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Newton’s 1st Law Study Guide (Study your notes too!)
Name ________________________________
Period ________
1. Define force _________________________________________
Date ______________
net force ___________________
2. List at least 4 things Sir Issac Newton did. _________________________________________________
3. State all aspects of Newton’s 1st law. __________________________________________________
4. Newton’s 1st law is sometimes called the law of _______________________.
5. If an object is not moving, the forces are ___________________ and the net force is __________.
6. If an object has a constant velocity, the forces are ___________________ and the net force is
7. If an object is accelerating, (________________, __________________, or ______________________)
we know about the forces on it are ___________________and the net force is ___________________.
8. What three forces usually cause objects to slow down and stop on Earth?
9. While in space far from other planets, Jake throws a football. Describe the motion of the football. (c.s.)
10. Define inertia. ____________________________________________________________________
11. ________ can be defined as a measurement of how much inertia an object has.
12. Give an example of something with little inertia and something with a lot of inertia.
13. Which has more inertia, a running elephant or an elephant standing still? _______________________
14. Explain 1 moving example of Newton’s 1st Law. _____________________________________________
15. Explain 1 nonmoving example of Newton’s 1st Law. __________________________________________
16. A marble sits in the center of a square pan. If you suddenly jerk the pan forwards, what happens to the marble & why?
17. Suppose the marble is again in the center of the pan, and this time the pan is moving forward with a constant velocity.
Suddenly, you stop the pan. What happens to the marble & why?
Newton’s 2nd Law Study Guide (Study your notes too!)
1. State all aspects of Newton’s 2nd law. _____________________________________________________
2. State Newton’s 2nd Law in math form. _____________________
3. Ball B has twice the mass of Ball A. You push them equally as hard. How do their accelerations compare?
4. AJ pushes ball A with half the force Billy pushes ball A. How do their accelerations compare?
Show all work. Include units & round answers to correct number of sig figs.
5. What force would be required to give a 1200 kg object an acceleration of 4.000 m/s2?
6. How much would a 55.5 kg person weigh on Earth? On Pluto? (a = 0.58 m/s2 on Pluto)
7. A bicycle and rider has a mass of 65 kg. The rider is pedaling hard, so that a horizontal force of 105 N accelerates
them. What is the acceleration?
8. A box of grapes with a mass of 2.00 kg rests on a horizontal table. (a) If a net force of 20.0 Newtons is applied,
what would the acceleration of the box be? (b) Assuming it started from rest, how fast would it be going after
2.0 s?
9. A 105 Newton force accelerates a ball at 5.05 m/s/s. What is the mass of the ball?
10. Sarah can push hard enough to accelerate a 35.0 kg 1st grader at 4.50 m/s2. If she pushed just as hard on a 165
kg senior, what would his acceleration be?