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Chapter 13 and 14 Reading Study Guide
Name _________________________________
Period _________
Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve
1. What do paleontologists study?
2. What does the fossil record tell us about evolution?
3. List AND describe 6 types of fossils the book talks about.
4. How does biogeography provide evidence for evolution?
5. How does comparative anatomy provide evidence for evolution?
6. How does comparative embryology provide evidence for evolution?
7. How does molecular biology provide evidence for evolution?
8. Looking at figure 13.3B, are humans more closely related to mice or frogs? How can
you tell?
9. What is homology?
10. What is the difference between natural and artificial selection?
11. What is natural selection? How does it relate to the phrase “survival of the fittest”?
12. What is a population?
13. What is a species?
14. Does evolution occur at the population or species level and why?
15. What is microevolution?
16. List the 5 factors that are necessary for a population to be in Hardy-Weinburg
17. Are populations in nature in H-W equilibrium? Why or why not?
18. Write out the equation for H-W equilibrium.
19. What do each of the following represent?
a. p2
b. q2
c. 2pq
d. p
e. q
20. How are genetic drift and the bottleneck effect related?
21. What is the founder effect?
22. Give an example in nature of the founder effect.
23. What is gene flow?
24. What is polymorphism?
25. Give an example of polymorphism.
26. Read the 13.17 connection article. Why do endangered species have reduced
variation? What types of problems might this cause them?
27. What is sexual dimorphism? Give an example.
28. Read 13.22 Connection. How did antibiotic resistant bacteria evolve?
Chapter 14
1. What is taxonomy?
2. What is a biological species?
3. Describe the concept of “ring species.”
4. What is a reproductive barrier?
5. What is the difference between prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers?
6. List and describe the 5 types of prezygotic reproductive barriers.
7. List and describe the 3 types of postzygotic reproductive barriers.
8. What is geographic isolation?
9. What is allopatric speciation?
10. Read section 14.4. Describe how islands are living laboratories of speciation.
11. What is sympatric speciation?
12. What can cause sympatric speciation?
13. What are polyploidy cells?
14. Explain the development of a reproductive barrier in populations of pupfish in
Death Valley.
15. Read and summarize “Talking about Science” from section 14.9.