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Recombinant DNA / Transgenic DNA
Go to the following website “The DNA Learning Center:
1. Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer worked to __________________ genes from different bacteria into one
_______ molecule. Where did they get the genes to do this? _________________________
2. What is a plasmid?
3. Draw a plasmid.
4. What did Cohen and Boyer add to cut part of the plasmid _______________ _______________ or EcoRI to
make sticky ends.
5. Genetic engineering processes can make human insulin. Human insulin DNA is placed into the
DNA of a second organism. The host organism becomes an insulin-producing factory. People
with diabetes (called diabetics) do not correctly produce or use their insulin protein. The insulin
protein helps control how much sugar is in your bloodstream. Millions of diabetics need to take
insulin. Insulin from cows and pigs has been used since the early 1900s to treat diabetes. Now
human insulin protein can be mass-produced through genetic engineering processes.
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Fill in the steps
1. _____________ Gene The gene for producing HUMAN insulin protein is isolated
2. _____________ Target DNA First, a circular piece of DNA called a plasmid is removed from a bacterial
cell. Special proteins are used to cut the plasmid ring open.
3. Insert the DNA into __________________. With the plasmid ring open, the gene for insulin is inserted
into the plasmid ring and the ring is closed.
4. Insert ______________ back into cell. The bacterial DNA now contains the human insulin gene and is
inserted into a bacteria. Scientists use very small needle syringes to move the recombined plasmid
through the bacterial cell membrane.
5. Plasmid __________________. Many plasmids with the insulin gene are inserted into many bacterial
cells. The cells need nutrients in order to grow, divide, and live. While they live, the bacterial cell
processes turn on the gene for human insulin and the insulin is produced in the cell. When the
bacterial cells reproduce by dividing, the human insulin gene is also reproduced in the newly created
6. Target Cells _____________________. Human insulin protein molecules produced by bacteria are
gathered and purified. The process of purifying and producing cow and pig insulin has been greatly
reduced or eliminated
7. Cell Produce ____________________. Millions of people with diabetes now take human insulin
produced by bacteria or yeast (biosynthetic insulin) that is genetically compatible with their bodies,
just like the perfect insulin produced naturally in your body
II. Cloning - Clone a mouse!
Go to the following website:
1. What is a clone?
2. What is a somatic cell?
3. What makes a somatic cell different from a sex cell (gamete)?
4. Begin the lab – List the 6 main steps to cloning.
1. ________________________________ 2. ___________________________
3.__________________________________ 4. ___________________________
5. __________________________________6. ___________________________
5. Describe how you removed the nucleus from the egg.
6. What did you do with the nucleus of the somatic cell?
7. Why is a microscope necessary to remove the nucleus?
8. Is this new egg haploid or diploid? ________________, explain why this is not your typical “egg” cell now.
What process will this new cell use to divide to develop into a mouse?
10. What is a ball of cells called (about 16 cells)?
11. Once the cells develop into an embryo where did you implant it?
12. Can scientist really produce clones of mice? ____________, When was the first cloned mouse made?
Go to the following website:
Who was Dolly?
List two interesting facts about Dolly.
How did Dolly’s life end? _________________________________________________________