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Sponges feed by _____. (Concept 33.1
Your Answer: filtering small particles from water
Correct. Sponges trap food from the water circulating through their porous
Sponges lack _____. (Concept 33.1
Your Answer: all of the above
Correct. Sponges have no nerves or muscles, and they are suspension
feeders that trap food from water circulated through their porous bodies.
Some digestion in sponges takes place in the _____. (Concept 33.1
Your Answer: amoebocytes
Correct. Amoebocytes digest the food that sponges pick up from water
and from choanocytes.
Which characteristic is not true of sponges? (Concept 33.1
Your Answer: All of the above are characteristics of sponges.
Correct. The asymmetrical body of a sponge consists of two layers of cells
separated by a gelatinous region, called the mesohyl. Water is drawn
through pores into a central cavity, where food is trapped by flagellated
collar cells.
Which one of following features is characteristic of the poriferan (sponge)
body plan or life history? (Concept 33.1
Your Answer: motile larvae
Correct. Zygotes develop into flagellated, swimming larvae that disperse
from the parent.
Some cnidarians go through both a motile and a sessile (attached) stage
during their life cycle. The attached stage is called a(n) _____. (Concept
Your Answer: polyp
Correct. Sessile polyps are cylindrical forms that attach to a substratum
and extend their tentacles, waiting for prey.
Through what means do coral animals capture their food? (Concept
Your Answer: tentacles that trap food particles
Correct. Coral animals, like all cnidarians, have tentacles armed with
batteries of stinging cells called cnidocytes. They use those tentacles to
capture prey and push food into the gastrovascular cavity.
_____ are members of the phylum _____ and feed by _____. (Concept
Your Answer: Corals ... Cnidaria ... using stinging cells to capture small
animals that venture too close to them
Correct. Cnidaria, including coral animals, have tentacles armed with
cnidocytes, unique stinging cells that function in defense and in the
capture of prey.
Jellies and corals are members of the same _____, all members of which
_____. (Concept 33.2
Your Answer: phylum ... have special stinging cells on their tentacles
Correct. Jellies and coral animals are cnidarians, which have tentacles
armed with batteries of stinging cells called cnidocytes.
The choanocyte of a sponge and the nematocyst of a cnidarian both
function in _____. (Concept 33.2
Your Answer: obtaining food
Correct. Lining the inside of a spongocoel are flagellated choanocytes,
which trap food particles. Nematocysts are stinging capsules that function
in defense and in the capture of prey.
Which of the following statements does not describe the phylum Cnidaria?
(Concept 33.2
Your Answer: This phylum has more species than any other phylum.
Correct. The phylum Arthropoda has more species than any other phylum.
Tapeworms are highly specialized worms that make their living as
endoparasites. To which of the following phyla and classes do the
tapeworms belong? (Concept 33.3
Your Answer: phylum Platyhelminthes, class Cestoidea
Correct. Tapeworms are platyhelminths and belong to the class Cestoidea.
Which of the following classes is (are) totally parasitic? (Concept
Your Answer: Cestoidea
Correct Answer: Cestoidea and Trematoda
No. This choice is correct, but there is a better response.
The proglottids of a tapeworm contain an elaborate _____ system.
(Concept 33.3
Your Answer: reproductive
Correct. Posterior to the head, or scolex, is a long ribbon of units called
proglottids, which are little more than sacs of sex organs.
Some species of rotifers undergo parthenogenesis, which means that
_____. (Concept 33.8
Your Answer: the species consists of only females that produce more
females from unfertilized eggs
Correct. How these species of rotifers have survived for millions of years
with this type of reproduction is a puzzle.
Consider the following list of animals: giant squid, earthworm, largemouth
bass, snail, tapeworm, coral, and starfish. The two that belong to the
same phylum are the _____, and their phylum is _____. (Concept
Your Answer: giant squid and snail ... Mollusca
Correct. The giant squid and the snail are both molluscs.
An active marine predator is found possessing these characteristics: a
series of tentacles (modified from the foot), a highly developed nervous
system, and elaborate eyes. To which of the following animal classes does
this organism most likely belong? (Concept 33.4
Your Answer: Cephalopoda
Correct. The foot of a cephalopod has been modified into a muscular
siphon and parts of the tentacles and head. Cephalopods use beak-like
jaws to bite their prey. They have a well-developed nervous system with a
complex brain.
Cephalopods are the only molluscs _____. (Concept 33.4
Your Answer: without a mantle
Correct Answer: with a closed circulatory system
No. The cephalopod mantle covers the visceral mass but, with the
exception of the chambered nautilus, no extant cephalopod has a shell.
Annelids _____. (Concept 33.5
Your Answer: all of the above
Correct. Annelids are segmented worms. The phylum includes
earthworms, polychaete worms, and leeches. They have characteristically
long bodies with both internal and external segmentation. They have
coeloms, which function as hydrostatic skeletons, and they have a twoopening digestive system.
Earthworms are most closely related to _____. (Concept 33.5
Your Answer: leeches
Correct. Earthworms and leeches are both annelids.
The excretory organs of earthworms are called _____. (Concept 33.5
Your Answer: metanephridia
Correct. In each segment of the worm is a pair of excretory tubules called
During reproduction by the oligochaete earthworm Lumbricus _____.
(Concept 33.5
Your Answer: hermaphroditic individuals exchange sperm
Correct. Earthworms are hermaphrodites, but they cross-fertilize.
Which one of the following is not a feature of polychaete worms (phylum
Annelida, class Polychaeta)? (Concept 33.5
Your Answer: a marine environment
Correct Answer: a water vascular system
No. Most polychaetes are marine animals.
Leeches are members of the phylum _____. (Concept 33.5
Your Answer: Annelida
Correct. Leeches are free-living carnivores, or parasites, that are annelids,
or segmented worms.
Which choice includes three different phyla of organisms commonly known
as "worms"? (Concept 33.6
Your Answer: Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Nematoda
Correct. Platyhelminths are flatworms, annelids are segmented worms,
and nematodes are roundworms.
Animals such as _____ are the simplest animals to have _____. (Concept
Your Answer: snails ... a body cavity
Correct Answer: roundworms ... a complete digestive tract
No. Almost all molluscs have a coelom, but they are not the simplest
animals to have a coelom.
An unidentified species of animal displays the following characteristics:
bilateral symmetry, determinate embryonic cleavage, a complete digestive
system, an open circulatory system, and distinct body segmentation. To
which one of the following animal phyla does this species most likely
belong? (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: Annelida
Correct Answer: Arthropoda
No. Annelids have a closed circulatory system.
The arthropods superficially resemble earthworms in that both groups
_____, yet the two are distinctly different because arthropods, but not
earthworms, _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: are cephalized and bilaterally symmetrical ... have
true organs
Correct Answer: have prominently segmented bodies ... have jointed
No. Annelids have true organs.
A major characteristic of arthropods is _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: a chitinous exoskeleton
Correct. The body of an arthropod is completely covered by the cuticle, an
exoskeleton constructed from layers of protein and chitin.
In insects, gas exchange is accomplished by _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: book lungs
Correct Answer: a tracheal system
No. These carry out gas exchange in most spiders.
Sowbugs are really crustaceans, not insects. Therefore, a sowbug does
not have _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: an open circulatory system
Correct Answer: three pairs of legs
No. This is a characteristic of all arthropods.
The majority of animal species are _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: insects
Correct. In species diversity, insects outnumber all other forms of life
In arthropods, molting is necessary because _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: the chitinous exoskeleton cannot grow
Correct. The rigid exoskeleton must be shed in order for an arthropod to
Complete metamorphosis _____. (Concept 33.7
Your Answer: features a larval stage that looks different from the adult
Correct. Insects with complete metamorphosis have larval stages
specialized for eating and growing, which look entirely different from the
Which of the following animals are most closely related to spiders?
(Concept 33.7
Your Answer: scorpions
Correct. Scorpions are arachnids, a class that also includes spiders.
The water vascular system of a sea star functions in _____. (Concept
Your Answer: digestion
Correct Answer: movement of the tube feet
No. Sea stars have a stomach and digestive glands.
Which one of the following statements about the phylum Echinodermata is
false? (Concept 33.8
Your Answer: Echinoderms have true radial symmetry as adults.
Correct. Adult echinoderms may seem to have radial symmetry, but they
really do not. Consider the position of the madreporite in a sea star.
What is one visible feature that makes it easy to identify sea cucumbers
as echinoderms? (Concept 33.8
Your Answer: They have five rows of tube feet.
Correct. This is a visible feature that makes it clear that sea cucumbers
are echinoderms.