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Choice Board: WAVES
Row 1
Make a COLLAGE with 10 or more
pictures, pictures must be neatly
cut from magazine or newspaper,
label items as required in task
Row 2
Remix a SONG using 10 or more
vocabulary words (in the correct
context) about one of the
following topics- light waves,
sound waves, electromagnetic
Create a powerpoint that
demonstrates your understanding
the three types of waves.
Compare and contrast using a
Triple Venn Diagram.
Row 3
Folded Quiz Book
Should be at least 8.5 x 11
and folded in half
Should contain at least 10
Created with the correct
number of flaps cut on top
Questions should be written
or typed neatly on upper flap
Answers should be written or
typed neatly inside each flap
Write a STORY with you as the
wave. Detail the way you travel,
what type of wave you are, and
how humans perceive you.
Create a POSTER following the steps
(there is a rubric) to explain the
Electromagnetic spectrum and how it
relates to the other waves we study
Design a MINI TEXTBOOK that
explains the similarities and
difference between light waves,
sound waves, electromagnetic
spectrum, as well as parts of the
eye and the ear.
Produce a PLAY where the different
types of waves interact with humans.
Be sure to have at least two characters
and a script with at least 10 lines per
part. Play should last for two to three
Draw a COMIC STRIP with at least 6
cells, At least 8.5 x 11
Should have at least six cells
It must have meaningful dialogue, and
it must have color.
Directions: Choose activities in column A, B, C. When you have completed three, you may complete the extension
I choose activity #______ #________ #________
Do you have an alternative idea? Propose it here and discuss with your teacher, if he or she approves, you may
complete that activity as a substitute for ONE other choice on the board. Your proposal:
Your Name (first and last): ___________________________ Your signature: ______________________________
Date contract received by student: ________________ Date contract approved by teacher: ____________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________
Date all activities completed: _________________________ Teacher Signature of Completion: _______________
If you finish all of your work early, you may speak with your teacher about several options one including the
following activity:
Extension: Using all steps of the scientific method, design an experiment that tests a problem dealing with the
waves we’ve studied- electromagnetic waves, light waves, sound waves.