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U.S. History Unit 9 Test-Imperialism and World War I
Match each description to the land it best identifies.
a. Cuba
b. Philippines
c. Hawaii
d. Alaska
e. Puerto Rico
1. In which country's harbor did the U.S.S. Maine explode?
2. In which island kingdom did large plantation owners revolt against the government when it tried to “nationalize” their
3. Which island was given to the U.S. by Spain as a result of the Spanish-American War?
4. Which land was known as Seward’s Folly because most Americans thought the purchase was a mistake?
5. Which country did America take over as a result of the Spanish-American War, and then annex against the will of the
natives, causing a bloody fight against those natives?
Multiple Choice:
6. Which of the following helped encourage the U.S. to become an imperialist nation?
a. American nationalism
b. The close of the frontier (all of the land in the Continental US had been conquered)
c. The example of European nations
d. The Industrial Revolution
e. all of these
7. “In our infancy we bordered upon the Atlantic only; our youth carried our boundary to the Gulf of
Mexico; today, maturity sees us upon the Pacific. Whether they will it or not, Americans must now
begin to look outward.” This late 19th Century quotation best reflects a United States foreign policy of:
a. imperialism
c. isolationism
b. collective security
d. peaceful coexistence
8. Why did the U.S. go to war with Spain?
a. Humanitarian reasons / we felt sorry for Cuba
b. To protect our economic interest (tobacco and sugar)
c. Yellow journalism
d. The American people wanted war
e. Explosion of the U. S. S. Maine
f. All of the above
9. Spain and the U. S. fought over the independence of
a. Cuba
b. Panama
c. Mexico
d. all of these
10. Who was responsible for the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine?
a. Rebel Cuban forces who wanted America to fight Spain
b. The Spanish who were retaliating against America
c. An American naval officer accidentally threw his lit cigarette on a fuel leak
d. No one knows what caused the explosion
11. What was the status of Cuba after the Spanish-American War?
a. American colony
b. Spanish colony
c. Independent but under the protection of America
12. In which of the following conflicts were United States military troops involved?
a. Boxer Rebellion
c. Panama's Independence
e. all of these
b. Cuba's Independence
d. Philippine Rebellion
13. In what chronological order did these events occur?
I. Panama gained its independence
II. the Panama Canal was completed
III. Colombia turned down a canal treaty with the United States
a. I, II, III
b. II, I, III
c. III, I, II
14. How did the U. S. acquire the Panama Canal?
a. purchased it from Colombia
c. purchased the rights to it from Panama
b. used the Marines to seize it
d. God granted it to the U.S.
15. In which of the following countries did the United States put the Open Door Policy into practice?
a. Japan
b. China
c. Puerto Rico
d. Philippines
16. Which of the following best describes Taft's foreign policy?
a. Watchful Waiting
b. Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
c. Dollar Diplomacy
d. Imperialism
17. President Roosevelt's foreign policy was most closely associated with the term
a. watchful waiting
b. big stick
c. dollar diplomacy
d. hands off
a. Woodrow Wilson
d. Queen Liliuokalani
g. Teddy Roosevelt
b. William Seward
e. Matthew Perry
h. William McKinley
c. Capt. Alfred Mahan
f. William Randolph Hearst
18. Naval officer who called for American expansion overseas in The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
19. Newspaper publisher who printed sensationalized stories about Spain’s actions in Cuba.
20. Commodore of the United States navy that demanded Japan trade with the US.
21. Hawaiian monarch who wanted to restore “Hawaii for the Hawaiians.”
22. Secretary of State who secured the purchase of Alaska.
23. American President during the Spanish-American War.
24. American President during World War I
25. American President that had the Panama Canal built
Matching the date to the event:
26. June 1914
27. April 1917
28. November 11, 1918
a. The United States officially declared war.
b. Germany signed an armistice agreement ending the fighting of WWI
c. Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.
T. True
F. False
29. In winning Presidential reelection in 1916, Woodrow Wilson was aided by the
slogan, “He kept us out of the war.”
30. The Zimmerman Note sought to convince Mexico to declare was against the U.S.
31. The Treaty of Versailles severely limited Germany’s army and navy
32. Germany used U-Boats in an attempt to create a naval blockade
33. Germany was required to pay reparations, or war damages, after the war.
34. The War Labor Board was a private organization in America which protested the
treatment of American prisoners of war in German work camps.
35. The Espionage and Sedition Acts were enacted to encourage Americans to support the war effort.
Multiple Choice
36. President Wilson’s policy at the beginning of World War I was to
a. send lend-lease aid to nations attacked by Germany
b. declare war against the Central Powers
c. prohibit trade with warring nations
d. issue a Proclamation of Neutrality
37. The immediate cause for the entry of the United States into World War I was Germany’s
a. sinking of the Lusitania
b. sinking of the Sussex
c. invasion of Belgium
d. sinking of 3 American ships after promising not to
e. Germany’s Zimmerman note proposing that Mexico attack the US
38. Which is NOT considered a factor that influenced the U. S. to enter World War I?
a. anger at Germany for killing Americans on the Lusitania
b. desire to gain overseas possessions
c. desire to help France, our friend since the American Revolution
e. loyalty to England, our mother country and primary trading partner
39. The United States raised money to carry on World War I primarily by
a. the sale of government-owned property
b. selling bonds: Victory bonds or Liberty bonds to American citizens
c. loans obtained from the Allies
40. Which would be ok according to Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
a. a secret military alliance between the United States and France
b. Germany building a large military
c. the British navy stopping and boarding commercial transport ships in the middle of the Atlantic
d. creating new European countries according to common ethnic groups or races
41. Which principle of Wilson’s Fourteen Points was incorporated in the Treaty of
a. open diplomacy
b. removal of economic barriers
c. limitation of armaments (weapons) for all signers of the treaty
d. League of Nations
42. They United States rejected the Treaty of Versailles mainly because the treaty
a. contained the League of Nations
b. made Germany assume sole guilt of the war
c. required Germany to pay reparations
d. provided for the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France
43. Which of the following leaders did NOT attend the Versailles peace conference?
a. President Woodrow Wilson- U. S.
b. Premier Georges Clemenceau - France
c. Prime Minister David Lloyd George – Great Britain
d. Kaiser Wilhelm II - Germany
Chose the term or person that does NOT relate to the one in BOLD print.
44. Allied Powers:
a. Russia
b. Japan
45. Weapons new to
World War I:
46. Causes of World War I:
c. England
d. Italy
a. poison gas
b. tanks
e. United States
f. France
c. nuclear bombs
d. giant artillery guns
a. nationalism
b. militarism
g. Austria- Hungary
e. airplanes
c. isolationism
d. imperialism
Write the letter of the best answer. (A letter may be used more than once.)
Central Powers
47. Which nation fought on the side of Great Britain?
48. Which nation fought on the side of Germany in the war?
49. Which alliance did Russia leave when it dropped out of
the war?
50. Which alliance did the United States join when it
entered the war?
51. Which alliance included Germany and Austria-Hungary?