* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
AS GEOLOGY UNIT TEST KEY IDEA 1: The Earth has a concentrically zoned structure and composition 1. Draw a table to summarise the properties of P, S and L seismic waves. 2. How do the following affect seismic wave velocities? a) Bulk modulus b) Shear modulus c) Density 3. Copy and complete the table: Rock Seismic Thickness Density Type/Composition Velocity Continental crust Oceanic crust Mantle Outer core Inner core (12) (6) 4. Sketch a travel - time graph showing the seismogram records of three seismic stations at different distances from an earthquake. Explain how these travel - time curves can be used to locate an earthquake epicentre 5. Describe and explain with the aid of diagrams the importance of seismology in defining the Moho 6. Describe and explain with the aid of diagrams the seismic Low Velocity Zone 7. Draw a graph to show the changes in P and S wave velocities and density with depth 8. Explain how this graph provides evidence for a solid inner and liquid outer core 9. Draw a diagram to illustrate the paths of seismic waves as they pass through the Earth 10. Sketch a diagram to illustrate the Earth's magnetic field 11. Describe and explain the origin of the Earth's magnetic field 12. Why is the Earth's magnetic field important evidence for the composition of the core? 13. What is the difference between stony and iron meteorites and why are they important in interpreting the Earth's composition? 14. Briefly explain the origin of the layered structure of the Earth (8) GEOTREX | Contributor: Ben Church | Establishment: Monmouth Comprehensive School | Date: 11/04/2005 (20) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (2) (4) (2) (4) (2) (80)