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Economies of the World
1. What animal is crucial to the life of the Nuer?
2. How are boys initiated into the Nuer society?
3. Why do the Nuer move?
Cuba’s Economy
1. What two economic systems are present in Cuba?
2. Describe the command economy in Cuba?
3. Why is the capitalist economy present?
4. What role does the government have in Cuba’s economy?
1. Where is Samoa located?
2. What is the Samoan economy dependent on?
3. What is the biggest employer in Samoa?
4. Describe an area of concern for the Samoans?
North Korea
1. Who were the biggest traders with North Korea and what happened?
2. Where do most people in North Korea work?
3. Describe an area of economic concern for North Koreans.
United States
1. What is a market oriented economy?
2. What are the major technological fields in the US?
3. Where have economic gains gone since 1975?
4. Where have many of our resources gone since March/April 2003?
5. Describe two long-term concerns of the US economy.
1. How has Western Germany struggled economically?
2. Why has Eastern Germany struggled economically?
3. How is the German economy similar to the United States?
4. In what occupation are most Germans employed?
1. What was the main source of income for the Tuaregs?
2. What happened to the business?
3. What did the Tuarges usually trade and why?
Economies of the World
What animal is crucial to the life of the Nuer? Cow
How are boys initiated into the Nuer society? Boys receive 6 horizontal cuts on their foreheads and receive cattle
Why do the Nuer move? They move to high ground during the rainy season and near the water in the dry season.
Cuba’s Economy
1. What two economic systems are present in Cuba? Command and capitalist
2. Describe the command economy in Cuba? free education, free health care, universal employment, unemployment
compensation, disability and retirement benefits and the basis necessities of life
3. Why is the capitalist economy present? To operate in tourist areas and to sustain the command economy
4. What role does the government have in Cuba’s economy? The government owns and produces everything
Where is Samoa located? a group of six Polynesian islands in the South Pacific
What is the Samoan economy dependent on? development aid, family remittances from overseas, and agriculture and
What is the biggest employer in Samoa? Agriculture
Describe an area of concern for the Samoans? decline of fish stocks
North Korea
1. Who were the biggest traders with North Korea and what happened? Soviet Union, they broke up
2. Where do most people in North Korea work? factories
3. Describe an area of economic concern for North Koreans. Starvation due to collective farming
United States
1. What is a market oriented economy? private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions
2. What are the major technological fields in the US? computers and in medical, aerospace, and military equipment
3. Where have economic gains gone since 1975? the top 20% of households
4. Where have many of our resources gone since March/April 2003? War on terror
5. Describe two long-term concerns of the US economy. inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly
rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable trade and budget deficits, and stagnation of family
How has Western Germany struggled economically? Since the reunification of Germany
Why has Eastern Germany struggled economically? They were under communist rule
How is the German economy similar to the United States? It is a powerhouse on the world economy and has a very high
standard of living.
In what occupation are most Germans employed? Technologically advanced goods
What was the main source of income for the Tuaregs? trade
What happened to the business? They were replaced by trucks, trains, and shipping
What did the Tuarges usually trade and why? Luxury items and slaves