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10.5.3 - Explain how the Russian Revolution and the entry of the United States affected the course and
outcome of the war. 10.7.1 - Understand the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin's use
of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control (e.g., the Gulag). 10.7.2 - Trace Stalin's rise to power in the Soviet
Union and the connection between economic policies, political policies, the absence of a free press, and systematic
violations of human rights (e.g., the Terror Famine in Ukraine).
World History Unit 5 Benchmark Guide
Name _________________________________________________ Period # _______ Date ___________
Page 433: Chapter 14 Section 1 Title: Revolutions in ________________
Main Idea: Long-term social unrest in Russia exploded in revolution, and ushered in the first
________________________ government.
Why It Matters Now: The Communist Party controlled the Soviet Union until the country’s breakup in
Page 433: How did czars Alexander III and Nicholas II deal with calls for reform? ___________________
Page 433: How did the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II help pave the way for revolution? ________
Page 433: What are pogroms and where did they operate? ______________________________________
Page 434: Analyzing Causes: Why did Industrialization in Russia lead to unrest? ____________________
Page 434: Who were the Bolsheviks and what did they believe in? ________________________________
____________________________. Who was their leader in the early 1900’s? _______________________.
Page 434-35: How did the Russo-Japanese war show the czar's weakness and lead to a revolt in Russia?
Page 435: What happened on "Bloody Sunday"? ______________________________________________
Page 435: What did Russia's involvement in World War I reveal about the Russian government? ________
Page 436: Who replaced the government of Czar Nicholas II in Russia? ____________________________.
Page 436: What were soviets under Russia's provisional government? _____________________________.
Page 436: According to the map, how many Bolshevik uprisings took place between 1905 and 1917? _____.
Which territories were lost under the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? ____________________________________
__________________________________. Which bodies of water were used by the White Army and their
allies? ________________________________________________. Why was control of Archangel,
Petrograd, and Rostov important? ______________________________________________.
Page 437: What two things did Lenin do immediately following the Bolshevik takeover? 1) ____________
____________________________. 2) _______________________________________________________.
Page 437: Name two results of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? 1) ____________________________________
_____________________________________________________. 2) ______________________________
Study the chart on page 437: What were the names given for the two Russian Revolutions? ____________
Under whose leadership did Civil War begin in Russia? ______________________. What Cause led to the
Czar abdicating his throne? _____________________________________.
Page 438: What happened during Russia’s three year civil war? ___________________________________
Page 438: How was the Russian Revolution different from the American Revolution? (Just fill in the blanks
to answer this question.) In its immediate and long-term effects, the Russian Revolution was more like the
___________ Revolution than the American Revolution. The American Revolution expanded ____________
__________________ ideas into a constitutional government that ___________ on many _______________
structures. In contrast, both the French and Russian revolutions attempted to _____________ existing
___________ and _________________ structures. Revolutionaries in France and Russia used
_______________ and ___________ to control people. France became a constitutional monarchy for a time,
but the Russian Revolution established a ___________-controlled society that lasted for decades.
Lenin Restores Order
Page 438: Lenin’s reforms under the LEP was a small-scale version of _____________________________.
It allowed peasants to sell _____________ crops instead of turning them over to the
Page 438: Analyzing Key Concepts: Fill in the blanks as you read through the graphic section on
Communism. Communism is a political and ________________ system of organization. In theory,
_______________ is owned by the community and all citizens share in the common wealth according to
their need. In practice, this was _________________ to achieve. German philosopher Karl __________ saw
communism as the ________ result of an essential historical process. Russian revolutionary Vladimir
___________ built on Marx’s theories and sought ways of __________________ those theories. Ultimately,
however, Lenin’s communist state - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - became a one-party,
________________________________ system. Fill in the blanks as you study the chart that compares how
Marx and Lenin viewed communism.
History was the story of class struggle.
History was the story of class struggle.
The struggle Marx saw was between capitalists and
The struggle Lenin saw was capitalists against the
the proletariat, or the _____________________.
proletariat and the _______________________.
The proletariat’s numbers would become so great
The proletariat and the peasants were not
and their condition so poor that a
________________ of leading a revolution and
__________________________________ revolution needed the ___________________ of professional
would occur.
The revolution would end with a “dictatorship of the
After the revolution, the ___________ needed to be
proletariat” - the ____________________ ownership
run by a _____________ party with disciplined,
of wealth.
__________________ directed administrators in
order to _______________ its goals.
Political Reforms
Page 439: How was Russia organized after the success of the Bolshevik revolution? __________________
_____________________________________. Page 439: How did Lenin’s dictatorship differ from Marx’s
idea? _________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________. Page 439: Who was Lenin’s successor and what did he think of
him? _________________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 14 Section 1 Quiz – See Teacher
Chapter 14 Section 1 Quiz Revolutions in Russia
Terms and Names: Write the letter of the term or name that matches the description. You will not use all of
the terms.
Page 440: Chapter 14 Section 2 Title: Totalitarianism Case Study: ________________ _____________
Main Idea: After Lenin died, ____________ seized power and transformed the Soviet Union into a
totalitarian state.
Why It Matters Now: More ____________ dictators have used Stalin’s tactics for seizing __________
control over ___________________________ and the state.
Fill in the blanks below as you read this section on Totalitarianism.
SETTING THE STAGE Stalin, Lenin’s successor, _______________________ transformed the
government of the Soviet Union. Stalin was determined that the Soviet Union should find its place both
politically and economically among the most ___________________ of nations in the world. Using tactics
designed to rid himself of ______________________, Stalin worked to establish ____________ control of
______ aspects of life in the Soviet Union. He controlled not only the government, but also the economy and
many aspects of citizens’ _______________ lives.
A Government of Total Control
The term totalitarianism describes a government that takes total, centralized, ____________ control over
every aspect of public and private life. Totalitarian leaders ______________ to provide a sense of
______________ and to give a direction for the future. In the 20th century, the widespread use of mass
communication made it possible to reach into all aspects of citizens’ lives.
Page 440: The term totalitarianism describes a government that: __________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________ .
A dynamic leader who can build support for his policies and __________________ his actions heads
most totalitarian governments. Often the leader utilizes _____________ police to crush opposition and create
a sense of _________ among the people. No one is exempt from suspicion or _________________________
that he or she is an enemy of the ____________.
Totalitarianism challenges the highest ____________ prized by __________________ democracies reason, _________________, human dignity, and the ______________ of the individual. As the chart on the
next page shows, all totalitarian states share basic characteristics.
To dominate an entire nation, totalitarian leaders _____________ methods of control and persuasion.
These included the use of terror, __________________________, propaganda, _______________________,
and religious or ethnic persecution.
Police Terror Dictators of totalitarian states use terror and violence to force _________________________
and to crush opposition. Normally, the police are expected to respond to criminal activity and ____________
the citizens. In a totalitarian state, the police serve to enforce the ___________ government’s policies. They
may do this by __________ on the citizens or by ___________________________ them. Sometimes they
use _____________ force and even murder to achieve their goals.
Indoctrination Totalitarian states rely on indoctrination - instruction in the government’s ____________ - to
mold people’s ____________. Control of education is absolutely essential to _______________ the leader
and his policies and to convince all citizens that their unconditional ______________ and support are
required. Indoctrination begins with very young _______________, is encouraged by youth groups, and is
strongly _________________ by schools.
Page 441: Analyzing Key Concepts: Fill in the blanks as you read through the graphic on Totalitarianism.
Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the ___________________ government takes control of
______ aspects of both public and private life. Thus, totalitarianism seeks to ____________ the line between
government and society. It has an ___________________, or set of beliefs, that all citizens are expected to
_______________. It is often led by a dynamic leader and a single political party.
Mass communication technology helps a totalitarian government spread its aims and support its
policies. Also, surveillance technology makes it possible to keep ___________ of the activities of many
people. Finally, violence, such as police terror, discourages those who ________________ with the goals of
the government.
Key Traits of Totalitarianism
Ideology: sets goals of the state • glorifies aims of the state • justifies government actions
State Control of Individuals: demands loyalty • denies _________ liberties • expects personal
__________________ for the good of the state
Methods of Enforcement: police __________ • indoctrination • censorship • ________________________
Modern Technology: mass communication to __________ propaganda • advanced military ____________
State Control of Society: business • labor • ______________ • education • religion • the arts • personal life • youth
Dictatorship and One-Party Rule: exercises _________________ authority • dominates the government
Dynamic Leader: unites people • symbolizes government • encourages popular support through
__________ of will.
Which of the above principles do you find to be the most troubling? Explain. _____________________
Data File: Which two countries still had Totalitarian dictators as late as the 1990’s? ________________
Totalitarianism Today - There are many authoritarian regimes in the world, but there are very few actual
totalitarian governments. In 2000, one monitoring agency identified five totalitarian regimes - Afghanistan,
_____________, ___________ ______________, _________ and Vietnam.
Page 442: Propaganda and Censorship Totalitarian states spread propaganda, biased or incomplete
information used to sway people to ____________ certain beliefs or actions. Control of all ________ media
allows this to happen. No publication, film, art, or music is allowed to exist without the permission of the
state. Citizens are surrounded with ___________ information that appears to be true. Suggesting that the
information is incorrect is considered an act of treason and __________________ punished. Individuals who
dissent must ______________ their work or they are imprisoned or ______________.
Religious or Ethnic Persecution Totalitarian leaders often create “enemies of the state” to ___________ for
things that go wrong. Frequently these enemies are members of ___________________ or ethnic groups.
Often these groups are easily identified and are subjected to campaigns of terror and violence. They may be
forced to _________ in certain areas or are subjected to ____________ that apply only to them.
Page 442: Between 1934 and 1939, what did the Great Purge try to eliminate: _______________________
Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Police State Stalin built a police state to maintain his ___________. Stalin’s secret police used _________
and armored cars to stop riots. They monitored ___________________ lines, read mail, and planted
__________________ everywhere. Even ___________________ told authorities about disloyal remarks
they heard at home. Every family came to fear the ______________ on the door in the early morning hours,
which usually meant the ____________ of a family member. The secret police arrested and executed
_______________ of so-called traitors.
In 1934, Stalin turned against members of the Communist Party. In 1937, he launched the ________
___________, a campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who __________________________ his
power. Thousands of old ____________________ who helped stage the Revolution in 1917 stood trial. They
were __________________ or sent to labor camps for “crimes against the Soviet state.” When the Great
Purge ended in _________, Stalin had gained ____________ control of the Soviet government and the
_______________________ Party. Historians estimate that during this time he was responsible for ___
million to _____ million deaths.
Education and Indoctrination Under Stalin, the government controlled ______ education from nursery
schools through the universities. Schoolchildren learned the virtues of the _________________________
Party. College professors and students who questioned the Communist Party’s interpretations of history or
science ____________ losing their jobs or faced _________________________. Party leaders in the Soviet
Union ___________________ workers and peasants on the ideals of communism.
Religious Persecution Communists aimed to _______________ religious teachings with the ideals of
communism. Under Stalin, the government and the League of the Militant Godless, an officially sponsored
group of ___________________, spread propaganda attacking religion. “Museums of atheism” displayed
exhibits to show that religious beliefs were mere superstitions. Yet many people in the Soviet Union still
clung to their _____________.
The Russian ____________________ Church was the main target of persecution. Other religious
groups also suffered greatly. The police destroyed _____________________ churches and synagogues, and
many religious leaders were _____________ or sent to labor camps.
Achieving the perfect Communist state came at a tremendous cost to Soviet citizens. Stalin’s total
control of society eliminated _________________ rights and freedoms in favor of the ________ of the state.
Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy
As Stalin began to gain complete control of society, he was setting plans in motion to overhaul the
_________________. He announced, “We are fifty or a hundred years _____________ the advanced
countries. We must make good this distance in ______ years.” In 1928 Stalin’s plans called for a
_______________ economy, a system in which the ____________________ made all economic decisions.
Under this system, _______________ leaders identify the country’s economic needs and determine how to
_______________ them.
An Industrial Revolution Stalin outlined the first of several ________________________ for the
development of the Soviet Union’s economy. The Five-Year Plans set __________________________ high
quotas, or numerical goals, to increase the ______________ of steel, coal, oil, and electricity. To reach these
targets, the government limited production of ___________________ goods. As a result, people faced severe
__________________ of housing, food, clothing, and other necessary goods.
Page 443: Who made the economic decisions in the command economy of Stalinist Russia? ____________
Page 443: All of the following were goals of the Five-Year Plans EXCEPT: rapid industrial growth, a
stronger national defense, the modernization of the Soviet economy, the promotion of communism
Page 443: What was the purpose of the Soviet state's Five-Year Plans? ________________________
Page 443-44: What are the names of the two revolutions that were started under Stalin's rule as a means to
improve the Soviet Union's economy? _______________________________________________________.
Page 442-443-444: Which of the following was NOT part of the transformation of the Soviet Union into a
totalitarian state? Five-Year Plans, Great Purge, established of collective farms, creation of the first soviets.