides of
camels and the hair of goats. Killing and oppressing each other was a way of life and
there were among us those who would bury their infant daughter alive because he
disliked that she should share his food. Our previous condition was exactly as I
described. Then Allah sent to us a man whom we knew and whose lineage we were well
aware of. We knew his character as well as his place of birth. His land was the best of
our lands, his lineage the best of our lineages, his family the best of our families and his
tribe the best of our tribes. Despite the arduous conditions that prevailed, he was also
the best person among us, the most truthful and forbearing. When he invited us to Islam,
none of us accepted except his childhood friend who became the Caliph after he passed
away. When he spoke, we would contradict and when he told us the truth we regarded it
as lies. However, his followers increased whereas ours decreased. Whatever he said
became a reality and as time passed Allah inspired us to believe and follow him. He
became our guide to Allah. Whatever he told us was from Allah, and whatever he
commanded, the command came from Allah. He told us, “Your Lord says, ‘I am the One,
Allah, who has no partner. I existed when nothing else existed and everything other than
My favor will eventually perish. I created everything and everything will return to Me. My
Mercy has reached you and I have sent this man to guide you to the Path by which I will
save you from My punishment after your death and lead you to the abode I have
created, which is the Abode of Peace, Paradise. We bear witness that the Messenger of
Allah, praise and peace be upon him, has indeed brought the truth from the One and
only God, Allah.”
Allah also said, “Whosoever follows you in this Religion will enjoy the privileges you
enjoy and will bear the responsibilities you bear. As for those who refuse to accept,
propose the option of the head tax to him, and then protect him as you would protect
your own lives. If they refuse even this, then you should fight them and I shall be the
Judge between you. I will permit entrance to My Paradise those of you who are martyred
and those of you who survive will receive My assistance against those who oppose you.”
Having said this, Mugheira then issued the ultimatum to Yazdajird saying, “You may
choose to pay the head tax if you wish, in which case you will live as subjects. You may
also choose the sword if you wish. On the other hand you are free to save yourselves by
accepting Islam.” Indignantly, Yazdajird retorted, “ How dare you face me with these
proposals!” Mughiera replied, “I address whoever is speaking to me in the same way that
I have presented it to you.” Infuriated, Yazdajird exclaimed, “Had it not been for the
principle that envoys cannot be killed, I would have indeed had you killed because you
have no status in my estimated!” Yazdajird turned and said (to his courtiers). “Bring me a
basket of sand and place it on the head of the person who is the highest in birth among
them. Then lead him to the outskirts of Mada’in.” (Addressing the Companions,
Yazdajird said), “Go back to your leader and inform him I shall send Rustam to him who
will bury him along with his army in the trenches of Qadisiyah. Those who come after
you will learn a lesson from what is about to happen to him and to you people. I will send
Rustam to your land and he will torture you worse than Sabor did.” Yazdajird then asked,
“Which of you is the highest in birth?” After a brief silence, Asim, son of Amr volunteered
to take the sand without consulting the others saying, “I am of the highest birth amongst
all of them. Let me carry the sand.” “Is that so?” asked Yazdajird. Whereupon a basket
of sand was placed on Asim’s neck and he carried it out of the palace to the outskirts of
the city where he mounted his ride and loaded the basket on its back to take to Sa’ad,
son of Abi Waqqas. He rode ahead of the other Companions and passed by the gates of
Qudays (a palace in Qadisiyah) crying out, “Give the Amir glad tidings of victory,
InshaAllah, we will indeed be victorious!” Asim then rode on until he placed the sand on
Arabian soil. He returned to Sa’ad and informed him what had happened. Sa’ad
exclaimed, “Glad tidings, by Allah! Allah has already given us the keys to their kingdom.”
The Muslims took it to be a good sign from this that they would capture the lands of the
Persians.’ (By the blessing of Allah, the Persians were defeated).
May Allah be pleased with all the Companions.